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[War Office publication.] Memorandum on the Preliminary Treatment of Maxillo-Facial Wounds, 1941.

['By Command of the Army Council'] [The War Office, Whitehall; Second World War; British government publications; reconstructive surgery; maxillo-facial injury]
Publication details: 
'The War Office [Whitehall], 30th July, 1941.' ['Notified in A.C.Is.']

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Headings: Respiratory Obstruction; Haemorrhage; Bandaging; Preliminary Operative Treatment; Injuries to Hard Tissues [Without loss of tissue; With loss of tissue]; Injuries to Soft Tissues (Skin, Muscle, Mucous Membrane) [Without loss of tissue; With loss of tissue; Drainage; Feeding; Mouth washing; Dressings; Disposal of cases]. Scarce: no copy in the Wellcome Library or on COPAC, and only one copy on OCLC WorldCat. From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps.

[Printed: 'Reprints of Useful Knowledge, No. 21. (Translation).'] Facial Speech-Reading. ['Medizinisch-pädagogische Monatsschrift für die gesammte Sprachheilkunde mit Einschluss der Hygiene der Lautsprache. Nos. 3 and 4, Zweiter Jahrgang, 1892.]

Hermann Gutzmann, M.D. Specialist on the Organs of Speech, Berlin [Volta Bureau, for the Increase and Diffusion of Knowledge relating to the Deaf, Washington City, U.S.A.]
Publication details: 
Washington City, U.S.A. Gibson Brothers, Printers. [Circa 1892.]

41pp., 12mo. Stapled, in grey printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight rusting to staples and chipping to back wrap. Stamp, shelfmarks and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Uncommon.

photograph, autograph letter signed, autograph note signed, and 2 fragments signed,

Edward Askew Sothern
Publication details: 
all undated.

English actor (1826-81). A tiny studio photograph (an inch by three-quarters of an inch) of Sothern in the role with which he is forever associated, that of Lord Dundreary in Tom Taylor's 'Our American Cousin' (1858). Head and shoulders, looking slightly to the left, sporting a monocle and a raffish look, a centre-parting, moustache, and the sideburns which gave a new word to the English language, "dundrearies". Mounted and glued to a torn sheet of paper also bearing two signatures cut away from letters, the first "E. A. Sothern" and the second "Ted".

Autograph note signed to unnamed male correspondent,

Edward Askew Sothern
Publication details: 
no date, with letterhead 48 Pall Mall.

One page, 12mo, written in purple ink on grey paper. "My dear Sir / Could you lunch with me at 2. on Tuesday at my rooms in Midland Hotel St. Pancras? / Yrs always / E. A. Sothern". With traces of previous mounting to the reverse.

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