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[Giuseppe 'Pino' Orioli, Florentine bookseller and companion of Norman Douglas.] Autograph Signature ('G. Orioli'), and Signed Autograph Inscription ('Pino') on title-leaf of his book 'Adventures of a Bookseller'.

Giuseppe Orioli [Pino Orioli] (1884-1942), Italian bookseller, first publisher of 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' by D. H. Lawrence, and close companion of the English novelist Norman Douglas
Publication details: 
The inscription is dated 'Florence day of publication', the book being published in Florence in 1937.

Only the prelims of the book are present, on four leaves. In fair condition, on aged paper, with slight damage at the margin of the first leaf. Orioli's two inscriptions are on the two central leaves. Comprising a leaf with series title ('The Lungarno Series No. 12'); leaf with half-title and limitation (no 5 of 300) on reverse, signed 'G. Orioli'; title leaf; and contents leaf. The inscription on the title reads: 'This is for Barbara and Raphael | with love and affection | from Pino [Orioli] | Florence day of publication'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sylvia Lynd, poet and novelist.

S. S. Koteliansky (1880-1955), translator and journalist.
Publication details: 
5 Acacia Road, St John's Wood; 10 Sept. 1935.

ALS, 5 Acacia Road, St John's Wood; 10 Sept. 1935. He writes regarding the plans for the publication of Dorothy Richardson's novel Clear Horizon.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sylvia Lynd, poet and novelist.

S. S. Koteliansky (1880-1955), translator and journalist.
Publication details: 
5 Acacia Road, St John's Wood; 10 Sept. 1935.

ALS, 5 Acacia Road, St John's Wood; 10 Sept. 1935. He writes regarding the plans for the publication of Dorothy Richardson's novel Clear Horizon.

Autograph Nore Signed J. Middleton Murry, critic and editor, to [Hugh] Massingham, editor and author., about William Morris.

J. Middleton Murry, critic and editor
Publication details: 
[Embossed] The Old Rectory, Larling, Nr. Norwich, 2 June 1932.

One page, obl.12mo, fold marks, mainly good. ... It was king of you to write, and Iappreciate it. In candour, I ought to say that [William] Morris was a revelation to me also when I came to read him for the purposes of your brother's book [The Great Victorians pubd 1932, ed. Massingham and his brother]. He was one of the people I had taken as read. I was fairly overwhelmed by the profound insight of his later writings. | I agree with you about Chesterton's 'Chaucer'. I liked it very much indeed.

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