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Autograph Signature ('P. Hoare') on fragment of letter.

Prince Hoare (1755-1834), English Painter and dramatist; son of William Hoare
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On a piece of wove paper roughly 4.5 x 9 cm. Good, clear signature on lightly aged paper. Reads 'my dear Sir, | Yrs always truly | [signed] P. Hoare'. Reverse reads '<...> am at a loss how to answe<...> | <...>ing the progress of the Anna<...> | <...>- opportunity of asking "Ho<...> | <...>t of the Elgin Marbels, whic<...>'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'H Hoare Esq'.

William Scott
Publication details: 
Hoxton | Monday Even[in]g.'

English high-churchman and writer (1813-72), co-editor of the 'Christian Remembrancer' and one of the founders of the 'Saturday Review'. Three pages, 12mo. Grubby, and with two small closed tears at head of first leaf of bifoliate, and one small closed tear at head of second leaf; remains of grey-paper mount on verso of second leaf. There was a meeting of 'several clergy of this archdeaconry' at his house that morning: 'There were I think ten or twelve present. We agreed to nominate Messrs. Bageley & Toogood on Wednesday'.

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