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Autograph Letter Signed from the historian Sir Charles Oman to the antiquary Major Norman George Brett-James, regarding his 'Extents and Surveys of Hendon', All Souls College, and Tudor coinage.

Sir Charles Oman [Sir Charles William Chadwick Oman; Sir C. W. C. Oman] (1860-1946) historian, of All Souls College, Oxford [Major Norman George Brett-James (b.1879, fl.1955), FSA]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Frewin Hall, Oxford. 3 April 1934.

1p., 4to. 12 lines, in close, neat hand. Good, on aged paper. He received Brett-James's paper that day, and 'read it through all except some of the statistics'. He discusses the 'exceptional' nature of Middlesex, college maps and the difference between the estates held in Hendon and Edgware by Alls Souls College, and 'some of our Midland estates'. In the second paragraph he comments on 'letting values in Tudor times', 'the effect of the depreciation of coinage' and 'the awful meddling with currency between 1543 and 1548'.

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