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[ Peter Graham, Scottish artist. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear Jack' [i.e. John, son of Scottish artist Faed], regarding his pictures in a Royal Academy exhibition.

Peter Graham (1836-1921), RA, Scottish artist [ Thomas Faed (1826-1900), Scottish painter ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 93 Ladbroke Grove, Notting Hill, London W. 29 March [no year].

2pp., 16mo. Bifolium with black border. He writes that he had 'looked forward with great interest to seeing your academy pictures for this year', but that he is disappointed not to be able to do so, as a result of a heavy cold. 'I have no doubt they will more than sustain your reputation, and it will be a true pleasure to me to hail them on good places on the line in the R.A.' He ends by sending regards 'to Mrs. Faed & yourself'.

[ William Leighton Leitch, Scottish artist. ] Four Autograph Letters Signed (all 'W L Leitch'), two to 'Miss Macerone' and two to 'Miss Emily', in two of which he despairs of his continuing ill health and its effects on his work.

William Leighton Leitch (1804-1883), Scottish painter and illustrator, drawing master to Queen Victoria, and Vice President of the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours [Miss Macerone, pianist ]
Publication details: 
The two letters to 'Miss Macerone' from Sidney House, Boundary Rd, St John's Wood [London]; 15 March 1866 and 'Friday' [no date]. The two letters to 'Miss Emily': from 124 Alexandra Rd, St John's Wood. 28 February and 11 March 1878.

The first item with discoloration to the first leaf; the rest in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: To Miss Macerone. 15 March 1866. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. He is sorry he missed her earlier, it being 'such a rare thing for me to be out at that time of the afternoon'. He has been 'nearly wild with rheumatism lately', and is 'taking some hot air baths'. He is 'obliged to be at 40 Gt. Marlborough St. at 5 O'Clock' and trusts that 'another bath or two will make me fit to work for I am most shockingly behind hand for the Gallery'.

[Richard Redgrave, RA, English artist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Richd Redgrave') to the artist Walter Fryer Stocks, discussing his intention to teach landscape drawing in Leamington, and praising his painting 'The Last Gleam'.

Richard Redgrave (1804-1888), RA, English artist, Surveyor of the Queen's Pictures,1857-1880 and art education reformer [Walter Fryer Stocks (1842-1915), English artist]
Publication details: 
18 Hyde Park Gate, South Kensington. Undated.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. On aged and worn paper. Addressed to 'Walter F. Stocks Esq'. He begins by pointing out that his daughter is not to blame for the late reply: 'it is my own fault my correspondence being somewhat in arrears'.

[Printed booklet, with photographic illustrations.] The Mount Pleasant Artists' Rest Home. Rickmansworth. Hertfordshire. Founded 1929.

[The Mount Pleasant Artists' Rest Home, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, founded in 1929 by the artist Francis William Reckitt (1860-1932), 'as a Convalescent Rest Home for [...] male artists'
Publication details: 
[The Mount Pleasant Artists' Rest Home, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire.] Undated. [Circa 1929.]

15pp., landscape 12mo. With four additional pages of photographic plates ('Exterior facing south', 'The lounge', 'The dining room', 'A bedroom'). Stitched into grey printed wraps. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. The booklet includes a list of trustees and other officers, a descriptive text, the 'Regulations relating to the home', 'Form of application' (with two pages of 'rules', including 'CASES NOT ADMITTED') and 'Medical Report'. The descriptive text begins: 'The Home has been built and generously endowed by Mr. F. W.

[William Strang, Scottish painter and etcher.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm Strang') to an unnamed female recipient, regarding a meeting of the Art Workers' Guild.

William Strang (1859-1921), Scottish painter and etcher, President of the International Society of Sculptors, Painters, and Gravers [The Art Workers' Guild]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 7 Hamilton Terrace, NW [London]. 20 January 1916.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper. The letter reads: 'Dear Madam | Thank you for your reminder about reading the paper tomorrow night. | I will be at the Guild before 8, and get the slides.' Strang was Master of the Art Workers' Guild.

