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[ Shakespeare Commemoration, 1913. ] Attractive and crisply-printed poster for a lecture by William Martin on 'The Cinema in its Relation to the Drama'. With 'Synopsis' and list of 'Cinematographic Films'.

[ William Martin, Vice-President, Shakespeare Reading Society; London Shakespeare League; Shakespeare Commemoration, 1913. ] [ Sir Sidney Lee; Wynne Runting ]
Publication details: 
'Joint celebration by the Shakespeare Reading Society and the London Shakespeare League.' On 28 April 1913, at King's College, London.

Printed in black and red on one side of a piece of 37.5 x 26 cm wove paper, with Charles Martin 'Extra Strong' watermark. Text enclosed in attractive decorative border. At foot: 'God Save the King. | At a Piano ... ... ... ... Miss Wynne Runting'.

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