Twenty-six items of ephemera relating to the 1st Battalion The Rifle Brigade, and Peter Kirwan-Taylor, designer of the Lotus Elite car, and assembled during his service in the Brigade as a Lieutenant.

Lieutenant Peter Robin Kirwan-Taylor, 1st Battalion The Rifle Brigade (b.1930, designer of the Lotus Elite car) [British Army; military]
Publication details: 
Between 1949 and 1952.
SKU: 9441

Texts of all items clear and complete. The collection on aged paper, with occasional wear and creasing. Includes Kirwan-Taylor's 'Range Barrier Pass Certificate', his 'Combined Leave Pass and Railway Ticket'; an 'Application for a Game Licence in the British Zone of Germany' by him; his 'Final Clearance Certificate. Eaton Hall Officer Cadet School'; his 'British Army of the Rhine, Sleeper/Seat/Cabin Application Form'; three mess bills; three three bills to the President, Officers' Mess; an 'Issue and Receipt Voucher'; two 'Last Ration' certificates; a dinner plan featuring officers and Indian guests; a mimeographed copy of a typescript relating to the Hopton Cup. Some matter relating to Kirwan-Taylor's involvement in a film 'to be made on Tank/Inf tactics'. With a chatty, gossippy Typed Letter Signed (16mo, 3 pp) from 'Sandy', on letthead of the Office of the GOC-inC, British Troops in Austria, Bta 2; and a Typed Letter Signed from the Colonels Commandant's Office, The Green Jackets, relating to a visit. Also a manuscript (4to, 1 p) titled 'Qualities of a Good Rifleman'. Passport-style photograph of Kirwan-Taylor, attached to green card form.