[William Strang, Scottish painter and etcher.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm Strang') to 'Daffarn', regarding an engagement with him and his 'friend Watson'.

William Strang (1859-1921), Scottish painter and etcher, President of the International Society of Sculptors, Painters, and Gravers
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 7 Hamilton Terrace, NW [London]. 2 April 1907.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on aged paper. The letter reads: 'Dear Daffarn | I will be in any time in the afternoon after 2.30 on Friday, & will be pleased to see you and your friend Watson. | The work goes on slowly but I think I will finish in time.'

[William Strang, Scottish painter and etcher.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm Strang') to an unnamed female recipient, regarding a meeting of the Art Workers' Guild.

William Strang (1859-1921), Scottish painter and etcher, President of the International Society of Sculptors, Painters, and Gravers [The Art Workers' Guild]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 7 Hamilton Terrace, NW [London]. 20 January 1916.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper. The letter reads: 'Dear Madam | Thank you for your reminder about reading the paper tomorrow night. | I will be at the Guild before 8, and get the slides.' Strang was Master of the Art Workers' Guild.

[William Strang, Scottish painter and etcher.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm Strang') to 'Daffarn', regarding an engagement with him and his 'friend Watson'.

William Strang (1859-1921), Scottish painter and etcher, President of the International Society of Sculptors, Painters, and Gravers
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 7 Hamilton Terrace, NW [London]. 2 April 1907.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on aged paper. The letter reads: 'Dear Daffarn | I will be in any time in the afternoon after 2.30 on Friday, & will be pleased to see you and your friend Watson. | The work goes on slowly but I think I will finish in time.'

[Malcolm Osborne, painter.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to Westley Manning, in the first describing his wartime enlistment in the Artists Rifles, and training under the artist William Lee-Hankey.

Malcolm Osborne (1880-1963), English landscape painter [William Westley Manning (1868-1954), artist; The Artists Rifles, British Territorial Army; William Lee-Hankey (1869-1952), artist]
Publication details: 
The first from 11 Edith Grove, Chelsea. 24 July 1915. The second from 15 Redcliffe Square, South Kensington. 25 July 1921.

Both letters in very good condition, neatly written out on lightly-aged paper. ONE: 2pp., 4to.

[George Richmond, English portrait painter, disciple of William Blake.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Geo Richmond') to 'Lilian', in the first speaking of a 'bond between us', and in the second discussing a 'print & frame'.

George Richmond (1809-1896), English portrait painter, in his youth a disciple of William Blake, and one of the 'Shoreham Ancients'
Publication details: 
Both on letterhead of 20 York Street, Portman Square [London]. 2 November1882 and 7 July 1885.

Both in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, and both with a mourning border (the first thick and the second thin). ONE: 3pp., 16mo. He apologises for 'having neglected to answer' her 'too kind and pretty note'. 'And really such neglect does great injusticce to my feeling, for your note brought back to me in vivid recollection, a visit to when we were both in great sorrow, which I am sure was a bond between us, though we had our games of Whist in the Evening with your Aunt Laura & Mrs. Buchanan!' TWO: 2pp., 16mo. He is glad she likes 'both print & frame'.

[Sir Thomas Dyke Acland.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos. Dyke Acland') to an unnamed recipient, explaining how he has ceased to make charitable payments to the widow of an artist 'labouring under loss or decay of sight'.

Sir Thomas Dyke Acland (1787-1871), successively Conservative Member of Parliament for Devonshire and North Devon
Publication details: 
From the Waterloo Hotel, on his crested letterhead. 10 June 1863.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight traces of glue from mount along one edge. A hurried letter, illegible at points. 'You will see the name of yr. respectable at the end of the enclosed Petition from My Own Hand. She has no right to refer to me for any further knowledge of herself and her husband, or his position of art - than that of my having understood him to be an artist in a state of much distress, labouring under loss or decay of sight, & that I for some years I might almost , I gave him occasional relief.

