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[ Elizabeth Wright Macauley, poet, actress and Owenite preacher. ] Corrected draft of Autograph Letter Signed ('Eliz Wright Macauley'), 'To the King' (i.e. King William IV), in favour of the royal imposter 'Princess Olive of Cumberland'.

Elizabeth Wright Macauley (c.1785-1837), actress, poet, playwright and Owenite lecturer [ Olivia Serres [née Wilmot] (1772-1835), royal impostor claiming to be Princess Olive of Cumberland ]
Publication details: 
52 Clarendon Square, St Pancras [ London ]. 23 September 1833.

10pp., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. An accompanying entry from a French manuscripts catalogue states that the letter was sent to the magazine 'The Age', but not printed.

[ George Soane, author and son of Sir John Soane. ] Autograph request for payment, composed in doggerel, signed 'G Soane', and addressed to the 'Reverendissimo Signor Massingham' [William Wright Massingham] at the 'Teatro di Principessa'.

George Soane (1789-1860), playwright, son of the architect Sir John Soane (1753-1837) [ William Wright Massingham ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ London. ]

2pp., 16mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn, with minor traces of glue along one edge from stub. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Signor Massingham | Teatro di Principessa' [i.e. the Princess's Theatre, London]. The request reads: 'Al Reverendissimo Signor Massingham | Be pleased, I pray, | My salary to pay | To the ladies I send, | My very good friend. | I remain, (all alone) | Yours Truly - G Soane'. Soane's unhappy relationship with his father is described in both men's entries in the Oxford DNB.

[ Thomas Wright of Olney, biographer. ] Autograph Card Signed ('Thomas Wright') to Miss Alice A. Leith

Thomas Wright (1859-1936), schoolmaster at the Cowper School, Olney, Buckinghamshire, writer and biographer of William Cowper and William Blake [ Alice A. Leith, editor ]
Publication details: 
Post card with his letterhead: 'from Thomas Wright | Cowper School . Oney . Bucks'. 8 July 1933.

Neatly written out on one side of a stamped, postmarked postcard, the other side addressed by Wright to 'Miss Alice A. Leith | 10 C<?> Gardens | London | N.W 3'. He is 'very pressed with work', and refers her to his 'Life of Blake', which 'gives all I know respecting Blake's attitude to Bacon - or Coban (altering the letters) as he sometimes calls Bacon'.

[ 'The Dirigible Balloon' game. ] Printed instructions, in French, for 'un nouveau jeu instructif' titled 'Le Ballon Dirigeable', with reference to 'le comte Zeppelin', 'Santos Dumont', the 'Freres Wright' and the 'major de Parseval'.

'Le Ballon Dirigeable', French game [ Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin; Alberto Santos-Dumont; Wright brothers; August von Parseval]
Publication details: 
French. Unattributed and undated (pre-First World War?).

1p., 8vo. On cheap paper stock. Aged, and with chipping and closed tears to extremities. Stamped on the reverse by the Paris bookseller C. F. Labarre (fl. 1970). Printed in the bottom left-hand corner: 'No. 6012.' 37 lines of text.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] An Appeal to the Women of the United Kingdom by Women: On a subject demanding immediate attention.

[Isa Craig [Mrs. Craig-Knox] (1831-1903)] [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
London: Houlston and Wright, Paternoster Row. 1860.

8pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound. No copy on COPAC. OCLC WorldCat only lists one copy, at the University of Minnesota, whose entry attributes the title to Isa Craig.

[Printed Popish Plot pamphlet.] Mr. Tho. Dangerfeilds particular Narrative, of the late Popish Design to charge those of the Presbyterian Party with a pretended Conspiracy against His Majesties Person, and Government. Written by himself.

[Thomas Dangerfeild [Thomas Dangerfield]; the Popish Plot, 1678-1681]
Publication details: 
LONDON, Printed for Henry Hills, John Starkey, Thomas Basset, John Wright, Richard Chiswell, and Samuel Heyrick, 1679.

