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Autograph Letter Signed ('Hugo') from Anglo-Jewish poet Hugo Manning to Gerald Long, with a copy of Manning's book 'Modigliani', inscribed to Gerald and Anne Long.

Hugo Manning (1913-1977), Anglo-Jewish poet, journalist and mystic [Gerald Long (1922-1998), General Manager of Reuters, 1963-1981]
Publication details: 
Letter: 46 Belsize Square, London, NW3. 15 September 1976. Book: Enitharmon Press, London. 1976.

Letter: 1p., 4to. Good, on blue paper. Addressed to 'Dear Gerry', it reads: 'Please accept the enclosed book. I hope you & your family are well & flourishing. We have to soldier on - with some hope in our hearts - despite the molestations of a dark age. | The best there is | [signed] Hugo'. Book: 34 + [i] pp., 8vo. Very good copy; in fair dustwrapper, with slight spotting at head. Limited to 550 copies. Inscribed on half-title 'To Gerald & Anne Long | wishing them peace & all good things | [signed] Hugo Manning | 1976'.

Notebook in the autograph of Hugo Manning, copying out the beginning of his sequence of poems 'Beyond the Terminus of Stars'.

Hugo Manning (1913-1977), Anglo-Jewish poet, journalist and mystic [Gerald Long (1922-1998), General Manager of Reuters, 1963-1981]
Publication details: 
Undated, with 'PHOENIX PRESS | LONDON | W.8 | First published in 1949.' at foot of first page.

18pp., in a 16mo notebook. In good condition, in lightly-worn decorative paper boards. The entire volume is in Manning's autograph, with a title-page reading: 'BEYOND THE TERMINUS of STARS | A Sequence | HUGO MANNING | PHOENIX PRESS | LONDON | W.8 | First published in 1949'. Sections I ('What new life stirs in the worst of pain') to VIII ('Many wear masks in this pathological drama:') are copied out complete, and IX ('When the bird of sundown sheds its blood of darkness,') ending with the line 'Graduated in Lisbon at a cabaret for tourists,'. A fair copy, without any apparent revisions.

Das Ich und die Abwehrmechanismen.

Anna Freud
Publication details: 
Vienna: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag. 1936.

FIRST EDITION. 207 pages, octavo. Bound up with the front and back wraps laid onto the boards. Lacks half-title. Worn copy on spotted and discoloured paper.

Psychoanalyse ihre bedeutung und ihr einfluss auf jugenderziehung, kinderaufklärung, berufs- und liebeswahl.

Dr. Rudolf Urbantschitsch
Publication details: 
1924. Wien und Leipzig: Verlag Von Moritz Perles.

Psychoanalyst (1879-1965). 46 pages, 8vo. 2 pages of publisher's advertisements at rear. In original brown printed wraps. Paper browning and with some wear to first and last leaves, and some loss, wear and closed tears to wraps.

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