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[ Michel Chevalier, French economist and politician.] Autograph Letter Signed, in French, to James Yates, regarding a statistical congress in England. With Engraved portrait of 'The Late M. Michel Chevalier'.

Michel Chevalier (1806-1879), French free market economist, politician, and engineer, editor of the Paris 'Globe'
Publication details: 
73 Rue de l'Universite, Paris. 15 July 1860.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed to 'Dear Sir', but with the rest written in French. He explains that it is with reluctance that he is unable to leave paris and attend the 'Congrès de Statistique', and that it is always with pleasure that he visits England. He refers to a 'traite de Commerce' and the 'Conseil Superieur du Commerce, dont j'ai l'honneur d'etre membre'. The letter is accompanied by an engraved portrait of 'The Late M. Michel Chevalier', cut from a magazine. On 14 x 9 cm paper. In good condition, lightly-aged.

[ The Manchester Times. ] Printed handbill, headed 'To Advertisers. | Circulation of the "Manchester Times." Boasting of an 'unprecedented' increase in sales, and suggesting the renewal of an appended advertisement.

A. W. Paulton, proprietor, The Manchester Times [ Archibald Prentice (1792-1857), journalist and free-trader ]
Publication details: 
'Published every Saturday Morning, by the Proprietor, A. W. PAULTON, at the Office, Ducie Placce, Manchester. | Times Office, August 29th, 1848.'

1p., 12mo. A frail survival, creased and aged. Begins: 'The MANCHESTER TIMES has now been in the hands of the present Proprietor for twelve months, [Paulton had bought out Prentice in 1847] during which period its increase in circulation has been unprecedented. | At the commencement of the present year the Proprietor of the MANCHESTER TIMES announced that its circulation, during the previous half-year, had ranged from | 3,000 to 4,800. | He then expressed his strong conviction, that in SIX MONTHS from that time the maximum would become the average circulation.

[Pamphlet] Important Address by President Cosgrave

William Thomas Cosgrave; W.T. Cosgrave, President of the Irish Free State, 1922-1932
Publication details: 
Cahill & Co. Ltd, Parkgate Printing Works, Dublin, [1927]

Pamphlet, 16pp., 8vo, grey printed wraps, sunned at edges, stapled as issued, staple rusty and contents partly detached, a couple of pencil annotations, some rust marks, contents mainly good. It commences, "[p.1] "Dublin Chamber of Commerce | President's Address | Delivered Wednesday, 26th January, 1927".

[Printed pamphlet inscribed by the author.] An Address delivered at the Music Hall, Boston, in aid of the Fund for Ball's Equestrian Statue of Washington, on the evening of 13 May, 1859, by Robert C. Winthrop.

Robert C. Winthrop [Henry Tennyson Folkard (1850-1916), Librarian, the Free Public Library, Wigan; Thomas Ball (1819-1911), American sculptor; George Washington Monument, Boston, Massachusetts]
Publication details: 
Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1859.

60 + 1pp., 8vo. The last page carries an 'Appendix'. In brown printed wraps, with cover headed 'Luxury and the Fine Arts, - In some of their Moral and Historical Relations.' Inscribed at head of cover to 'B. Moran Esqe | with the Author's kind regards'. In fair condition, with signs of age and wear. Disbound, and with library stitching at spine. Front cover with stamp of the Free Public Library, Wigan, and shelfmarks. Note by the librarian Henry Tennyson Folkard on inside front cover: 'Cat. Bought May 1916. | H. T.

[John Sugden, Bishop of Selsey.] Two Autograph Letters Signed ('John Sugden Bishop of Selsey. | (in the Ref. Ep. Ch.)') to Herbert Pentin

John Sugden (d.1897), Bishop of Selsey in the Reformed Episcopal Church [Free Church of England]
Publication details: 
Both letters addressed from 28 Tierney Road, Streatham Hill, London. 18 and 24 July 1891.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Both addressed to 'My dear Mr Penton'. ONE (18 July 1891): 4pp., 8vo. He begins by explaining the American origins of the Reformed Episcopal Church. 'I am not sure that I grasp your meaning as to "whether there is a full Episcopate in England". I may however say that there is an ample supply of Bishops properly consecrated and duly qualified to perpetuate the Episcopate in an orderly manner.' After discussing 'dress' he continues: 'The little Bishop of Selsey is "used". I generally sign Ecclesl.

