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Autograph Letter Signed from George Candy QC to Charles Burton of Bayswater, on liquor licences and the Local Veto Bill, with Secretarial Letter signed by W. H. Le Fevre, President of the Balloon Society of Great Britain, and newspaper cuttings.

George Candy (1841-1899), QC; W. H. Le Fevre, President, The Balloon Society of Great Britain [Charles Burton, Bridge House Hotel, Westbourne Terrace, Bayswater; licencing law; brewing; alcohol]
Publication details: 
Candy letter: 14 March 1893; Harcourt Buildings, Temple. Le Fevre letter: 15 March 1898; on letterhead of Le Fevre & Co., Civil & Mechanical Engineers, St Antholins Chambers, 26 Budge Row, Cannon St, with stamp of Balloon Society of Great Britain.
Autograph Letter Signed from George Candy QC

Items are in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, and mostly laid down on two pieces of card. Candy's letter to Burton (who is not named, but identified from the context): 12mo, 2 pp. Headed 'Private'. He thanks him for 'the very kind and too flattering way in which you refer in to-day's Advertiser to my remarks at the Balloon Society's meeting anent the "Direct Veto Bill".' Claims that his 'services have always been at the disposal of "the trade", Wholesale & Retail.

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