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[ John Gibson Lockhart, Scottish author. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J G Lockhart'), with red wax seal, to the travel writer Mrs Henry Stistetd [ Clotilda Elizabeth Stisted ], commending her book ('Letters from the Bye-ways of Italy').

John Gibson Lockhart (1794-1854), Scottish author, editor of Quarterly Review, son-in-law of Sir Walter Scott [ Clotilda Elizabeth Stisted [ Mrs. Henry Stisted ] (1790-1868), Irish travel writer ]
Publication details: 
Regents Park. 5 February 1846.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed (with seal in red wax, and two postmarks) on reverse of second leaf: 'through France | Italie | Mrs Stisted | Villa Brodrick | Bagni di Lucca'. He thanks her for sending 'a very agreeable book', which he wishes had reached him ' a year ago when the Quarterly Review was taking Lady Travellers in hand'. If 'another batch of them' should be 'ready by & bye' her book 'will run no risk of being forgotten'.

[ John Scott, editor of the 'London Magazine'. ] Autograph signature.

John Scott (1784-1821), editor of the 'London Magazine', killed in a duel by Jonathan Henry Christie, London agent of John Gibson Lockhart of Blackwood's Magazine
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

Strip of paper cut from end of letter. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'Your obedt humble Sert | John Scott'.

[ Daniel Terry, actor and dramatist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Danl. Terry') to the wife of the architect William Atkinson

Daniel Terry (c.1780-1829), English actor and dramatist, friend of Sir Walter Scott [ William Atkinson (c.1774-1839), English architect ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but with note stating that it was written 'about the year 1829'.

1p., 12mo. Addressed to 'My dear Mrs. Atkinson', and with contemporary note at head stating that the letter is 'To Mrs. Atkinson Grove end - about the year 1829', Grove End in Paddington being the estate of the architect William Atkinson. In good condition, lightly-aged, with minor traces of stub adhering to one edge on blank reverse. He thanks her for her 'beautiful present' and informs her that he has 'secured 6 places in the front Boxes for to-morrow evening - and shall do myself the pleasure of bringing up admissions for that Number either to day or early to morrow morning'.

[ Daniel Terry, actor and dramatist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Danl. Terry') to William Campbell, playfully inviting him to come and drink with him and 'Geddes' in Mount Street.

Daniel Terry (c.1780-1829), English actor and dramatist, friend of Sir Walter Scott
Publication details: 
'Sunday Afternoon'. Without place or date.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed on second leaf to 'Wm Campbell Esqr. | Brook Street'. In good condition, lightly-aged. The letter begins: 'Had I been aware, before dinner, of what our friend Geddes has just informed me after dinner, - that you are at present a Batchelor, you certainly should have had no excuse for not returning with him to a friendly knife & fork in Mount Street'. He asks him, if he is 'quite alone', to 'come immeditely & lecture him for his remissness - & drink to his better behaviour - we are quite en famille with only Geddes'.

[ Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, Scottish antiquary and artist. ] Watercolour drawing of Edinburgh murderer Mrs Mary Mackinnon with a young girl in her condemned cell, attributed to him in a contemporary hand.

Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe (1781-1851), Scottish antiquary, artist and collector, and friend of Sir Walter Scott
Publication details: 
Without date or place. (Mackinnon was hanged 16 April 1823.)

A watercolour drawing in ink, coloured in yellow, blue and red, against a sepia ground. The drawing is on a 24.5 x 18.5 cm piece of thick white paper, laid down on a 28.5 x 29.5 cm piece of grey paper. In good condition, with light signs of age. In pencil in a contemporary hand on the grey-paper mount: 'Mrs Mackinnon - hanged | done by Charles K. Sharpe Esq | She had been a great beauty | murdered a man'. The drawing is not signed, but is in much the same style as other examples of his watercolours (for example those in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London).

[ Sr Walter Scott, 'The Wizard of the North'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W Scott') to his publisher James Ballantyne ('Dear James')

Sir Walter Scott [ 'The Wizard of the North' ] (1771-1832), Scottish writer, author of the Waverley Novels [ James Ballantyne (1772-1833), Scottish editor and publisher ]
Publication details: 
No place [ Abbotsford ]. 'Wednesday Morning' [27 November 1826?].

