Robert William Peacock, under Solicitor to H. M. Post Office [BRITISH POSTAL HISTORY]
Publication details:
Without date or place, but mid to late nineteenth-century, on twelve leaves of paper all embossed with governmental crest.
At the Old Bailey Sessions of 16 May 1833 Peacock stated 'I am brother to the solicitor of the Post-office. I assist him in his business'. Thirty-four pages, quarto. Unbound and crudely stitched. Grubby and with stains to first and last leaves. Apparently unpublished, but with a few pencil emendations. Each item initialed at the end by Peacock. First account begins 'Mrs. Rawlinson, the wife of a Merchant in the City, resided at Brixton in the County of Surry - She had in her employ a Servant Girl named Mary Burton, [...]', and ends 'Mrs.