[Printed pamphlet.] Hints by the Way: An Address by the Rev. Charles McNeil, M.A. Delivered to the Juniper Green Free Church Sabbath Morning Fellowship Association, and printed by request.

Rev. Charles McNeil, M.A. [Juniper Green Free Church Sabbath Morning Fellowship Association]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh: Printed by John Forsyth, Guthrie Street. 1877.

12pp., 12mo. Stitched. Disbound. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Taking as its text 'Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way?' (Psalm CXIX. 9). Scarce: no copy in the British Library, on COPAC or WorldCat.

[Pamphlet; economic] General Election, 1885 | On the Present Depression in Trade

[Economics] L. Freer, Jr [Pseud?]
Publication details: 
Printed and Published by G. Reveirs, Graystoke Place, Fetter Lane, London, EC, [1885]

8pp., 8vo, unbound as issued, sewn, first and last pages grubby, small closed tears, right edge, contents mainlky good.Against Free Trade, giving comparative figures. No copy listed on COPAC.

[Braes of Lorn, Argyllshire.] Manuscript 'D[ra]ft. Regulations for Braes of Lorn', regarding the duties of tenants.

[Braes of Lorn, Argyllshire, Scotland; John Campbell (1762-1834), 4th Earl and 1st Marquess of Breadalbane, Scottish landowner]
Publication details: 
Circa 1817
Upon request

From the papers of John Campbell, 4th Earl and 1st Marquess of Breadalbane.

Autograph Letter Signed from the South African poet Albert Broderick to the editor of 'South Africa' E. P. Mathers, enclosing a corrected typescript of a translation of one of his poems into Afrikaans by 'Ex-President' Dr Francois Willem Reitz.

Albert Brodrick (1830-1908), English-born South African poet [Edward Peter Mathers, editor of the journal 'South Africa'; Dr Francois Willem Reitz (1844-1934), President of the Orange Free State]
Publication details: 
Brodrick's letter, from 22 Cockspur Street [London, England], on cancelled letterhead of 141 Gloucester Road, SW. 9 January 1899. Reitz's typescript: Pretoria. 14 November 1898.

Brodrick's Autograph Letter Signed to Mathers: 1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. 'Dear Sir - It may interest you to read the enclosed, written by Ex-President Reitz whose "renderings" of "Maid of Athens" & "Tam O'Shanter" are so well known. Somebody once said that "the only thing that doesn't lose by 'translation' is a Bishop" and as a rule this is correct, but I think in this instance I have gained'. In a postscript he asks for the return of the 'M.S.', underlined twice.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F H E') from the banker and Liberal politician Sir Francis Henry Evans to 'My dear Sir H[enr]y', regarding 'Free Trade v. Protection' in the United States following 'the fiscal follies of the earlier part of last century'.

Sir Francis Henry Evans (1840-1907) of Tubbendens, Orpington, Kent, banker and company director, Liberal Member of Parliament for Southampton, 1896-1900, and Maidstone, 1901-1906 [Free Trade]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Phesdo House, Laurencekirk, Kincardineshire, N.B. 12 October 1903.

4pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Closely written. He feels that he can give an account 'sufficient for yr. purposes without risking inaccuracies wh. opponents might attack'. He begins as follows: 'You are probably aware that after the fiscal follies of the earlier part of the last century the people of the United States resolutely set their faces against taxation except for revenue purposes for the absolute necessities of the Govt.

Three Autograph Letters Signed and one Typed Note Signed (two 'H. Campbell Bannerman' and two 'H.E.B.') from Liberal Prime Minister Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman to '[Sir F.] Evans', regarding the McKinley Tarriff and Joseph Chamberlain's 'big scheme'

Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman (1836-1908), British Liberal Prime Minister, 1905-1908 [Sir Francis Henry Evans (1840-1907); McKinley Tarriff; Tarriff Act of 1890; Joseph Chamberlain]
Publication details: 
The three Autograph Letters Signed all on letterheads of Belmont Castle, Meigle [Scotland]; 8, 12 and 19 October 1903. Typed Note Signed on letterhead of 10 Downing Street, Whitehall, S.W. [London]; 16 December 1905.