Original Victorian pencil cartoon by E. R. White, titled 'Photo-"Graphic Rivalry"', depicting neighbouring photographers attempting to sell cartes de visite to a figure resembling John Bull.

E. R. White, Victorian cartoonist [early photography; nineteenth century cartes de visite]
Publication details: 
Dated by White to January 1862.

On 20 x 24 cm piece of thick laid paper. A spirited and highly-finished cartoon, apparently unpublished. The two photographers have emerged from neighbouring doorways to solicit a portly Englishman, attired like John Bull, who holds his hands up in a gesture of exasperation or refusal. He is accompanied by a young boy, hands in pockets. The photographer on the left is dressed in the French or Italian style, back to the viewer, waving his cartes de visite around.

Autograph Note Signed ('Danl. MacClise') from the artist Daniel Maclise to Henry Howard, Secretary of the Royal Academy, giving the title of his painting 'The Vow of The Ladies and the Peacock from The Chronicles off Froissart and others'.

Daniel Maclise (1806-1870), Irish artist associated with Fraser's Magazine and Charles Dickens [Henry Howard (1769-1847), Secretary of the Royal Academy]
Publication details: 
63 Upper Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, London. [1835.]

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, attached by a stub to a piece of brown paper cut from an album. A fine, firm signature, employing an alternative spelling of the surname (the Oxford DNB notes that it was in 1835 that Maclise abandoned 'other forms' of it). Trimmed down from a letter, and addressed by Maclise on the reverse to 'Henry Howard Esqr. | R.A. | Secy.' The note simply gives the title, with Maclise's signature and address, as follows, of the painting he entered in the Royal Academy exhibtion of 1835.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Davis Richter') from the English painter H. Davis Richter to Dorothy Swan

H. Davis Richter [Herbert Davis Richter] (1874-1955), English artist [Dorothy Swan]
Publication details: 
Letter on letterhead of 5 Redcliffe Square, South Kensington, SW10. 28 January 1946.

Item One: Autograph Letter Signed from Richter to Swan. 1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly spotted paper. From the letter it would appear that in 1946 Richter was acting as one of the selectors for the 59th Exhibition of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters, at the Royal Academy of Arts, Piccadilly, London. He writes that he is enclosing 'the mighty deed [a book, as the letter explains], also the invitation for the exhibition at the Royal Academy valid from Feb. 13 to March 17.

[Printed pamphlet satirising the 1879 Royal Academy exhibition.] The Piccadilly Peep-Show; or, Round the R.A. in 15 minutes. By Wallis Mackay. [Preceded by 'The Piccadilly Peep-Showman's Song. By Walter Pelham.']

Wallis Mackay [Walter Pelham; The Royal Academy of Arts, London]
Publication details: 
Published by Richardson and Best, 5, Queen's Head Passage, Paternoster Row. [1879.] [London: The Artistic Colour Printing Company, Limited, Playhouse Yard, Barbican.]

44 + [i] + [iii], 8vo. In original grey printed wraps. Fair: on aged paper, in worn wraps separating at spine (as is the bifolium carrying the first and last leaves). Ownership inscription at head of front wrap: 'C. L. F.' Numerous amusing illustrations in text, which is followed by a spoof 'Blank Page for School Boys and others to Sketch upon.' and three pages of advertisements. Further advertisements on inside of front wrap, and on both sides of back wrap. Scarce: the only copy of this undated first edition on COPAC at the V&A.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W P Frith') from the artist William Powell Frith [W. P. Frith] to an unnamed correspondent [Lawrence Alma Tadema?], regarding a forthcoming lecture by the 'Punch' cartoonist and novelist George du Maurier.

