Le Citoyen Duval, Capitaine d'artillerie Commandant Militaire des Côtes du Département du Calvados [Jacques Marguerite Pilotte, baron de La Barolière; Treaty of Amiens]
Publication details:
Duval's letter: 'le 19 Vendemiaire au 10e. de la république Française' [10 Oct. 1801]. The copy of La Barolière's letter: dated the previous day [9 Oct. 1801]. Both items on letterhead of the Inspection des Côtes Maritimes, Département du Calvados.
Each item on a piece of laid paper roughly 33 x 21 cm, and each with the same letterhead (with manuscript additions in square brackets] of the 'Armée d[e L'Ouest] | Liberté Égalité | [14e.] Division Militaire | Inspection des Côtes Maritimes. | Département du Calvados.' Both items in very good condition: on lightly aged and creased paper. Both in French.