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Nine items relating to the film 'Antonio Gaudi, The Unfinished Vision', from the estate of its producer Michael J. Cooper, including a treatment by Cooper, a story outline with covering artwork, a signed contract, a legal letter and five receipts.

Michael J. Cooper [Prof. Juan Bassegoda Nonell; Hedger Wallace; Mark Wenborn; John Alaimo; Fernando Rey]
Publication details: 
Mostly from Cooper's company: Michelangelo Productions Ltd., 50 Gray's Inn Road, London. 1973 and 1974.

Regarded as lost for 35 years this drama documentary, directed by John Alaimo, was discovered in a Barcelona bank vault in 2009, and has recently been released on DVD. The nine items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. One: 'Gaudi | Treatment by Michael J. Cooper | April 1974'. [i] + 4pp., foolscap 8vo, in plastic folder. Two: 'Story Outline' for 'Antonio Gaudi | The Unfinished Vision | A Special Television Film Production'.

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