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Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'J M Villasante.') to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Professor J. M. Villasante [Julian Martinez-Villasante y Navarro] (1876-1945), Senior Lecturer, Department of Spanish Studies, University of London (1913-1936)
Publication details: 
19 January 1920, on letterhead of the Senior Common Room, King's College, London W.C.; 5 February 1921, 28 Home Park Road, Wimbledon Park, London S.W.19.

Both docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. Letter One (12mo, 2 pp, good): Discussing the syllabus of the Royal Society's Spanish examinations. Ends: 'I think that there is need of arriving at some uniform standard of difficulty and of arrangement of the papers set.' Letter Two (4to, 4 pp, good, with top left-hand corner of first leaf torn away, though not affecting text): A long defence of an examination paper set by him against the criticisms of 'Mr Frank J. Allen', who has sat it. 'Mr. Allen, to me it seems as if he does not know his own language, he writes Castilian with two lls.

Four printed items relating to the election of fellowships.

All Soul's College, Oxford
Publication details: 
May, October and November 1946.

From the archive of Mark Bonham Carter. Good, but on lightly creased, worn, discoloured paper with a few closed tears, stains and pencil marks. ITEM ONE: one page (8 3/4 inches by 11 1/4), headed 'UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD | ALL SOULS COLLEGE | ELECTION TO FELLOWSHIPS'. Begins: 'As announced in the University Gazette in September and October (Nos. 2485 and 2487) All Souls College will hold an examination from 1 to 4 May 1946, for the election of not more than three Fellows, if candidates of sufficient merit offer themselves.' States 'conditions of candidature and terms of the Fellowships'.

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