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Autograph itemised 'pay Bill for Captain Carrs. Recruiting Party', signed, with receipt, by 'Geo: Deans Serjeant'.

[Captain Carr's Recruiting Party, 1778; George Deans, Recruiting Sergeant; the British Army; press gangs]
Publication details: 
Receipt dated 28 March 1778.
Autograph itemised 'pay Bill for Captain Carrs. Recruiting Party'

12mo, 1 p. Neatly written with six items, beginning with '2 weeks pay for Serjt: Deans and Dr. Marton', and ending with 'Expences Contracted on account of Mc.Dougall'. Includes 'A Cockade for Joseph Harriegat & one for Dr. Harris'. Deans acknowledges receipt of £2 11s. The last item, of 5s is not included in the payment, and the bill is docketed on the reverse '1778 | Serj. Deans Bill a 5s Mist[ak]e.' The identity of the relevant regiment is unclear.

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