1p., 16mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper, laid down on card backing removed from an album. He writes that he only received Ballantyne's letter on his return from Melville Castle (seat of Robert Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville), where he was 'obliged to go for a day'. He is now returning 'sheets P. & Q to press and will soon send copy'. He has been 'pleased with a note from Cadell that we had a Pisgah peep of <?>'. The letter ends with the Latin tag: 'post tot discrimina rerum' ('after many dangers').?>

[Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Melville. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Henry Dundas') to an unnamed recipient, discussing 'Lord Polwarths Letter', Sir John Paterson, 'Mr Scott', and an 'unfortunate' influence on a father and son.

Henry Dundas (1742-1811), 1st Viscount Melville and Baron Dunira, Scottish advocate and Tory politician [ Lord Polwarth; Sir John Paterson ]
Publication details: 
Savile Row [ London ]. 4 December 1779.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. On aged and worn paper. He writes that he had 'heard the Report propagated by Sir John of your having given different accounts to the Father & the son', but considering the source he did not believe it, and 'the excerpts of Letters' directly refute it. 'I am extremely pleased with Lord Polwarth's Letter to you & as to any thing else I think you have no reason to feel any regret'.

[ Longmans, London publishers. ] Prospectus for Clarke Abel's 'Personal Observations, made during the Progress of the British Embassy through China', and list of Longmans books 'Published in the Course of August and September [1817]'.

Clarke Abel, Physician and Naturalist to the Embassy [ Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, of Paternoster-row, London Booksellers; Longmans; East India Company ]
Publication details: 
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Paternoster-row. The prospectus is undated; the list of publications is dated 'Oct. 1817.'

The two items are disbound, but attached to one another. On aged and worn paper. PROSPECTUS: 1p., 12mo. Reads: 'Mr. Abel's Account of the Embassy to China. | In the press, and immediately will be published, | In One Volume, Quarto, illustrated by Maps and other Engravings, of Landscape, Natural History, Geology, &c.

[ Sir Walter Scott. ] Manuscript (Autograph?) Copy of Letter from Lord Montagu of Boughton, 'as Chairman ad interim of the Sub-Committee of the Abbotsford Fund', to 'Monsr. le Baron Ompteda', regarding a 'very handsome Subscription from Hanover'.

Henry Montagu-Scott (1776-1845), 2nd Baron Montagu of Boughton [ Baron Ompteda; Freiherr von Ompteda; Sir Walter Scott; Abbotsford Fund ]
Publication details: 
Hamilton Place [London]. 10 July 1833.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn. Almost certainly in Montagu's own hand. Headed 'Copy' and ending '(signed) Montagu | Chairman Sub. Com. | Abbotsford Subn.' Addressed to 'His Excellency Monsr. le Baron Ompteda'. Acknowledging receipt of a letter from Ompteda wnich informed him of 'the very handsome Subscription from Hanover of £170. 10/ to which their Royal Highnesses the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge and Langravine of Hesse Homburg have contributed so liberally'.

[John Gibson Lockhart, Scottish writer.] Autograph Letter in the third person to Miss Gordon.

John Gibson Lockhart (1794-1854), Scottish writer and editor of Blackwood's Magazine, son-in-law of Sir Walter Scott
Publication details: 
No place. 10 July 1835.

1p., 12mo. On bifolium, with reverse of second leaf addressed to Miss Gordon | 9 Park Road | Regents Park'. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with part of red wax seal adhering to the reverse of the second leaf, which also has traces of glue from mounting. He has 'received her book & letter when in the midst of preparations for leaving town', and will 'carry the Poems with him'. He concludes by offering 'to be of any service to the writer if he can'.

[Ballantyne & Co., printers] Autograph Letter Signed "JA Ballantyne", printer, son of Walter Scott's printer and friend, to John Hughes, eventually his partner in the printers, details of income, etc. and the publication of the "Answer" to Lockhart.

John Alexander Ballantyne, printer
Publication details: 
London, 5 May 1838

Four pages, cr. 8vo, bifolium, fold marks, minor staining, small hole with loss of letter, text clear and complete. He reveals his plan for his visit to Scotland, asking Hughes to make arrangements with his landlady "Mrs S" to take lodgings with her from the 25th for a six month period. For such a long stay he doesn't think lodgings should cost as much as "31.6d". He arranges for a servant for the period, coals, a chest of drawers for his rooms, a wardrobe in a closet. "Will my guardian think 3 guineas a week too much!

Autograph Note Signed 'Will. H. Lizars' on receipt of payment for work on Walter Scott novels.

[ William Home Lizars ] William H. Lizars (1788–1859), Scottish painter and engraver.
Publication details: 
Edinburgh, 8 June 1827.