William Powell Frith [W. P. Frith] (1819-1909), English genre painter [George du Maurier (1834-1896), 'Punch' cartoonist and author of 'Trilby'; Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1836-1912), Victorian artist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Ashenhurst, 7 Sydenham Rise, SE [London]. 13 May 1892.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightl-aged paper. He regrets that 'absence from London' will prevent him from 'attending the lecture' of his 'old friend Dumaurier', to whom he wishes 'every possible success'. He thanks the recipient for 'the compliment implied' in his invitation. On 25 May 1892 The Times reports a lecture that day at 'Prince's Hall: Mr. Du Maurier on "Social Pictorial Satire," Mr. Alma-Tadema, R.A., in the chair, 9.'

Typed Letter Signed ('Edwin H. Blashfield') by the American mural painter Edwin Howland Blashfield, inviting Mr and Mrs Thomas to visit him in his studio in Carnegie Hall, to see works 'which will probably not be exhibited again in New York'.

Edwin H. Blashfield [Edwin Howland Blashfield] (1848-1936), American mural painter [Carnegie Hall, New York]
Publication details: 
[New York.] 17 April 1918.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. A circular, with Blashford adding the names of the recipients in manuscript, together with the words 'and Thursday, April 25' and 'and a pastiche poster'. An invitation on 22 and 25 April 1918, to 'a very few friends (as my studio will only hold a few) to come to me on the eighth floor of Carnegie Hall, 57th Street and 7th Avenue, to see several decorative canvases, and a pastiche poster, some of which will probably not be exhibited again in New York'. Blashfield's papers are in the Archives of American Art at the Smithsonian.

Calling card of 'Mrs. Byam Shaw [the artist Evelyn C. E. Shaw, born Evelyn Eunice Pyke-Nott].

Evelyn C. E. Shaw (1870–1959) [born Evelyn Eunice Pyke-Nott], artist, wife of the painter Byam Shaw (1872-1919)
Publication details: 

Measuring 9 x 6 cm. With 'Mrs.. Byam Shaw' in larger type in centre, with '62, Addison Road, W.' in bottom left-hand corner, and '2nd. Wednesday &| 2nd. Thursday' diagonally in top left-hand corner. On aged paper, with the address '21 Wilton Street | S. W. 1 | Wednesday' in ink at head, and '88 Brook Green' in pencil on the reverse. A pencil name and telephone number ('Vic. 3583') have been erased.

Seven Autograph Letters Signed (five 'Glyn' and one 'Glyn Philpot') from the artist Glyn Philpot to the diplomat Ernest Frederick Gye.

Glyn Philpot [Glyn Warren Philpot] (1884-1937), painter and sculptor [Ernest Frederick Gye (1879-1955), diplomat]
Publication details: 
One dated 1927 and another 1931; the others undated. Three from Lansdowne House, Holland Park, the others from London and Paris.
Glyn Philpot [Glyn Warren Philpot] (1884-1937), painter and sculptor

The seven items in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper and with the last two with wear to extremities. ONE: 15 June 1929; on letterhead of Lansdowne House, Lansdowne Road, Holland Park. 1 p, 4to. Accepting a dinner invitiation. 'I wish we did not meet so seldom, and after this long gap I hope we shall see each other more often'. TWO: 10 January 1931; on letterhead as One. 2 pp, 12mo. He is 'going to work in Paris a good deal this year - and shall often have occasion to take unfinished - or finished - things - pictures drawings - small sculpture to & fro between here & Paris'.

Signed portrait in ink by Brian Bagnall of 'Sir Harold Acton at a private view of Russell Foreman paintings Arts Club'.

Brian Bagnall (1921-2004), cartoonist and illustrator, best-known for his work for the magazine Private Eye [Sir Harold Acton (1904-1994)]
Publication details: 
Dated by Bagnall 20 January 1982.
Brian Bagnall (1921-2004), cartoonist and illustrator

On piece of good quality art paper, 15 x 19 cm. In good condition, in grey card frame. Shows a cheery Acton in profile, drawn in grey and black. Signed in ink on drawing 'b.g.b. | 82', with 'Sir Harold Acton at the Arts Club 20.I.82' in pencil at foot. On the reverse of the drawing Bagnall has written 'Brian Bagnall | Sir Harold Acton at a private view of Russell Forman paintings Arts Club 20.I.82'.