ESTC R13969. Wing D192. 80pp., 2o. Paginated: [6] 1-75. Disbound. The title-page reads: 'Mr. Tho. Dangerfeilds | PARTICULAR | NARRATIVE, | OF THE LATE | Popish DESIGN | To Charge those of the | Presbyterian Party | WITH A PRETENDED | CONSPIRACY | AGAINST | His MAJESTIES PERSON, | AND | GOVERNMENT. | [rule] | Written by Himself. | [rule] | LONDON, | Printed for Henry Hills, John Starkey, Thomas Basset, John | Wright, Richard Chiswell, and Samuel Heyrick, 1679.' In good condition, on aged paper, with a few light notes and underlinings in pencil.

[Printed Popish Plot pamphlet.] The Resolutions of the House of Commons, for the Impeachment of Sir William Scroggs Knt. Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench; [...]

[Sir William Scroggs, Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench; Sir Thomas Jones; Sir Richard Weston, Baron of the Court of Exchequer; the Popish Plot, 1678-1681; the House of Commons]
Publication details: 
LONDON, Printed for John Wright, at the Crown on Ludgate-Hill, and Richard Chiswell, at the Rose and Crown in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1680.

ESTC 228205. Nelson and Seccombe, 647.50B. 17pp., 2o. Disbound. Paginated: [4] 145-148 139-142 153-159 [1]. The title-page reads: 'THE | RESOLUTIONS | OF THE | HOUSE of COMMONS, | FOR THE | IMPEACHMENT | OF | Sir WILLIAM SCROGGS Knt. | Chief Justice of the COURT of | King's Bench; | [this and following three lines bracketed on the left] Sir THOMAS JONES Knight, one of the | Justices of the same Court. | Sir RICHARD WESTON Knight, one of | the Barons of the Court of EXCHEQUER.

[Alexander Graham Bell.] Signed Autograph Presentation Inscription (to 'Lord Egerton') and Note, in copy of printed pamphlet: 'Communications received by Committee on the Census, United States Senate, relating to the Census Bill H. R. 1659.'

Alexander Graham Bell [Wilbraham Egerton, 1st Earl Egerton; The Eleventh Census of the United States, 1890; Eugene Hale; Carroll D. Wright; William Godwin Moody; Nicholas Murray Butler]
Publication details: 
No publication details or date. [Washington, D. C.? Circa 1888.]

43pp., 8vo. In good condition, on aged paper, with small label (with manuscript '7') on first page. In tasteful modern grey paper wraps with white printed label on front. Bell's presentation inscription, with the first line slightly trimmed at head, is on the title page: 'Lord Egerton | with the compliments of | Alexander Graham Bell' and '(Senate Document)'. Bell has also written, above the drop-head title (p.3): 'Suggestions by Alex. Graham Bell with regard to Defective Classes, Paper 31'. Bell's contribution, the longest in the volume, is on pp.31-37, with six tables in text.

[Sir Charles Thomas Newton, English archaeologist.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'C. T. Newton') to 'Mrs. De Salis'

Sir Charles Thomas Newton (1816-1894), English archaeologist, discoverer of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus [William Sandys Wright Vaux (1818-1865), numismatist and British Museum curator]
Publication details: 
The first letter dated from the Traveller's Club [London], 3 February 1863. The second letter from 74 Gower Street [London], 19 December [no year].

Both letters 2pp., 12mo, and both in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The two items glued together along one edge. Letter One (3 February 1863): He is enclosing an account of her 'chiffres' from his colleague at the British Museum Vaux, and hopes they 'will be what you want'. He asks for more information regarding 'the drawings', and condoles with her on her husband's ill health: 'This has been a very unhealthy season.' Letter Two (19 December): Regarding his wife having the measles, which makes it impossible for them to accept her invitation.

[Matilda Anne Mackarness, children's writer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Matilda Planché') to 'Mr Helmore' [the choirmaster Thomas Helmore?], regarding the reluctance of W. N. Wright to publish her 'A Trap to catch a Sunbeam' in cheap form.

Matilda Anne Mackarness [née Planché] (1825-1881), children's writer ['Susie Sunbeam'] [Thomas Helmore (1811-1890), choirmaster; W. N. Wright, 60 Pall Mall, bookseller to the Queen]
Publication details: 
The Lodge. 23 January [no year, but between the publication of the book in 1849, and her marriage in 1852].

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with traces of mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. In reply to his letter, she refers Helmore to 'Mr Wright', who has 'frequently since the Publication of the "Sunbeam" [in 1849] been appealed to to bring it out in a cheap form - but he has no speculating propensities - and as he is perfectly satisfied with the sale of twenty thousand at a shilling - he is not inclined to try it in a cheaper form'. She has 'nothing to do with it - further than receiving a certain sum as each edition is sold out'.

