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[ Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'M de Boinville', complaining of 'want of leisure'.

Anthony Ashley Cooper (1801-1885), 7th Earl of Shaftesbury [ Lord Shaftesbury ] , British politician, philanthropist and social reformer
Publication details: 
On letterhead of St Giles's House, Cranbourne, Salisbury. 17 January 1856.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. He assures de Boinville that he 'much regrets his want of leisure to peruse the MS. that M de Boinville has been so good as to send him'. He concludes with the complaint that he is 'really so occupied that heh has not time for the discharge of the several duties that are imposed upon him'.

[ Nanking; Japan ]Long Autograph Letter from English-born jurist/adviser to Japan on foreign affairs Thomas Baty to 'Cooper', presenting a detailed defence of the Japanese position after the Nanking Massacre, and of Franco in the Spanish Civil War.

Thomas Baty (1869-1954), English-born jurist and authority on international law, who settled in Japan in 1916 as foreign legal adviser [Nanking Massacre; Second Sino-Japanese War; Spanish Civil War]
Publication details: 
'Tokio [Tokyo] 1 October, 1937'.

A letter of the first importance, as Baty had been since 1916 foreign legal adviser to the Japanese Government (following the death of Henry Willard Denison), and had been part of the Japanese delegation to the 1927 Geneva disarmament conference. Such was Baty's support for the Japanese position that the British Government seriously considered trying him for treason following the Second World War, choosing instead to revoke his British citizenship. 5pp., 4to. The first five pages of the letter only, and so lacking the signature, although Baty is without doubt the author.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Slave-Trade in Africa in 1872. Principally carried on for the supply of Turkey, Egypt, Persia, and Zanzibar. From the French. With a Preface by Joseph Cooper.

Etienne Felix Berlioux, Profesor of History in the Lyceum of Lyons; Joseph Cooper
Publication details: 
London: Edward Marsh, 12, Bishopsgate Street Without. 1872. [ E. Barrett & Sons, Printers, 13, Mark Lane, London. ]

viii + 64pp., 12mo. Disbound and without covers. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Cooper's preface is dated from 'Essex Hall, Walthamstow, | First Month, 1872.' Now uncommon.

[Violet Attlee, wife of the Prime Minister Clement Attlee.] Autograph Note Signed ('V H A') at head of Autograph Letter from Downing Street secretary E. J. Sayer, apologising for a mistake.

Violet Helen Attlee [née Millar] (1896-1964), Countess Attlee, wife of Clement Attlee (1883-1967), 1st Earl Attlee, Labour Prime Minister; Elizabeth Sayer, later Cooper, Downing Street secretar
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Prime Minister. Sayer's apology: 30 March 1950. Violet Attlee's reply on the same day.

1p., on 20.5 x 8.5 cm slip, headed by the Prime Minister's official letterhead. Sayer's apology is headed 'Mrs Attlee', and she writes that she feels she 'must apologise in writing for the mistake I made over the arrangements for giving your two seats to the Misses Trevor', hoping that it did not cause inconvenience and promising not to do the like again. Violet Attlee's reply, headed 'Miss Sayer', is at the head of the letter: 'Please don't worry. It is quite a relief to me to find that somebody besides myself makes mistakes! | W H A 30/3'.

[Sir Astley Cooper, surgeon.] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Mr. Stevens', a surgeon, regarding a delivery of a gift of pheasants.

Sir Astley Cooper [Sir Astley Paston Cooper] (1768-1841), English surgeon
Publication details: 
'Gadebridge [Gadebridge House, Hemel Hempstead] | Friday [no date].'

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. Addressed on the reverse of the second leaf, with red wax seal and postmark, to '- Stevens Esqr | Surgeon | Redborn'. The letter reads: 'Sir Astley Cooper presents his compliments to Mr Stevens and would feel obliged, if he could bring him the Pheasants on Sunday next, as the place he intends keeping them in will not be ready till then -'.

Stamped South African Police permit, headed 'Martial Law Regulation', granting permission for the wife and family of the mining engineer J. J. R. Smythe to leave Klerksdorp by car in the early days of the First World War.

[First World War South African Police permit, signed by T. W. Cooper; J. J. R. Smythe, mining engineer, of Warren Hill, Klerksdorp, North West Province, South Africa]
Publication details: 
Stamp of the South African Police, Klerksdorp. 9 November 1914.

Mimeographed typed form, completed in manuscript, on one side of a slip of paper. In fair condition, heavily-inked on aged and worn paper. Oval stamp in blue in bottom left-hand corner: 'SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE | 9 - NOV. 1914 | KLERKSDORP.' The form reads (with manuscript additions in square brackets): 'MARTIAL LAW REGULATIONS | Permission is hereby granted to [Mrs. J. J. R. Smythe & family] of [Warren Hill] to leave Klerksdorp for [ - ] by [Motor] | [signed] [T W Cooper]'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Astley Cooper') from the surgeon and anatomist Sir Astley Paston Cooper accusing Thomas Penrice of Great Yarmouth of being an 'Odd Fish'.

