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[ William Leighton Leitch, Scottish artist. ] Four Autograph Letters Signed (all 'W L Leitch'), two to 'Miss Macerone' and two to 'Miss Emily', in two of which he despairs of his continuing ill health and its effects on his work.

William Leighton Leitch (1804-1883), Scottish painter and illustrator, drawing master to Queen Victoria, and Vice President of the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours [Miss Macerone, pianist ]
Publication details: 
The two letters to 'Miss Macerone' from Sidney House, Boundary Rd, St John's Wood [London]; 15 March 1866 and 'Friday' [no date]. The two letters to 'Miss Emily': from 124 Alexandra Rd, St John's Wood. 28 February and 11 March 1878.

The first item with discoloration to the first leaf; the rest in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: To Miss Macerone. 15 March 1866. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. He is sorry he missed her earlier, it being 'such a rare thing for me to be out at that time of the afternoon'. He has been 'nearly wild with rheumatism lately', and is 'taking some hot air baths'. He is 'obliged to be at 40 Gt. Marlborough St. at 5 O'Clock' and trusts that 'another bath or two will make me fit to work for I am most shockingly behind hand for the Gallery'.

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