[Printed booklet on 'the first "Uncle" in British Broadcasting'.] Kenneth A. Wright. A list of his compositions published by Winthrop Rogers, Ltd. Sole Agents: Hawkes & Son (London), Ltd. [With biography, sample scores and photographic portrait.]

[Kenneth A. Wright [Kenneth Anthony Wright] (1899-1975), composer and Assistant Director of Music at the BBC; Winthrop Rogers, Ltd., music publishers; Hawkes & Sons (London), Ltd.; Vaughan & Freeman]
Publication details: 
London: Winthrop Rogers, Ltd. Sole Agents: Hawkes & Son (London), Ltd. Undated [circa 1927].

12pp., 16mo (14 x 8.5 cm). Stapled. Printed in brown ink on shiny light-brown art paper. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with slightly rusty staples. Photographic portrait of Wright on cover. Full-page biographical note on p.2. 'List of Compositions' on p.3. Pp.4-11 carry eight reproductions of the first pages of the sheet music of various compositions. The back cover (p.12) carries 'A Few Opinions' (Musical Mirror; Morning Post; Liverpool Post & Mercury; Music Teacher; Musical Opinion; Basil Maine).

[Charles Lever, London solicitor.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Chas: Lever.') [to Thomas Wright?], subscribing to the newly-formed Camden Society, and making suggestions regarding 'the proposed undertaking'.

Charles Lever, London solicitor [Thomas Wright (1810-1877), antiquary, Secretary of the Camden Society]
Publication details: 
10 King's Road, Bedford Row [London]. 2 April 1838.

1p., 4to. 22 lines of text. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with traces of mount on reverse.

[Leith Docks.] Printed circular headed 'At a Meeting of Persons interested in the affairs of the City, held in the Waterloo Hotel on 13th February 1836, to consider the measures proper to be adopted in reference to the Proposal of Mr LABOUCHERE'.

[Alexander Wright; William Macdonald, Convener [Henry Labouchere (1798-1869), 1st Baron Taunton; Edinburgh, Scotland; Scottish; Leith Harbour and Docks]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh. 13 February 1836.

3pp., folio. On two loose leaves, each with one torn edge. The blank reverse of the second leaf is addressed in manuscript to 'The Bank of Scotland, | Edinbr', with two postmarks and pencil docketting. The heading is followed by a long list of those present, beginning with 'Mr THOMAS MILLAR, for the Incorporation of Skinners and Furriers' and ending with 'ALEXANDER WRIGHT, Esq. chose Preses'. There follows a minute of the meeting by 'ALEX.

Part of autograph 'Diary of the War' of Assistant Paymaster (later Rear-Admiral) Noel Wright, describing three months of his service with Jellicoe's Grand Fleet at Scapa Flow, and reporting the Battle off Texel and sinking of HMS Audacious.

Rear-Admiral Noel Wright (1890-1975), Royal Navy [Admiral of the Fleet Sir John Jellicoe, Commander of the Grand Fleet, Scapa Flow; Battle off Texel; sinking of HMS Audacious]
Publication details: 
Covering the period from 18 October 1914 to 4 January 1915.

163pp., 12mo. In a sturdy notebook, with brass clasp, covered in grey paper. Wright has written '4 | N W' on the front board. On the recto of the first leaf he gives the addresses of 'T', 'C', 'J', 'Adml Campbell' and 'Young'; and on the verso he writes the title 'DIARY OF THE WAR | VOLUME II', above the oval stamp 'SUPPLIED FOR THE PUBLIC SERVICE'. He signs 'Noel Wright' at head of the recto of the second leaf.

Five documents relating to the application of Lord Chorley for the lectureship in Evidence, Procedure and Criminal Law at the Inns of Court School of Law, including letters of recommendation from Lord Wright and Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders.

Robert Alderson Wright (1869-1964), Baron Wright [Lord Wright, Master of the Rolls, 1935-37]; Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders (1886-1966) [Robert Samuel Theodore Chorley (1895-1978), 1st Baron Chorley]
Publication details: 
London. 1952.