Five coloured posters by Australian artist Ellis Silas, each in the style of a frieze or panorama, depicting eleven 'British' explorers, from the Cabot brothers to Captain Oates, before scenic backgrounds.

Ellis Silas (1883-1972), Anglo-Australian artist, official war artist with ANZAC forces in the First World War [British poster art]
Publication details: 
[1930s? Place and publisher not stated.]
Ellis Silas (1883-1972), Anglo-Australian artist

The five posters, presumably produced for the classroom, are scarce, with no reference to them on the internet or elsewhere. They are attractively painted in a bold and vivid panoramic frieze style. Each carries a single illustration showing two (counting the Cabot brothers as one) explorers in front of groups of men, with a merged background behind them.

Photographic reproduction of ink drawing by the English artist C. W. Furse, for an 1892 menu, titled 'GHOULS', and carrying an original signed inscription by Furse 'To my friend H[ercules]. [Brabazon] Brabazon. [signed] Charles W Furse.'

C. W. Furse [Charles Wellington Furse (1868-1904); Hercules Brabazon Brabazon (1821-1906), English painter]
Publication details: 
Dated as part of the design 25 January 1892 and 'C. W. FURSE ./ 92'.
Ghouls [C.W. Furse].

Portrait: 34.5 x 20 cm. Laid down on a piece of paper of the same size. Good: a little dusty and with unobtrusive 1.5 cm closed tear to left margin, and minor traces of previous mounting on reverse. Very good reproduction, on photographic paper of a complex, ghostly scene in a moonlit graveyard, with a number of supernatural figures among the graves. Decorative border with elongated skeletons.

[Printed item, with manuscript annotations.] A Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits. From Egbert the Great to the Present Time.

Henry Bromley [English engraved portraits; print collecting; Captain Neville Rodwell Wilkinson; Captain Neville Rodwell Wilkinson, Ulster King of Arms and Principal Herald of All Ireland]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for T. Payne, Mews Gate; J. Edwards, Pall-Mall; W. Otridge and Son, Strand; and R. Faulder, New Bond Street. 1793.

4to, [xiv] + 479 + [Appendix:] 56 + [Index:] [lxxx] pp. Uncut, in original quarter-binding of grey paper boards and green cloth spine, with chipped red paper label, gilt, 'CATALOGUE OF BRITISH PORTRAITS'. Internally sound and tight on aged paper, apart from detached half-title and flyleaf. In worn boards, with closed tears to hinges. Ownership inscription of 'F. Walker' on flyleaf, and armorial bookplate of Captain Neville Rodwell Wilkinson, Ulster King of Arms and Principal Herald of All Ireland, on front pastedown.

Autograph Letter Signed from the English painter Adrian Allinson to fellow-artist Jean Inglis.

Adrian Allinson (1890-1959), English artist [Jean Inglis]
Publication details: 
29 March 1956. Postmark of St John's Wood, London.
Autograph Letter Signed from the English painter Adrian Allinson

4to, 2 pp. 46 lines. Clear and complete. Good, on aged paper. He thanks her for putting the commission of 'Mr Proger' his way, discussing the circumstances. 'Just 3 days before I received his letter, while Molly & I were making some sort of order in the Augean Stable which is my lower studio, workshop & general storage place I came across this little panel (a view of Burleigh) which I had thrown asside [sic] as a dud.

Autograph Note Signed from the Punch illustrator Charles Keene ('Charles S. Keene') to fellow-artist Frank Walton.

Charles Keene [Charles S. Keene; Charles Samuel Keene] (1823-1891), English illustrator, known for his work for 'Punch' [Frank Walton (1840-1928), artist]
Publication details: 
Undated. 55 Baker Street, London.
Autograph Note Signed from the Punch illustrator Charles Keene

12mo, 1 p. Fair, on aged paper folded twice. He has 'no idea where the Graphotype Company "hail from" & cannot find out', despite making enquiries.

