Autograph Letter Signed ('Duval') to 'Monsieur Le Commandant de la Station anglaise Vis-a-vis les côtes du dit départment.'; with copy by Duval (signed by him) of General La Barolière's 'Ordre du jour', at the start of the Peace of Amiens.
Each item on a piece of laid paper roughly 33 x 21 cm, and each with the same letterhead (with manuscript additions in square brackets] of the 'Armée d[e L'Ouest] | Liberté Égalité | [14e.] Division Militaire | Inspection des Côtes Maritimes. | Département du Calvados.' Both items in very good condition: on lightly aged and creased paper. Both in French. Duval's letter (1 p), numbered by him 2318, transmits to the English commander General La Barolière's order, 'par laquelle il m'ordonne de faire cesser les hostilités conformement aux preliminaires de paix, signer et ratifier entre les deux gouvernements respectifs'. La Barolière's 'Ordre du jour de la division' (2 pp) laids down over seventeen lines that, the preliminaries having been signed, 'l'amitié sincère doit être établie par terre et par mer entre ces deux gouvernements; en consequence, il ne sera exercé aucuns actes d'hostilités contre les bâtiments anglaises'. The copy is authorised by Duval. With the envelope in which the two items were contained, addressed by Duval, and with remains of red wax seal. The envelope is faintly docketed in pencil, in a contemporary hand, 'This is a great Curiosity, <?> fallen into my father's hands when he was Governor of Portchester [Castle?] as a French '. {See inventory #7235). From the Tonyn and Paterson archive.?>