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[Frank Butterworth] Typed Letter Signed to Robert Lynd, journalist and author.

Frank N. Butterworth (1875-1952), author, pseud. 'Peter Blundell', specialising in tales of Malaya.
Publication details: 

TLS, on letterhead of Dacres, Quantock Rod, Weston-super-Mare; 19 April 1937, 3pp., 4to, good condition. Long paranoid letter, bitterly attacking 'seaside towns', and Weston-super-Mare in particular, as 'run by councillors of the Tammany Hall type, interested in the sale of "drink" and all the various things that go with it'.

[Robert Cole.] Around 260 Autograph Letters Signed to his parents in England, describing his life while working in the Malay Fisheries Department; with 20 letters from his wife Cicely to Rosalind Cole.

Robert Cole of the Department of Fisheries, Federation of Malaya [Penang, Malacca)
Publication details: 
Mostly written from Penang and Malacca in the Malay Federation. Dating from between 1952 and 1967.

The archive contains around 280 letters, two packets and negatives, various postcards, brochures and a driving licence. It contains around 260 letters from Robert Cole to his parents in Littlehampton, Sussex, England during the time he took up a Government position with the Federation of Malaya Fisheries Department in 1952 (Penang and Malacca, where he worked, remained Crown Territories within the Federation); and about 20 letters from his wife Cicely to Rosalind Cole.

Duplicated document giving the 'Romanization', 'Chinese Characters' and 'Standardized Translation' of 'Governmental and Political Terminology' in the People's Republic of China.

[C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012) of the Malayan Union Police Force; Hong Kong]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Malayan or Hong Kong police document, 1960s?]

133pp., 4to, paginated 1-133. Stapled document without covers or wraps. A few manuscript additions, in pencil, by The first section, 'A. State Structure', begins with the entries under the subheadings 'People's Congress', 'People's Government', 'State Council' and 'Commissions Directly Under State Council'. This is followed by: 'B. Administrative Divisions', 'C. Provincial Government', 'D. Commune Organization', 'E. Chinese Communist Party Structure', 'F. Political Parties and People's Organizations', 'G. Congresses and Conferences Terminology', 'H. Military Ranks and Units', 'I.

Printed circular 'Message from the Secretary of State for the Colonies', G. H. Hall, to returning British Prisoners of War of the Japanese ('a barbarous enemy'). From the papers of C. A. A. Nicol, and carrying autograph notes by him.

G. H. Hall [George Henry Hall, 1st Viscount Hall] (1881-1965), Secretary of State for the Colonies [C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police]
Publication details: 
Colonial Office. October 1945.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. A frail survival, on aged and worn paper. The first page carries the 'Message', headed with the crest of the Colonial Office, and signed in type 'G. H. HALL.': 'Welcome home. You have suffered a long and bitter ordeal at the hands of a barbarous enemy. | You have never been out of our thoughts and we now know, as we had always expected, that you have borne the ordeal with the spirit of your race. | That experience is now past and freedom is yours again.

[Signed Mimeographed Typescript, headed 'SECRET'.] Federation of Malaya Police. [...] Subject: Burmese Names. [With accompanying Special Branch documents on 'MALAY NAMES' and 'INTERNATIONAL UNION OF STUDENTS'.]

J. C. Lobb, for Senior Assistant Commissioner, C.I.D., Federation of Malaya Police; C. A. A. Nicol, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police]
Publication details: 
Burmese Names document: [Federation of Malaya Police, Headquarters, C.I.D., P.O. Box 271, Kuala Lumpur.] HQ. Ref: SF/1/24/9. 13 November 1950. Other two documents without place or date.

Item One (Burmese Names): 1p., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Signed in red above '(J. C. COBB) | for Senior Asst. Commissioner, | C.I.D., Fed. of Malaya.' First page headed 'SECRET | FEDERATION OF MALAYA POLICE'. 'During the last S.B. course, certain police officers asked questions regarding Burmese names. | 2. The following is a list of titles used which might be mistaken for proper names: -'. The first of three numbered points following the examples: 'N.B. 1.

[Two printed booklets: 'Anchaman Komiunis yang Menggunakan Kekerasan Di-Malaysia Barat' and English translation 'The Militant Communist Threat to West Malaysia.'