Sir Astley Cooper [Sir Astley Paston Cooper], 1st Baronet (1768-1841), English surgeon, President of the Royal College of Surgeons [Thomas Penrice of Great Yarmouth, Surgeon to the Norfolk Militia]
Publication details: 
Without place or date [postmarked February 1824].

1p., 4to. Fifteen lines. On aged paper and worn paper with loss to text, laid down on piece of card. Addressed to 'Mr Penrice | Gt Yarmouth'.

Nine items relating to the film 'Antonio Gaudi, The Unfinished Vision', from the estate of its producer Michael J. Cooper, including a treatment by Cooper, a story outline with covering artwork, a signed contract, a legal letter and five receipts.

Michael J. Cooper [Prof. Juan Bassegoda Nonell; Hedger Wallace; Mark Wenborn; John Alaimo; Fernando Rey]
Publication details: 
Mostly from Cooper's company: Michelangelo Productions Ltd., 50 Gray's Inn Road, London. 1973 and 1974.

Regarded as lost for 35 years this drama documentary, directed by John Alaimo, was discovered in a Barcelona bank vault in 2009, and has recently been released on DVD. The nine items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. One: 'Gaudi | Treatment by Michael J. Cooper | April 1974'. [i] + 4pp., foolscap 8vo, in plastic folder. Two: 'Story Outline' for 'Antonio Gaudi | The Unfinished Vision | A Special Television Film Production'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the radical Thomas Cooper to fellow-Chartist William Lovett, announcing a course of lectures and criticising the Irish Chartist Feargus O'Connor. With printed handbill advertising a course of Cooper's lectures in Holborn.

Thomas Cooper (1805-1892), Chartist and religious lecturer [William Lovett (1800-1877), radical, Secretary of the London Working Men's Association and the first Chartist Convention; Feargus O'Connor]
Publication details: 
Letter: 134 Blackfriars Road, London; 12 February 1846. Handbill: Ostell, Printer, Hart Street, Bloomsbury. 1847.

Letter: 1p., 4to. Bifolium. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with slight damage to second leaf, the reverse of which is addressed to 'Mr. Wm. Lovett | National Hall | 242, Holborn', with postmarks in black and red ink. Cooper begins: 'Dear Lovett | Please announce, in your bill that | "Mr.

[pamphlet] Seven Letters written by Sterne and his Friends, hitherto unpublished. Edited by W. Durrant Cooper, F.S.A.

William Durrant Cooper (1812-1875), ed. [Laurence Sterne; M. Tollot; John Hall Stevenson; Robert 'Panty' Lascelles; Horace Walpole; John Hope; John Wharton]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for Private Circulation, by T. Richards, 100, St. Martin's Lane. 1844.
Seven Letters written by Sterne and his Friends

8vo, vii + 23 pp. Stitched as issued. Text clear and complete. Internally sound, tight and clean; spotting to first and last leaves, with a gummed strip of white paper strengthening the spine. Thin strip along head of title removed, presumably for presentation or ownership inscription. One annotation and two corrections in a contemporary hand. Dedicated by Durrant to John Thomas Wharton of Skelton Castle, 'Bloomsbury Square, London, July 1844.' Three pages of notes at end. Long letter by Tollot, in French. Two Sterne letters, 1764 and 1766, both to Stevenson.

Substantial collection of articles (mainly to the 'Glasgow Argus' and 'Wigtownshire Free Press') and other writing by William Durrant Cooper (1812-1875), antiquary, mainly political and much of it anonymous, collected by Durrant himself.

William Durrant Cooper (1812-1875), antiquary
Publication details: 
Between 1842 and 1844.

4to, 194 pp. (paginated by Cooper). In original calf half-binding, with marbled boards and endpapers. All texts clear and complete. On aged paper chipped at extremities, and coming away from binding, which has been covered in plastic. With Durrant's armorial bookplate, and signed 'Wm Durrant Cooper' on first page.

Legends of the West.

James Hall
Publication details: 
Philadelphia: Published by Harrison Hall, 130, Chesnut Street. 1832. [Philadelphia: James Kay, Jun. & Co., Printers, No. 4, Minor Street.]

8vo: [viii] + 265 + [ii] pp. Printers slug on page following 265, followed by a full-page advertisement by Harrison Hall, Philadelphia, and Collins & Co., New York, for 'Wilson's Ornithology', dated 'Philadelphia, July 1832'. In original brown paper boards, with brown cloth spine carrying white printed label. Tight, but in poor condition, with light spotting and damp-staining. Unobtrusive repair to closed tear on reverse of title-leaf. Ownership inscription of Joseph Malcomson (mill owner of Portlaw, County Waterford) to rectos of first four leaves, including title.

Galley proofs of an article in the London Magazine, entitled 'Conversation with Lawrence'; with a Typed Letter Signed by Lawrence's biographer Edward Nehls, and covering letter by Barbara Cooper, assistant editor, London Magazine.