The four items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The three letters addressed to 'My dear Evans'. Letter One (8 October 1903): 1p., 12mo. He asks him - as his 'memory is faint' - to 'jot down the facts & dates' of 'the story of the genesis of the Mc.Kinley tariff - Cameron, in the Iron trade, leading off, and the inevitable extension'. Letter Two (12 October 1903): 2pp., 12mo.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J Montagu Sims') from the editor of the Manchester 'free Lance' to copy editor 'Mr. Alvarez', regarding the journal's system of punctuation.

J. Montagu Sims (fl. 1870s), editor of the Victorian Manchester periodical 'free Lance' [Alvarez, copy editor]
Publication details: 
'Southport. Tuesday.' [no date] On letterhead of 'The Editor's Department', "free Lance" Office, 36, Corporation Street, Manchester.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He begins by informing Alvarez that the periodical 'somehow made a sad hash of the printing of ye last No. which I have sent to the works | As you are now definitely engaged to read, I will tell you our system. | No high pointing, the other plan being both more scholarlike & less expensive. | All proofs read after my signature is attached (in page) to be only altered for literals.' He ends by informing Alvarez that he has 'sent on something of yrs'.

Part of Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Lytton Bulwer.') from the politician and author Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Lord Lytton [as Edward Lytton Bulwer] on inside of cover of frank by the Norfolk MP N. W. Peach of Ketteringham Hall.

Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873), Lord Lytton [Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton; Edward Lytton Bulwer], politician and author [Nathaniel William Peach (1785-1835)[
Publication details: 
London, 28 February 1830.

On piece of paper 19 x 12 cm. Addressed by Pech on one side, with franks and black wax seal: 'London February twenty eight 1830 | J Richardson Esq | Heydon | Aylsham | N W Peach Norfolk'. The reverse carries the conclusion of Lytton's letter, in his handwriting: '<...> remember. - | Begging again to thank you my dear Sir, for your attention & to assure you of my Consideration & Esteem | I am, very sincerely yours | [signed] E. Lytton Bulwer.'

Autograph Letter Signed to "Deidre [Dolly Lynd, sister of essayist, Robert Lynd]. IN IRISH. about Irish affairs including the degrading death of Michael Collins. With original envelope on which Robert Lynd's daughter, Maire Gaster, gives backg.round.

Micheal Mac Liamoir [Michael Mac'Liamoir; Micheál Mac Liammóir] (1899-1978), Irish actor, dramatist, impresario, writer, poet and painter
Publication details: 
26 August 1922

6pp., 4to, good condition, IN IRISH, translation as follows: "(On top) Write to me soon! ||Deirdre, my dear friend – I was delighted to receive your letter. Thank you very much. Forgive me for not writing much earlier: we are all greatly upset here over the deaths of Arthur Griffith and Michael Collins – isn’t it terrible news! I cannot believe it is true – I don’t know what the country will do without them. It disgusts me to think of Michael Collinsand the way they killed him like a dog; a curse on them, may they choke, the dirty villains!

Contemporary manuscript volume containing documents concerning the legal action brought in the Court of Chancery by Rev. John Cowper and others against Rev. Evan Price, Headmaster, the Free Grammar School of King Edward VI, Berkhamsted, and others.

[The Free Grammar School of King Edward VI in Berkhamsted; Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardwicke (1690-1764), Lord Chancellor; Rev. John Cowper (1694-1756); Rev. Evan Price]
Publication details: 
Circa 1755.

123pp., folio. Paginated. In contemporary brown tooled calf, with two metal clasps, and a metal ring at foot of rear board. Internally good and tight, on aged paper, in worn binding. A fair copy, neatly written out in a mid-eighteenth-century chancery hand, with the body of text on each page bordered by two vertical red lines. The Free Grammar School of King Edward VI in Berkhamsted was founded by John Incent, Dean of St Paul's, in 1541.