The five items are in good condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Items One and Two: Typed drafts of a 'Statement of Qualifications', headed 'Lord Chorley's application for appointment to the lectureship in Evidence, Procedure and Criminal Law.' Both 2pp., 4to. Slightly different in layout, and with few (if any) textual differences. After describing his career Chorley writes: 'Although my chief legal study has been commercial law I had experience of teaching Evidence, Procedure and Criminal Law at the Law Society's School.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C. V. A. Van Dyck') from the American missionary Cornelius Van Alen Van Dyck to the orientalist William Wright, Professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge, discussing the Syrica Bible and Lane's Arabic Lexicon.

Cornelius Van Alen Van Dyck (1818-1895), American physician, missionary and translator of the Bible into Arabic [William Wright (1830-1889), Professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge]-
Publication details: 
Beirut. 21 January 1885.

2pp., 12mo. 34 lines. Fair, on lightly-aged and creased paper. It has 'just flashed across' his mind that he neglected to answer the question in Wright's letter about the Syriac bible. 'We have no use for the Mod. Syr. Bib. in these parts & so do not keep it at hand.' He gives names of individuals to contact on the question, and discusses how copies could be procured. A postscript reads: 'What is the prospect for the completion of Lanes Lex. I have to the end of S - but since Lane died [Edward William Lane died in 1876] it seems as if most words were put off to the Supplement!!'

[Printed pro-Polish and anti-Soviet pamphlet.] The Polish Conspiracy? By H. W. Henderson.

Publication details: 
[Second edition, revised.] Published by H. W. Henderson, 44 Maxwell Drive, Glasgow. [Kirkwood (Printers) Limited, Glasgow. No date [1942].

15pp., 16mo. Fair, on aged and lightly-worn paper. In an 'Introduction' on the reverse of the title, Henderson explains that he thinks 'a second edition of the pamphlet would be timely, the more so that the presentation of Polish-Soviet relations in their true perspective is of great importance to the Allies.' In writing the pamphlet his 'purpose was primarily to reply to Mr.

Typed Letters Signed from Frank E. Wright, President, and W. T. Adair, Vice President and General Manager, Syndicate Publishing Company, New York, to Sydney Walton (later Lloyd George's spin doctor), on his employment in the firm's London office.

Frank E. Wright, President, Syndicate Publishing Company, New York; W. T. Adair, Vice President and General Manager [Sydney Walton (1882-1964), journalist and spin doctor]
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of the Syndicate Publishing Company, New York. Adair's letter: 2 December 1914. Wright's letter: 30 March 1915.

The letters provide a fascinating insight into the development of the transatlantic publishing industry. They are closely typed with single spacing, and both centre around Walton's employment situation and his complaints about the sending over from America of 'Mr. Russell', about whose 'absolute worthlessness to the business' he complains. Adair's letter: 2pp., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Spencer') from George John Spencer, 2nd Earl Spencer to an unnamed recipient [his agent?], requesting him to engage 'Mrs. Hope's house' and 'the stables at Mr. Wrights'.

George John Spencer (1758-1834), 2nd Earl Spencer [Thomas Hope (1769-1831), connoisseur, and Hon. Louisa Hope (d.1851), his wife]
Publication details: 
'Spencer House Saturday [no date]'.

1p., 12mo. On aged and lightly-spotted paper. Reads: 'My dear Sir, | Mrs. Hope's house will do & I shall be obliged to you to engage it for me, from the Saturday before the show for a week & the stables at Mr. Wrights also. | Yours most truly, | [signed] Spencer'. Mrs Hope is probably the Hon. Louisa Hope (d.1851), wife or widow of the connoisseur Thomas Hope (1769-1831), and one of the wealthiest women of England. If this is the case the letter was written before her second marriage in 1832 to her cousin Viscount Beresford.

Autograph Letter Signed ('De Tabley') from the poet John Byrne Leicester Warren, Baron De Tabley [Lord De Tabley], to Mrs Kate A. Wright of Birmingham, giving her permission to include five of his poems in an anthology.

John Byrne Leicester Warren, 3rd Baron De Tabley [Lord De Tabley] (1835-1895), English poet, numismatist, botanist and authority on bookplates
Publication details: 
62 Elm Park Rd, Chelsea. 20 June 1893.

