John Collinson, C.E.; Admiral Bedford Pim (1826-1886) [Captain Sir Edward Belcher; International Atlantic and Pacific Junction Railway across NIcaragua; J. E. Taylor & Co., London publisher]
Publication details:
London: Printed by J. E. Taylor & Co., Little Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields. 1866.
26pp., 8vo. Stitched. In printed wraps. With 54 x 33 cm fold-out map at rear ('Map of the World shewing the Transit across Nicaragua proposed by Captn. Bedford Pim, R.N. Being the most direct connection for Atlantic and Pacific Traffic.') and two plates ('Pim's Bay, Monkey Pt. Mosquito. Sketched as by Commander Bedford Pim, R.N. F.R.C.S. Assoc. Inst. C.E. assisted by Mr. A. J. Armstrong, Master, R.N.'; 'Central America. Point Realejo. Surveyed by Capt. Sir Edw. Belcher, C.B.').