One page, 21 x 8cm, one dge frayed and sunned, text clear and complete. Lizars acknowledges paymentof £49.14 from "John Gibson Junr, Esqre for the Trustees of Sir Walter Scott, Bart [...] payment of [annexed?] account [not present] for Titles to Tales & Romances."

[Periodical] The House Journal of The Manchester Guardian and Evening News, No. 48

[Manchester Guardian]
Publication details: 
December 1925 ("Priceless')

Twelve pages, cr. 8vo, brown illustrated paper wraps, a little grubby, with fold mark at middle, contents good. Begins with editorial, "The Editor's Chair" in which C.P. Scott (presumably) discusses this Christmas number, revealing, among other things that Conan Doyle had been invited to contribute an "exciting" ghost story but failed them. The issue is signed "Montague" on the front wrap, and C.E. Montague is the subject of an article (with photograph), and author of a letter on the Letters page. No copy on COPAC or in Manchester Univ. Lib. catalogue.

[Book from Lord Eldon's library, with his bookplate and two ownership signatures (both 'Eldon').] An Address from a Clergyman to his Parishioners. By R. Valpy, D.D. F.A.S. Rector of Stradishall, Suffolk.

John Scott (1751-1838), 1st Earl of Eldon [Lord Eldon], Lord Chancellor, 1801-1806 and 1807-1827 [Rev. Dr Richard Valpy (1754-1836), Rector of Stradishall; his son Abraham John Valpy, London printer]
Publication details: 
Fourth Edition. London: Printed by A. J. Valpy, Tooke's Court, Chancery Lane; Sold by Longman and Co.; Law and Whittaker; Lackington and Co.; and J. Deck, Bury, Suffolk. 1817.

viii + 200pp., 8vo. In contemporary calf binding, brown endpapers. Internally good and tight, on lightly-aged paper; in heavily-worn binding with chipped black label. Eldon's circular armorial bookplate on reverse of front free endpaper, and his ownership signature ('Eldon') both above this and on the reverse of the following fly-leaf. The decay of the binding is unfortunate as it has a restrained elegance, with spine in five compartments, blind-stamped pattern on the boards, and gilt dentelles.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sylvia Lynd, poet and novelist.

Kathleen Hilton Young (1878-1947), sculptor, previously Kathleen, Lady Scott, wife of Robert Falcon Scott of the Antarctic.
Publication details: 
Leinster Corner, Lancaster Gate, London; 20 September 1929.

ALS, on letterhead of Leinster Corner, Lancaster Gate, London; 20 September 1929, in envelope, 2pp., 8vo, docketed by MG, with note stating that the writer was 'married to Sir Edward Hilton Young, (who broke Olive Heseltine's heart years before & whose nephew, George, broke Sheila's heart in 1930. Kathleen Young made a bust of R. Lynd. It is now in Belfast (in the Linen Hall or possibly Queen's)'.


Autograph L:etter Signed to Sylvia Lynd, poet and novelist

J. A. M. de Sanchez, economist.
Publication details: 
22 Old Broad Street, EC, n.d.

ALS, on letterhead of 22 Old Broad Street, EC, 2pp., 12mo. Recommending The Great Gatsby, 'the book of which I spoke in the course of your brief discussion of the younger American writers the other evening'.

[First World War Indian Army briefing.] Typescript of 'Lecture by Colonel Tyrrell, Southern Army. | "RAPID APPRECIATIONS"'. [With references to Douglas Haig, militarism, 'Universal Peace'

Colonel Tyrrell, Southern Army [India] [General Francis Hardinge Tyrrell, Colonel, 75th Punjab Regiment?; Douglas Haig; Francis Scott Oliver]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but produced in India between 1916 and 1918.

Duplicated typescript. 5pp., foolscap 8vo. On five leaves, pinned together. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Apparently typed up from shorthand notes of the lecture. A couple of manuscript notes were added before the item was duplicated (including the words 'Seize the object' on p.3). A reference to the response by 'Roland' to Frederick Scott Oliver's 'Ordeal of Battle' fixes the earliest date of publication at 1916. A surprising piece: combining an openness to new military ideas with an old-fashioned militarism.

[Edward Strutt, Lord Belper.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Belper'), in response to a request from the Rev. Henry Thomas Scott 'for a subscription to the restoration of your church'.

Edward Strutt (1801-1880), 1st Baron Belper [Lord Belper], Liberal politician [Rev. Henry Thomas Scott, Curate of Stapleford, Nottinghamshire]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Kingston, Derby. 11 January 1877.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper. In response to Scott's application, he explains that, 'being much connected with two Counties (Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire), I am anxious to give my assistance to the leading charities & other public objects in both, & also to contribute to local objects in places with which I am specially connected by residence, property, or otherwise'. Unfortunately he finds it impossible 'to comply with the numerous applications which I receive for contributions to Churches, Schools, &c., in places with which I have no such connection'.

