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Long unsigned manuscript letter, with two coloured illustrations, from an Englishman to his niece, describing sitting in wait to shoot a tiger from a machan (hunting platform) in North Kandesh, India.

[Tiger hunting in India, 1928; Henry Staveley Lawrence (1870-1949), Acting Governor of Bombay 1926-28; William Augustus Henry Miller (d.1927), Divisional Forest Officer, West Khandesh, Central Circle]
Publication details: 
Poona, India. 11 February 1928.

5pp., 8vo, including one full-page sketch and one half-page one. Good, on five leaves of lightly-aged and worn paper. Neatly and closely written. Addressed to 'My dearest one and only Niece'. Complete in itself, but possibly only the first five pages of a longer letter. The author is a British colonial administrator in Kandesh (Acting Governor of Bombay H. S. Lawrence?), and from the tone of his letter his niece (in England?) is still a young girl.

Printed Memorandum of Agreement with Anthony Blond Ltd, signed 'Ellen Wright', for the English publication rights of her husband's 'Lawd Today'; with a typed agreement between Blond and Hamilton & Co. for the English paperback rights.

Ellen Wright (nee Poplar) (1912-2004), second wife and widow of the American author Richard Wright (1908-60)
Publication details: 
Memorandum, London, 29 June 1964; paperback rights, London, 15 May 1964.

The Memorandum is a four-page folio (leaf size roughly fourteen inches by nine and a half) bifolium. In very good condition, lightly creased and folded. It details Mrs Wright's royalties (as 'proprietor'), advance and percentages. The paperback rights agreement consists of four typewritten pages, on four leaves, each roughly thirteen inches by eight, stapled together at the head beneath green tape. Very good, though lightly creased and with some fraying to tape. It is signed by the Hamilton & Co. chairman Joseph and witnessed by his secretary E. M. Holloway.

Signed printed 'Memorandum of Agreement' with typewritten additions between Anthony Blond Limited and Newman as author of 'a work provisionally entitled "ENOUGH ROPE or THE CAGE" '; and typewritten agreement between two publishers for the same work.

Publication details: 
Memorandum without date or place, but circa 1966; agreement between publishers of 25 April 1966.

English novelist, born 1938. The memorandum is 4 pages on a 4to bifoliate. Several printed clauses deleted, and with the terms inserted in typescript. Two signatures: Newman's and another illegible (Blond's?), as well as that Newman's agent Robin Dalton, whose appointment is confirmed in a typewritten clause. Newman's book 'The Cage' was published by Blond in 1966. The agreement, on one side each of four 4to pages, is between Blond and Panther Books Limited. Signed by secretary and managing director of Panther Books. It is in good condition, but creased and with some fraying at foot.

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