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Handbill of 'Rules for conducting the six-pence <...> Society, In Aid of the Funds for defraying the <Expence> of carrying on the Worship of God, In York-street Chapel, Manchester.'

York Street Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Todmorton, Manchester
Publication details: 
To commence from the first of January, 1820. [...] W. Cowdroy, printer, Manchester.'

On one side of a piece of paper roughly 22 x 14 cms. Good, apart from some repaired damage at head from scorching, resulting in loss to two lines of text. Title followed by the eight rules of the Society over twenty-one lines of text. At foot names of the sixteen members of the Committee (eight ladies and eight gentlemen), together with those of the treasurer and secretary. According to BBTI William Cowdroy Jr was a printer, publisher and newspaper proprietor between 1795 and 1824.

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