[William Scott Cameron, editor of the Leeds Mercury.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W S Cameron') to George Bell, giving his reasons for decling his 'verses'.

William Scott Cameron (c.1843-1914), editor of the Leeds Mercury [George Bell]
Publication details: 
On letterhead to the 'Weekly Supplement to The Leeds Mercury, Leeds'. 10 April 1891.

1p., 12mo. On aged and worn paper. Cameron writes: 'Dear Sir, | I regret that the enclosed verses would occupy too much room for our space, but I return them with our thanks to you for bringing them under our notice'. The recipient is not the London publisher, who died in 1890.

[The Caxton Publishing Company, London.] Publisher's sample and subscription book for the Melrose Edition of the Waverley Novels of Sir Walter Scott, with examples of cloth and leather bindings, illustrations, title-pages, and subscription lists.

The Caxton Publishing Company, London; Sir Walter Scott
Publication details: 
[London: The Caxton Publishing Company, Clun House, Surrey Street, W.C. 1890s?

8vo, in worn and damaged black cloth. Three sample spines in green cloth are laid down on the front free endpaper, and three sample brown leather spines gilt on the rear pastedown.

[Booklet; Ballantyne Press] Edinburgh Exhibitiuon 1886 | Printing as in the Olden Time at the Ballantyne Press Olde Streete | CATALOGUE

[Ballantyne Press; Walter Scott]
Publication details: 
The Ballantyne Press | Ballantyne & Hanson, Edinburgh London, [1886]

Booklet, [16pp., 16mo, inc. paper covers. foxing, mainly good condition. Two copies listed on COPAC, Edinburgh and the National Library of Scotland.

[Facsimile; printed; Walter Scott Jr] Letters exchanged by Sir Walter Scott (Jr.) and John Younger, shoemaker of St Boswells

[Sir Walter Scott (Jr) and John Younger, Shoemaker]
Publication details: 
Abbotsford, Thursday [28 Sept. 1837] , 29 Sept. 1837 and 4 Oct. 1837.

Four pages, 4to, bifolium, minor staining, fold mark, mainly good condition. Sir Walter orders a pair of boots for fishing, giving full detail of dimensions etc. John Younger, boot/shoe maker, saying first of all how long it takes and what steps he'd altready taken (29 Sept.) and then giving instructions on how to use and maintain the boots (including a response to Walter Scott's revelation that he wears worsted stockings under large boots. I'm informed that this was supposed to have been pasted into a copy of Younger's Autobiography (as it was into the NLS copy).

[Thomas Elliott Ogilvie of Chesters, Roxburghshire.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos. E. Ogilvie') to Charles Erskine of Melrose, regarding the arrangement of the roup [auction] of the furniture of Branseholm Park, Hawick.

Thomas Elliott Ogilvie (1751-1831) of Chesters, Roxburghshire, friend of Sir Walter Scott [Charles Erskine, Writer [solicitor], Melrose, Scotland]
Publication details: 
Chesters [Roxburghshire]. 2 November 1809.

Ogilvie is described by Lockhart as one of Sir Walter Scott's 'chief friends among his country neighbours'. 3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Charles Erskine Esqr | Melrose', and docketted by Erskine: 'About Branseholm Sale of Furniture &c'.

[Alex Younie, for Andrew Lang, Sheriff-Clerk of Selkirkshire.] Autograph Letter Signed to Melrose writers [solicitors] Erskine & Curle, explaining why Lang will have to delay payment of the dividends from 'John Brydens funds'.

Andrew Lang, Sheriff Clerk of Selkirkshire, grandfather of the writer of the same name, and friend of Sir Walter Scott; Alex Younie; Messrs Erskine & Curle, Writers [solicitors], Melrose
Publication details: 
Selkirk. 17 April 1818.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf, which is docketed 'Mr A. Lang | About dividend from John Brydens funds'. In good condition, on aged and lightly creased paper. The letter reads: 'Gentlemen, | Mr. Lang has just now received your letter of yesterday's date. - Bryden's funds are not yet drawn from the Bank, and the dividends cannot be paid sooner than the latter end of next week, as Mr. L. goes from home on Sunday and will not return till that time. - You will get notice what time to send for Mr. James Brydons [sic] dividd.'

