Original typescript 'Supplement to P.I.J. 12/57', headed 'Secret | The threat of Communist Subversion in the Federation of Malaya'.

[Malayan Communist Party; Federation of Malaya [Malaysia]; C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police]
Publication details: 
December 1957.
SKU: 12994

8pp., foolscap 8vo. With a few pencil emendations. In good condition. The document is divided into sections discussing MCP aims, tactics, 'Youth, Students and Schoolchildren', 'Labour', propaganda, 'The United Front', and a conclusion. 'It should be clearly understood that the Malayan Communist Party owes allegiance to the World Communist Movement led by the Soviet Union, with Communist China in close support, which aims to set up (by revolutionary means if necessary) a World Union of Socialist Soviet Republics. | In 1948, at the time when it was still an open and lawful political party, the Malayan Communist Party on the instigation of the C.C.P. decided it would speed up the creation of a Communist State in Malaya by an armed revolution. | This unrestricted terror campaign has failed to gain public support and has, in fact, alienated the sympathy of the majority of the peoples of the Federation of Malaya.' From the private papers of C. A. A. Nicol, who joined the Malayan Union Police Force in 1950, and in the Royal Malaysian Poilce between 1957 and 1967, 'to assist in promoting and consolidating the successful transition to full independence. During this period the Special Branch played a vital role in maintaining peace and security in the country.'