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BRICRIU'S FEAST | A COMEDY IN THREE ACTS | WITH AN EPILOGUE, with typewritten letter to the author's daughter Ita O'Duffy.

Eimar O'Duffy
Publication details: 
Martin Lester, Ltd, 44 Dawson Street, Dublin; [1919?].

52 pages, 8vo. In original blue printed wraps, which are folded around endpapers, the rear of which bears publisher's advertisements. In poor condition: paper browning and spotting with age, binding loose and wraps frayed and worn, especially at spine. The front wrap has a long closed tear at head, and the indentation of a paper-clip, which attaches the typewritten letter (1 page, 8vo, discoloured and worn at extremities), headed 'Room 102, | Surrey Street. | 7.4.52', from 'Christine' to 'Ita'.

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