[George Clarke Musgrave, English-born American soldier and writer] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'G. C. Musgrave') to a reviewer on the 'Figaro', concerning his book 'To Kumassi with Scott'. With printed publisher's flier and press cutting.

George C. Musgrave [George Clarke Musgrave] (1874-1932) English-born American soldier and writer, "Victorian Adventurer", author of 'To Kumassi with Scott' [Sir Francis Scott; 4th Anglo-Ashanti War]
Publication details: 
Both letters on letterhead of 12 The Leas, Folkestone [Kent, England]. 17 and 28 December 1896. Printed flier: Wightman & Co., "The Westminster Press," 104 Regency Street, London, SW. Undated.

The two letters and flier are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper; the cutting is on aged newsprint, separated into two parts along a crease line. Letter One (17 December 1896): 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. He informs the recipient that, as the review list for the book is closed, its publishers Wightman & Co have sent on the reviewer's letter to Musgrave. 'We are following this course as much interest exists between the North Country & West Africa.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sylvia Lynd, poet and novelist.

Kathleen Hilton Young (1878-1947), sculptor, previously Kathleen, Lady Scott, wife of Robert Falcon Scott of the Antarctic.
Publication details: 
Leinster Corner, Lancaster Gate, London; 20 September 1929.

ALS, on letterhead of Leinster Corner, Lancaster Gate, London; 20 September 1929, in envelope, 2pp., 8vo, docketed by MG, with note stating that the writer was 'married to Sir Edward Hilton Young, (who broke Olive Heseltine's heart years before & whose nephew, George, broke Sheila's heart in 1930. Kathleen Young made a bust of R. Lynd. It is now in Belfast (in the Linen Hall or possibly Queen's)'.

Autograph L:etter Signed to Sylvia Lynd, poet and novelist

J. A. M. de Sanchez, economist.
Publication details: 
22 Old Broad Street, EC, n.d.

ALS, on letterhead of 22 Old Broad Street, EC, 2pp., 12mo. Recommending The Great Gatsby, 'the book of which I spoke in the course of your brief discussion of the younger American writers the other evening'.

Autograph Sentiment Signed "J R Giddings", abolitionist, early Republican.

J.R. Giddings [Joshua Reed Giddings], Abolitionist
Publication details: 
No place of date.

One page, 12 x 11.5cm, minor staining, mainly good condition. "He who asserts that 'the black man has no rights which white men are bound to respect' is a heathen in principle and a pirate in practice. | JRGiddings". Giddings is quoting the Dred Scott decision.

Autograph Note Signed ('Eldon') from the Lord Chancellor John Scott, 1st Earl of Eldon, to John Cross of Lincolns Inn, undertaking to take 'the pleasure of the Prince Regent' on a certain subject. With signed envelope carrying Eldon's seal.

John Scott (1751-1838), 1st Earl of Eldon, Lord Chancellor of Great Britain, 1801-1806 and 1807-1827
Publication details: 
No place. 'Friday Morning'. [1819.]

Both items in very good condition, on aged paper, and both with minor traces of mount. The letter is 1p., 12mo, on a bifolium. The envelope is a leaf of paper, also 1p., 12mo. It is addressed by Eldon to 'John Cross Esq | 19 Lincolns Inn', franked in the bottom left-hand corner 'Eldon', and is without postmarks. It carries the seal in black wax, with the barest of impressions. Docketed in pencil in a contemporary hand '1819'.

Four printed Assam Government reports (for the British Government), three annual Reports on the Survey and Settlement Operations in Assam [for the years 1930, 1936 and 1937]; and an Annual Report of the Assam Survey Department [for the year 1934].

L. C. Thuillier; W. L. Scott; C. R. Pawsey; H. M. Pritchard; D. Sarma; K. M. Dutta; A. G. Patton [Assam Government Press, Shillong; Assam Survey Department]
Publication details: 
The four items printed at the Assam Government Press, Shillong. 1931, 1935, 1937 and 1938.

The four items in their original wraps. All four in fair condition, on lightly-aged and ruckled paper, with slight evidence of damp. One: 'Report on the Survey and Settlement Operations in Assam for the Year ending the 30th September 1930'. Shillong: Printed at the Assam Government Press, 1931. 7 +18 + [2]pp., foolscap 8vo. By 'L. C. Thuillier, Lt.-Colonel, I.A., Director of Surveys, Assam', 'W. L. Scott, Director of Land Records, Assam' and 'C. K. Rhodes, Secretary to the Government of Assam, Revenue Department'. Stamp of the Bala Theological College on front wrap.

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