1p., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. In envelope addressed by De Tabley to 'Mrs. Kate. A. Wright. | Monona House | Small Heath | Birmingham.' In reply to her letter of 18 June, he states that he will have pleasure in permitting her to 'insert the five pieces' which she enumerates in her 'forthcoming Collection of Poems and Ballads of the Nineteenth Century'. Kate A. Wright's 'Dainty Poems of the Nineteenth Century' was published in Birmingham in 1895. The titles of the five poems are given in another contemporary hand [Mrs Wright's?] on the reverse of the second leaf.

Autograph Letter Signed from the American cook Juliet Corson to 'Miss Booth' [Mary Louise Booth, editor of Harper's Bazaar], discussing the arrangements for the writing of a book ['Every-Day Cookery, Table Talk, and Hints for the Laundry', 1884].

Juliet Corson (1841-1897), American writer of cookery books, Superintendent of the New York Cooking School (founded by her in 1874) [Mary Louise Booth (1831-1889), first editor of Harper's Bazaar]
Publication details: 
Continental Hotel, New York; 6 September 1883.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on aged paper, neatly placed in a thin windowpane mount. After acknowledging receipt of $90, Corson announces that the previous week she 'had a letter from the House accepting my book.' She has received no answer to her letter asking for 'some information', and asks Booth to 'be my mediator again'.

Autograph notebook by the biographer and antiquary Thomas Wright of Olney, containing rough drafts of an apparently-unpublished story or novel ('My Little Lady. A Story without a Moral'), and of a lecture on Daniel Defoe and Stoke Newington.

Thomas Wright ['Wright of Olney'] (1859-1936) of Olney, Buckinghamshire, biographer, editor and antiquary, founder of the Cowper, John Payne and Blake Societies
Publication details: 
[Edwardian. Olney, Buckinghamshire.]

12mo, 134 pp each on one side of a ring-punched loose leaf, with the leaves attached by green thread within an original worn buckram binder with discoloured endpapers. The leaves themselves in good condition on lightly-aged paper; with those of the draft story ruled in red, and sometimes utilizing scrap paper (for example the blank reverses of prospectuses for Wright's books and scrap pages from Blake Society material).

Sketchbook filled with pencil drawings by Wright of the English countryside, some captioned and two signed 'HBW'. Four pages finished in watercolour.

Horace Boardman Wright (1888-1915), English artist from Beckenham, Kent [Royal College of Art; Royal Society of Painter-Etchers and Engravers]
Publication details: 
Dated by Wright: 'July 28th. 1904. [signed] H Boardman Wright | Technical Institute School of Art | Beckenham | Kent'. [Sketchbook by D. W. Richard & Co., 29 High Street, Croydon, Artist Colourmen and Picture Frame Makers.]

Landscape sketchbook of eighteen leaves. Leaf dimensions roughly 17.5 x 13 cm. One leaf loose. A further leaf has been removed. Drawings on twenty-five pages and the rear pastedown. Bound in rough grey cloth with printed design on front board. Printed stationer's ticket (label) on front pastedown. Grubby, and with the inevitable pencil offsetting, but good and tight on good paper, lightly-aged but unaffected by damp or stain. Contains some charming images, showing the promise that would win Wright a scholarship to the Royal College of Art three years later.

Autograph Manuscript musical score, entitled 'À la gigue. | F. W. (1924)', with autograph signature of 'Frank Wright' at the end.

Frank Wright (1901-1970), Professor of Brass and Military Band Scoring at the Guildhall School of Music, and editor of 'The Conductor' [brass bands]
Publication details: 
Dated '21st December 1927'.

On one side of a leaf of pink printed music paper, roughly 18 x 23.5 cm, removed from an album. Very good on lightly-aged paper. Twenty-one grand staff bars. Signed 'Frank Wright. | 21st. December 1927.' in bottom right-hand corner. According to Newsome ('The Modern Brass Band'), Wright was 'a highly influential figure in the brass band movement'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J Bowles') to 'Mr Wright | Piccadilly', confirming his authorship of the 'Letters of the Ghost of Alfred'.

John Bowles (1751-1819), barrister and author [John Wright (1770-1841) of Piccadilly, bookseller and publisher of Gifford's 'Anti-Jacobin']
Publication details: 
Tuesday' [no date, but circa 1798]. Place not stated.