Manuscript Letter from Bradley & Co., 'Picture Frame Makers, Packers & Conveyancers, Exhibition Agents' to the artitst W. F. Stocks, giving their charges for delivering pictures to the Royal Academy.

Bradley & Co., Picture Frame Makers, Packers & Conveyancers, Exhibition Agents, of London [The Royal Academy]
Publication details: 
London, 14 March 1903; on Bradley & Co. letterhead, 81 Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, London.
Picture Frame Makers, Packers & Conveyancers

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium. Written out in one hand, and signed 'Bradley & Co' in another. Addressed to 'W. F. Stocks Esqre | Glen Elwy | St Asaph. | Flint[shire]'. Thirteen lines. Text clear and complete. On foxed and lightly-aged paper. Giving the firm's 'charge for receiving unpacking & delivering pictures to the R.A. or other London Exhibitions' and for 'collecting repacking & forwarding', as well as the dimensions of pictures for which these charges apply.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Chas Landseer') to [Walter F. Stocks].

Charles Landseer (1799-1879), R.A., English artist, elder brother of Sir Edwin Landseer
Publication details: 
30 January [1870?]; Royal Academy, on letterhead of the Athenaeum Club.
Autograph Letter Signed ('Chas Landseer')

12mo, 2 pp. 15 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper. Providing a 'recommendation as a teacher' for his correspondent, 'in the neighbourhood of Leamington'. 'My observation of the progress you have made, during your studentship at the Royal Academy enables me to state, that, you are, in my opinion fully competent to undertake the teaching of the elementary branches of art'. From a small archive of Walter F. Stocks's correspondence.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Philip H. Calderon') to the Committee of Education, Queen's College, Harley Street.

Philip Hermogenes Calderon (1833-1898), RA, English painter of Franco-Spanish parentage [Walter F. Stocks]
Publication details: 
15 June 1898; on letterhead of Weston Lodge, 16 Grove End Road, London NW.
Autograph Letter Signed ('Philip H. Calderon', artist)

12mo, 1 p. Ten lines. Clear and complete. On bifolium with mourning border. Fair, on aged and discoloured paper. Endorsing the application of Walter F. Stocks for 'the vacant professorship of landscape painting in Queen's College'. Stocks 'has been an exhibitor at the Royal Academy for many years' and Calderon 'has admired his paintings on our walls'.

Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'A. L. Baldry') to C. R. Grundy, editor of the Connoisseur, on the subject of the Royal Academy.

Alfred Lys Baldry (1858-1939), painter and art critic (Globe, Studio), author of a work on the Wallace Collection [Cecil Reginald Grundy (1870-1944), editor of the Connoisseur; the Royal Academy]
Publication details: 
5, 10 and 27 May 1921. All three on letterhead of Wolmer Road, Marlow Common, Marlow, Bucks.

All three letters 12mo: the first of three pages, and the last two one page apiece. Texts clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Letter One: Sir Henry Vansittart Neale will be pleased to allow Grundy 'a look at his pictures' at Bisham Abbey. Gives directions. Discusses Grundy's letter in the Daily Express, complaining about the 'crowding out' of pictures at the Royal Academy.

Autograph Letter, in the third person, to Grindlay [incomplete]

Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830), portrait painter, President of the Royal Academy [Captain Robert Melville Grindlay (1786-1877)]
Publication details: 
[February 1829.]
Sir Thomas Lawrence,  portrait painter, Letter

12mo, 2 pp. First leaf of letter only. On worn aged paper, with slight loss and chpping to extremities. Docketed by Melville in red at head of first page with date 'Feby 1829'. Begins 'Sir Thos. Lawrence presents his Compts to Captn. Melville Grindlay, [...]'. Thanking Grindlay for the gift of 'his Works from the Scenery and Architecture of India; and from the Sculpture in the Cave Temples of Ellora'. Lawrence has 'received great pleasure from the frequent inspection' of the works. Ends abruptly, at foot of second page, 'and very particularly, from the view <...>'.

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