Tun (Dr) Ismail bin Dato Haji Abdul Rahman, Minister of Home Affairs, Malaysia [Sarawak Communist Organisation; Communist Party of Malaya; Communist Terrorist Organisation]
Publication details: 
[Both pamphlets] Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Di-Chetak Di-Jabatan Chetak Kerajaan, Oleh Thor Beng Chong, A.M.N., Penchetak Kerajaan. 1966.

Malaysian original: vi+21pp., 8vo. English translation: vi+17pp., 8vo. Both printed in same layout and format, and both in red and black printed card wraps. Foreword, dated 24 October 1966, by Malaysian Minister of Home Affairs Tun (Dr) Ismail bin Dato Haji Abdul Rahman. Malaysian original near fine; English translation very good, with bumped corner.

[Printed booklet.] Malaya. The Road to Independence. ['a series of eleven talks specially arranged as an introduction to Malayan independence, which were originally broadcast in "London Calling Asia," the B.B.C.'s regional programme in English']

Tenku Abdul Rahman; Sir Donald MacGillivray; C. Northcote Parkinson; Malcolm MacDonald; Mohamed Khir Johari; Ong Yoke Lin; P.P. Narayanan; Sir Sydney Caine; Ya'acob bin Abdul Latiff; A. T. Lennox-Boyd
Publication details: 
Regional Information Service, Phoenix Park, Singapore. [Printed by Craftsman Press Ltd, Singapore.]

34pp., in green printed stapled wraps, with photographic plate of Tunku Abdul Rahman following the contents. In good condition, on aged paper, with slight wear to wraps. Accession stamp at head of front wrap of the Penang Contingent Headquarters Registry, dated 3 October 1957.

[Printed pamphlet.] Federation of Malaya. The Evidence Ordinance of the Federation of Malaya. F. of M. No. 11 of 1950. With Index. Compiled by S. Kula Singam, M.B.E., First Legal Assistant, Attorney-General's Chambers, Kuala Lumpur.

S. Kula Singam, M.B.E., First Legal Assistant, Attorney-General's Chambers, Kuala Lumpur, Malaya. [Malaysia]
Publication details: 
Kuala Lumpur: Printed at the Government Press by H. T. Ross, Government Printer. 1951.

[1] + vii + 84pp., 8vo. In grey printed wraps. Very good, with rusting from staples. Singam's 'subject-matter Index' covers pp.63-84. Scarce: the only copies on OCLC WorldCat and COPAC at the British Library, Lousiana State University Law Library, and Singapore. From the private papers of C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, who was a 'Member of a joint FCO/MOD department in Hong Kong' between 1970 and 1975.

Three typed 'SULIT CONFIDENTIAL' Royal Malaysian Police documents: 'The Educational System in Communist China', 'Political Activities in China. Mainland Educational Institutions', 'Methods of Indoctrination in China Mainland Educational Institutions'

[Methods of Indoctrination in the People's Republic of China; C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police]
Publication details: 
Respectively Parts III, IV and V. All three parts ''RJP/CKL/ISG'. Part III dated 20 September 1962. Part IV dated 29 September 1962. Part V dated 6 October 1962.

The three documents mimeographed on folio paper. Part III: 21pp. Part IV: 24pp. Part V: 18pp.; totalling 63pp. All three in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with the last leaves of Parts III and IV loose.

[Federation of Malaysia white paper.] A Plot Exposed. [Cmd. 12 of 1965. Malaysia. Presented to the Parliament by Command of His Majesty the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong. Ordered by the Dewan Ra'ayat to lie upon the table - 27th February, 1965.]

[Federation of Malaya; Sukarno; Indonesia; Dato Raja Abu Hanifah; Datu Kampo Radjo; Hussain Yaacob; Rais Anwar; Abdul Aziz bin Ishak; Ishak bin Haji Mohamed; Dr Burhanuddin; Tajuddin Kahar]
Publication details: 
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Di-Chetak Di-Jabatan Chetak Kerajaan, Oleh Thor Beng Chong, A.M.N., Penchetak Kerajaan.

vi + 24 pp., with fold-out 'Map of Malaysia'. Unbound and stapled. In fair condition, creased and with slight damage at head of first few leaves. According to the introduction the aim of the document is 'to show how a number of politicians in Malaysia have treacherously conspired together to bring this country under the domination of the Sukarno regime'. The first part is titled 'The Quickening Tempo of Indonesian Confrontation. Intensification of Subversive Activities. Arrival of R. M.