Brigit Patmore (1882-1965) [D. H. Lawrence; the London Magazine; Barbara Cooper; Edward Nehls]
Publication details: 
Proofs of an article appeared in the London Magazine for June 1957. Nehls's Letter: 7 June 1957; Urbana, Illinois. Cooper's Letter: 18 June 1957; on letterhead of the London Magazine.

The proofs are on one side each of five strips (each approximately 60 x 15.5 cm) of discoloured high-acidity paper. They are in good condition, with a little light creasing, and slight chipping at head of first strip (not affecting text). They are headed 'GALLEY ONE [TWO, THREE, FOUR, EIGHT]'. Text clear and entire. The article reads continuously, with no hiatus between Galleys Four and Eight. Some simple errors indicate that these are early proofs, i.e.

Autograph Signature on piece of paper.

Llewelyn Powys (1884-1939), writer
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On a piece of wove paper, roughly 5 x 14.5 cm. Rough lower edge. Good, on lightly aged paper. 0.5 cm closed tear at left (not affecting signature). Paper folded once vertically. Good clear signature.

Autograph Signatures ('Laurence Olivier' and 'Gladys Cooper').

Laurence Olivier (1907-1989), English stage and film actor; Gladys Cooper (1888-1971), English actress
Publication details: 
Dates and places not stated.

On piece of cream paper, roughly 8.5 x 12 cm, removed from an autograph album. Good, on paper with a few light marks. Bold, firm signatures in pencil, one on each side of the leaf. Two signatures,

Thirty-one secondhand booksellers' catalogues (one a duplicate).

Bickers; Alfred Cooper; W. Downing; T. Gladwell; W. George; Kerr & Richardson; C. Lowe; Uriah Maggs; J. Mathews; J. Neale; Parry & Hales; W. Paterson; Reeves & Turner; J. Roche; H. Sotheran; H. Young
Publication details: 
1880-1882; London, Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool, Manchester.

all octavo, in worn nineteenth-century binding, with front hinge loose. New endpapers. All items good, on aged paper with occasional foxing. An invaluable collection, providing a snapshot of secondhand bookselling in provincial Victorian England within an extremely short timescale. Several of the booksellers are not represented in the British Library collection, and others are only represented by catalogues of a later date. Of note are the two catalogues published by Sotheran's Manchester arm, the existence of which is not mentioned in Andrew Block's 'Short History' (1933).

Autograph Letter Signed to Richard Wilson

Henry Cline [J.H. Shorthouse and John Porter].
Publication details: 
Lincolns Inn Fields, 22 Nov. 1821.

Surgeon, Astley Cooper's mentor (DNB), author of medical works. Three pages, 8vo, crude repairs to tears on folds, laid down, text clear and complete. He writes, "That disorder in a horse which constitutes a Roarer, is caused by a membranous projection in a part of the wind pipe (technically called the larynx). It is a consequence . . . [he continues ] . . . "A Roarer is not therefore a diseased horse . . . When a horse is in strong action, his breathing becomes proportionatley quickened . . . and thus the roaring noise is produced.

Autograph Signatures on fragment of document.

William Behnes, Abraham Cooper, Sir William Charles Ross, Henry William Pickersgill, Sir William John Newton, William Etty
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

The sculptor Behnes (died 1864) and six painters: Cooper (1787-1868), Ross (1794-1860), Pickersgill (1782-1875), Newton (1785-1869), Etty (1787-1849). Paper dimensions roughly five and a half inches by three. Good, though a touch grubby. Reads 'William Behnes | Ab Cooper. R.A. | W. C. Ross RA. | H W. Pickersgill | Wm. J. Newton | Wm.. Etty'. From a collection of material relating to the Artists' General Benevolent Fund, and docketed by the Fund's secretary, next to Cooper's name, 'not eligible | W J Roper'.

autograph note, third person, to "Miss Smith"

Mrs Fenimore Cooper
Publication details: 
Saturday evening (no date)

One page, 8vo, some pin-pricks not affecting text which runs as follows: "Mrs Fenimore Cooper presets her compliments to Miss Smith and thanks her for her politeness in sending the information respecting the femme de chambre of Miss Somerville. Had she known of it a little earlier, Mrs Cooper would hav ebeen very happy to have profited by it. But she had already engaged one when Miss Smith's obliging note was received.

Autograph letter signed and one typed letter signed, both to Sewell [Stokes],

Norman Ginsburg
Publication details: 
both 1967, both with letterhead Barum Lodge, 25 Prideaux Road, Eastbourne, Sussex.

Playwright (1902-1991). The typed letter, 8 February 1967, one page, 8vo. An interesting letter. "I am back again! I have just had a note from Murray Macdonald. He tells me he is going to direct a new play by Tam and Maggie Williams, probaly [sic] in July. The Williams' want Gladys Cooper [English actress, 1888-1971] for it but it is a small part and she has not said "Yes" or "No" yet. She spole to Murray about "The Limit" and told him she would like to do it at Guilford. So please, please convince her that the play to do is the one by ME and not by Williams!

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