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium with address on second leaf. Twenty-five lines. Text clear and complete. On aged, spotted and repaired paper. A significant letter, confirming Bowles's hitherto-tentative authorship of the 'Letters of the Ghost of Alfred', which was printed by Wright in 1798. Bowles informs Wright that he will 'receive some Copies of ye. Ghost of Alfred' the following morning. 'The price [I conceive] should be only 2/6 in boards there being but about 130 pages including thhe advertisements'.

Advertising circular for John Wright & Co. 'Printers & Stationers Electrotypers and Stereotypers', with two sets of three illustrations, given 'to show the difference in effect between Inartistic and High class Printing'.

John Wright & Co. of Bristol, Victorian printers [electrotype; stereotype printing]
Publication details: 
No date [circa 1880]. John Wright & Co. Stone Bridge & Host Street, Bristol.

4to bifolium of three pages, together a seperate leaf (dimensions of leaf in all cases 26 x 20 cm) carrying on one side one set of the three illustrations. Printed in black, and each page enclosed within a red decorative border. Creased and foxed, but a scarce piece of ephemera in acceptable overall condition. The first page of the bifolium is headed, in a variety of decorative fonts and point sizes, 'John Wright & Co.

Autograph Note in the third person to William Henry Kearsley Wright (1844-1915), Plymouth Borough Librarian, naval historian and antiquary.

John George Edward Henry Douglas Sutherland Campbell, Marquis of Lorne [Marquess of Lorne] and Duke of Argyll (1845-1914), Governor-General of Canada
Publication details: 
21 October 1875. Kensington [i.e. Kensington Palace].

12mo: 1 p. Very good on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'The Marquis of Lorne presents his compliments to Mr Wright and thanks him for the copy he has sent him of "The Spanish Armada." Wright's 'The Spanish Armada: a descriptive historical poem' was published in Plymouth by G. P. Friend in 1874.

Autograph Note Signed ('E R Fremantle') to William Henry Kearsley Wright (1844-1915), Plymouth Borough Librarian, naval historian and antiquary.

Sir Edmund Robert Fremantle (1836-1929), English naval officer, Commander-in-Chief at Devonport
Publication details: 
9 August 1898. On embossed letterhead of the Commander in Chief's Office, Devonport.

12mo, 1 p. Very good on lightly-aged paper. Reads 'Dear Mr Wright, | I am sending you a photograph which I hope you will like, | Yours faithfully, | [signed] E R Fremantle'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L. P. Hobart-Hampden') to 'Miss <Caste?>'.

Lucy Pauline Wright, afterwards the Hon. Mrs Charles Hobart-Hampden [Lucy Hobart-Hampden] (d. 1913), author of 'The Changed Cross'
Publication details: 
21 May 1889; Fonthill Cottage.

12mo, 4 pp. Good. A bifolium, attached by a strip along the inner margin to a leaf removed from an autograph album, docketed 'Mrs. Hobart Hampden, Authoress of "The Changed Cross" '. Postscript written vertically across the upper part of the first page. Concerns a photograph of the recipient's mother: a 'sweet souvenir of such a rare & precious jewel as your dear & beautiful Mother; whom we feel it such a privelidge [sic] to see and to know'.

Three Autograph Letters Signed (two 'Eric Broad. | Frederic E Wright.' and one 'Frederic E Wright | Eric Broad.') to W. Kineton Parkes (1865-1938), assistant editor of the journal of the Ruskin Reading Guild, 'Igdrasil'

Eric Broad' (Frederic E. Wright), English poet [W. Kineton Parkes; John Ruskin; William Marwick; the Ruskin Reading Guild]
Publication details: 
20 and 22 January and 3 March 1890; all from Scarsdale, Great Malvern.

All three items in very good condition. Interesting series of letters by an obscure 1890s poet. Letter One (12mo, 7 pp): Although he realises that some are 'rather poor', he is sending, through his brother (possibly the artist Alan Wright, 1864-1959), 'all the lyrics I have by me': 'I have not had time to "weed" yet, being veryy busily engaged writing lyrics for a Comedy-Opera ['Ethelinda, or a Philanthropic Fad' (1890), on which he collaborated with Hamilton O. Wylde] - & a libretto for Operetta; also been trying my hand at very sensational prose'.

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