Copy of typewritten 'Rahsia-Secret' Malaysian intelligence document, titled 'Report on a Visit to Taiwan (Formosa) By Head, Psychological Warfare Section, Ministry of Home Affairs'.

Head, Psychological Warfare Section, Ministry of Home Affairs, Malaysia [C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police; Taiwan]
Publication details: 
[Psychological Warfare Section, Ministry of Home Affairs, Malaysia.] PWS/SEC/187/65. Kuala Lumpur. 2 November 1965.

[2] + 14pp., foolscap 8vo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper.

Original typescript 'Supplement to P.I.J. 12/57', headed 'Secret | The threat of Communist Subversion in the Federation of Malaya'.

[Malayan Communist Party; Federation of Malaya [Malaysia]; C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police]
Publication details: 
December 1957.

8pp., foolscap 8vo. With a few pencil emendations. In good condition. The document is divided into sections discussing MCP aims, tactics, 'Youth, Students and Schoolchildren', 'Labour', propaganda, 'The United Front', and a conclusion. 'It should be clearly understood that the Malayan Communist Party owes allegiance to the World Communist Movement led by the Soviet Union, with Communist China in close support, which aims to set up (by revolutionary means if necessary) a World Union of Socialist Soviet Republics.

Copy of typed Royal Malaysia Police Special Branch intelligence document titled 'Preparation and Submission of Confidential Reports [on officers]'. With five-page glossary of terms as appendix, under title 'Aids to Completion of Confidential Report'.

[Maktab Polis di-Haja [Royal Malaysia Police College], Persekutuan, Kuala Kubu Bharu; C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police]
Publication details: 
ONE: Maktab Polis di-Haja [Royal Malaysia Police College], Persekutuan, Kuala Kubu Bharu [Malaysia]. 5 August 1960. TWO (appendix): Without place or date, but same as One.

Both items foolscap 8vo. Stapled together. In fair condition, on aged and creased paper, with first leaf of first document loose. ONE: 'Preparation and Submission of Confidential Reports'. 8pp., foolscap 8vo. Divided into 44 sections, several of which are further divided into subsections. Headings include: 'Types of Confidential Report', 'Commendation and Awards', 'Definition of Terms', 'Colloquialisms and Unprecise Language', 'Principles of Preparation of Confidential Reports', 'Personal Knowledge of Officers', 'Officers Entitlement to see Reports', 'Adverse Reports'.

Copy of typewritten 'Secret' document headed 'Settlement of Penang. Extract from Chinese Affairs Supplement to Political Intelligence Report for September, 1955. Appendix A . Press Cutting from Straits Echo dated September 24, 1955' [Chinese triads].

[Federation of Malaya [Malaysia]; C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police; China; Chinese triads]
Publication details: 
Malaya. 1955.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. In good condition. Headed 'Secret'. Headings: 'The Hoong League', 'Founders. Symbols', 'Notorious Societies' and 'Mark of Leadership'. From the private papers of C. A. A. Nicol, who joined the Malayan Union Police Force in 1950, and in the Royal Malaysian Poilce between 1957 and 1967, 'to assist in promoting and consolidating the successful transition to full independence. During this period the Special Branch played a vital role in maintaining peace and security in the country.'

Copies of two typewritten intelligence documents by Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force, both headed 'EMERGENCY BRIEF', describing operations against the CTO [Communist Terrorist Organisation] in Malaya [Malaysia]. With manuscript additions.

[Communist Terrorist Organisation, Malaya [Malaysia]; C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police]
Publication details: 
[Malayan Union Police Force, Special Branch Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur; c.1959.]

