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Original hand-coloured print, with key, showing 'A View of the Balloon of Mr. Sadler's ascending, With him and Captain Paget of the Royal Navy from the Gardens of the Mermaid Tavern at Hackney on Monday Aug 12 1811'.

[James Sadler (1753-1828), balloonist; the Mermaid Tavern, Hackney; balloons; ballooning]
Publication details: 
[Circa 1811.]

Originally on a piece of paper roughly 405 x 315 mm, with the dimensions of the print roughly 295 x 250 mm. In poor condition: torn and stained and laid down on a piece of thin card, and with the extremities of the margins chipped. Loss to top-left and bottom-right corners. The loss to the top corner includes a corner of the print (roughly 40 x 20 mm), but this only features the sky. A scarce item, with the caption continuing 'The Balloon ascended at 3 O clock in the afternoon and descended safe near Tilbury Fort in Essex at 20 Minutes past four'.

Typed note signed to Mrs Swan,

Bernard Miles
Publication details: 
31 May 1952, on letterhead of the Mermaid Theatre Limited.

English actor and director (1907-1991), kinghted in 1969. One page, 12mo. "The fact that our second Mermaid Festival will run for six weeks instead of four makes it possible for us to invite a number of new subscribers. We are therefore sending you the enclosed particulars. / If you would like to join, would you please let us know as soon as possible, as accommodation is very limited and our subscription list rapidly filling up!" Ink drawing of a woman's profile on the reverse.

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