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Autograph Letter Signed ('J. T. Calcutta.') to unnamed 'brother clergy[man] of the diocese'.

John Thomas James (1786-1828), Bishop of Calcutta
Publication details: 
Calcutta. Feb. 14. 1828'.

Two pages, quarto. Very good. 'It is great pleasure that I sit down to write to any one of my brother clergy of the diocese, as it seems an approach to that acquaintance with them which I hope before long to have an opportunity of making personally'. '[P]ressure of business' makes impossible 'any very specific answer' to the contents of his correspondent's letter, 'But they shall not be forgotten'. He will 'speak to the Military board as to the Bungalow appointed for public worship'. He laments that the 'situation with regard to the military' has not been adequately defined.

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