The documents are numbered 1 and 2. Both very good, on lightly-aged paper. Document 1: 2pp., foolscap 8vo. Headings read: 'Calcutta Conference - March 1947', 'Start of Emergency - 20 Jun 48', 'Advantages to CTO', 'Results', 'Government wresting the advantage from the CTO', 'Success against CTO' and 'Conclusion - Operation Bamboo'. Dates and figures have been added over the two pages, on subjects including Operation Parchment, Operation Chieftain, Operation Shark, Operation Bintang and Operation Ginger.

Secret typewritten copy Malaysian intelligence report on 'BURMA: INSURGENT SITUATION'. From the papers of C. A. A. Nicol, Member of a joint FCO/MOD department in Hong Kong.

[Communist insurgency in Burma; C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force; Royal Malaysian Police; Member of joint FCO/MOD department, Hong Kong, 1970-1975]
Publication details: 
[Special Branch, Royal Malaysia Police, Kuala Lumpur.] 'Attachment to JIC(A) (71) (N) 164'. 23 September 1971.

3pp., 8vo. Two pages of text and a full-page map of Burma. The text begins: 'The insurgents in Burma, some 24,000 strong, are variously motivated by ideology, ethnic aspirations or prospects of profits from smuggling and dacoity.' From the private papers of C. A. A. Nicol, who joined the Malayan Union Police Force in 1950, and served in the Royal Malaysian Police between 1957 and 1967, 'to assist in promoting and consolidating the successful transition to full independence.

Copy of typewritten 'Secret' translation of document by the Clandestine Communist Organisation of Sarawak [insurgents against the government of Malaya] titled 'Annexure "A" to WISUM No.68. CCO DOCUMENT ENTITLED "OUR ERA". Precis of selected portions'

[Clandestine Communist Organisation, Malaya [Malaysia; CCO]; C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police]
Publication details: 
[Malayan Union Police Force, Special Branch Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur; c.1953.]

2pp., foolscap 8vo. Good, on creased and lightly-aged paper. Divided into eight numbered sections, under the following headings: 'The General Problems Relating to the Revolution', 'The Present Duty of the Organisation', 'The Other Requirements for the Armed Struggle'. The document begins: 'Based on the assumption that more than 80% of the population of SARAWAK are farmers and that this farming class is made up of all races, the revolution of the farmers is the revolution of the farmers of all races.

Three typewritten documents from the papers of C. A. A. Nicol, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force [Royal Malaysian Police]: 'SPECIAL BRANCH LIAISON WITH UNIFORM BRANCH', 'SPECIAL BRANCH' and 'DEFINITION OF SUBVERSION'.

[C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), OBE, CPM, AMN, Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police]
Publication details: 
Malayan Union Police Force [Royal Malaysian Police]. None dated [1950s].

First document: 'PART E601 | SPECIAL BRANCH'. 3pp., foolscap 8vo. Creased, otherwise good. Begins with 'Definition', then description of 'main duties', 'Organisation', 'Contingent Special Branch', 'Circle Special Branch' and 'Military Intelligence Officers'. Second document: 'PART E603 | SPECIAL BRANCH LIAISON WITH UNIFORM BRANCH'. 1p., foolscap 8vo. Creased, otherwise good. Divided into three sections: 'Mutual Assistance', 'Special Branch Manual' and 'Responsibility of Special Branch Officers'. Document Three: 'DEFINITION OF SUBVERSION'. 2pp., foolscap 8vo. Lightly stained, otherwise good.

[Mimeograph or similar] Notes on the family law and usages and on the criminal code of the Chinese

George Thompson Hare, Civil Service, Straits Settlement and Federated Malay States
Publication details: 
Kuala Lumpur: Printed at the Selangor Government Printing Office, 1904 ["300/5-04"]

40pp., folio, not bound (ribbon holds it together), minor staining, mainly good condiition. No other copy traced (viaLibri, COPAC, OCLC) except for one at the LSE (decribed as a "xerox").

Typed Letter Signed from an Englishman named 'Mac' in Singapore to his friend and business associate 'Dane' in England, describing the post-war situation there ('a hell of a mess') and 'a very adventurous trip' to Bajau.

[Malayan Rubber Trading Co., Ltd; Malaysia; Gan Chong Bin; Singapore]
Publication details: 
Malayan Rubber Trading Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 396, Singapore; 7 June 1946.
Malayan Rubber Trading Co., Ltd

Folio, 1 p. 70 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged and creased paper. Signed 'Mac', with 'Duplicate' in the same hand at head of page. He had 'a lousy trip, a dry ship, eight to a two berth cabin and only one step - Port Said. And what a disappointment when I stepped ashore at Singapore.

Typed Letter Signed from Sir Charles Prestwood Lucas, on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Colonies Joseph Chamberlain, to W. P. Meldrum 'on the subject of the appointment of District Surgeon in the Federated Malay States'.

Sir Charles Prestwood Lucas (1853-1931), KCB, KCMG, Welsh civil servant, head of the Dominion Department, and Principal of the Working Men's College [Joseph Chamberlain; Federated Malay States]
Publication details: 
15 October 1901; from Downing Street, on letterhead of the Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office, London.
Typed Letter Signed from Sir Charles Prestwood Lucas

Folio, 2 pp. Thirty-three lines in eight numbered paragraphs. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged and worn paper, with pinholes at head of both leaves. The first page with mourning border for Queen Victoria. Responding to a letter to Chamberlain written four days previously, and giving details of the appointment (pension, furniture, horse allowance).

[Chinese Miners] Testimonial, in English, in the form of a printed poster, presented to Robinson on the occasion of his retirement as Senior Inspector of Mines, F.M.S., with list of names.

The Chinese Miners of the F.M.S. [Federated Malay States]' [Charles Ingle Robinson, Senior Inspector of Mines, F.M.S.; Malaysia; Malaya]
Publication details: 
IPOH 11th MAY, 1933.' ['Printed at the Kuang Ming Press, Ipoh. [Malaya]']

Printed in blue on one side of a piece of white paper roughly 60 x 40 cm. Good: lightly-aged and creased. The text is enclosed within an ornate decorative border, and is headed 'Charles Ingle Robinson Esqr., | B. Sc. (Lond.), Associate R. S. M., | M. I. C. E., M. I. M. M., | Senior Inspector of Mines, F. M. S.' This is followed by nineteen lines, expressing 'deep regret and genuine sorrow' at his 'departure for Europe on retirement'.

Six maps and plans.

Java; Malaya; Malaysia; Indonesia; Semarang; Sumatra
Publication details: 
Circa 1940s.

All six items aged, but in reasonable condition overall. ITEM ONE: Cloth (British army?) map, roughly thirty-six inches by twenty-three wide, in colours, of 'SIAM (THAILAND) (EXTREME SOUTH) MALAYA (F.M.S.) SUMATRA (CENTRAL), with 'SIAM (THAILAND) (PART OF) SUMATRA (NORTH)' on reverse. With pin holes in corner borders (not affecting map). ITEM TWO: Dutch cloth-backed map, roughly twenty-two inches by thirty-five, in colours (Lith: G. Kolff & Co. Batavia'), for the 'Java Motor Club', of 'MIDDEN [middle] JAVA'. With a little damp staining to reverse.

Two Typed Letters Signed to [G. K. Menzies,] Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, together with unsigned carbon copy of 'Extract from a letter to Major Furse from Dr. A. C. Haddon, dated 15th December, 1925.'

Sir Gerard Edward James Gent [ALFRED CORT HADDON; MALAYA]
Publication details: 
LETTER ONE: 31 December 1925, on embossed Colonial Office letterhead. LETTER TWO: 13 January 1926, on embossed Colonial Office ('NATIONAL SCHEME FOR DISABLED MEN') letterhead.

British colonial administrator (1895-1948), High Commissioner for the Federation of Malaya. One letter docketed and both bearing R.S.A. stamp. Both signed 'G E. J. Gent'. LETTER ONE (one page, quarto): Ormsby Gore has had forwarded to him a letter received by one of the Secretaries of State's Private Secretaries 'from Dr. A. C. Haddon, [Alfred Cort Haddon, 1855-1940; DNB] a Reader in Anthropology at Cambridge University', and thinks the R.S.A. may be interested in Haddon's proposal. This is outlined in the carbon copy (one page, folio): 'Prof. A. R.

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