Some Ulster Handbills

Publication details: 

1. Ulster Facts and the Ulster Question (From the "Belfast Telegraph," July 9. 1924, printed by W. & G. Baird, Belfast), handbill, 4pp., 8vo, bifolium, very good condition. It includes "facts" about N. Ireland (agriculture, industry, etc) and reasons to reject the Boundary Commission.2. Ulster and Peace (Reprinted from "Belfast Telegraph," August 2, 1924, printed by W. & G. Baird, Belfast), handbill, 2pp. 8vo, bifolium, very good condition.3. The Attacks on Ulster (Reprinted from "Belfast Telegraph," August 4, [1924?], printed by W. & G. Baird, Belfast4. The Case for Ulster.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Chs G. Greene') from the American newspaper editor Charles Gordon Greene to W. F. Allston, regarding the involvement of 'Capt. Sturgis' [William F. Sturgis?] with a newspaper article.

Charles Gordon Greene (1804-1886), newspaper editor, associated with Boston Statesman, Taunton Free Press, Boston Spectator, National Palladium, United States Telegraph [Captain William F. Sturgis]
Publication details: 
Boston; 17 November 1841.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In reply to Allston's letter Greene assures him that 'Capt. Sturgis did not write the paragraph' Allston alludes to, 'nor did he contemplate the publication of his decision in a newspaper at the time he made it known to the gentleman who furnished me with the information'.

[Printed pamphlet] Under the Sanction of the Directors. Report of the Directors to a Special General Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures at Manchester, on the Injurious Effects of Restrictions of Trade, [...] 11th March, 1841.

[Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures at Manchester; free trade; protectionism]
Publication details: 
Fourth Thousand. London: Pelham Richardson, Cornhill; Ridgway, Piccadilly; Manchester: White & Carter, St. Ann's Square; and other Booksellers. [Manchester: Printed by White and Carter.]
Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures at Manchester

8vo, 24 pp. Disbound. Text clear and complete. Contemporary ownership inscription at head of front cover: 'D Chalmer | 3 Clayes St'. Stamps of the New York Public Library on front cover and first page of text. On aged paper, with chipping to extremities. Scarce: the only copy of this fourth edition on COPAC at the British Library, and the only other copies of any other edition on COPAC - single copies of the first and third edition - both also at the British Library. John Rylands has 2 copies.

[Manuscript] Account book of Charles Garnett of Bonehills, Tamworth,

[Charles Garnett]
Publication details: 
1839 to 1848

Manuscript account book containing a wealth of detail, helping to build up a picture of the household of an affluent member of the Victorian middle-class (see 'Garnett of Wyreside' in Burke's Landed Gentry). The son of an East India Company civil servant, Charles Garnett (1811-1899), of Bonehills, Tamworth, and latterly of the manor house, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, was a member of the Middle Temple, and Justice of the Peace for the counties of Stafford and Warwick.

[Bound mimeographed book, with full-page photographs, inscribed by the author.] 'Ivy Gladys Tennyson by C. T. [her husband Sir Charles Tennyson]'.

Sir Charles Tennyson [Sir Charles Bruce Locker Tennyson] (1879-1977), grandson of the poet Alfred Lord Tennyson [Dame Ivy Gladys Tennyson (1880-1958), nee Pretious]
Publication details: 
Privately printed. Undated. [Inscription dated December 1960.]
Ivy Gladys Tennyson by C. T.

4to, [i] + 74 pp. Title-page and 74 numbered pages. Each page on the recto of a leaf, with the verso blank. With two full-page photographs (full-length portrait of Ivy in her wedding gown, July 1909; and picture of the couple 'From a portrait by Anthony Devas October 1950') laid down on blank leaves. Tied with green ribbon. Clear and complete. Internally in good condition, on lightly-aged paper; binding creased and repaired with tape. Inscribed by Sir Charles Tennyson on inside of front cover 'Jill from | with much love | Dec. 1960'.

[Bound mimeographed book, with full-page photographs, inscribed by the author.] 'Ivy Gladys Tennyson by C. T. [her husband Sir Charles Tennyson]'.

Sir Charles Tennyson [Sir Charles Bruce Locker Tennyson] (1879-1977), grandson of the poet Alfred Lord Tennyson [Dame Ivy Gladys Tennyson (1880-1958), nee Pretious]
Publication details: 
Privately printed. Undated. [Inscription dated December 1960.]
Ivy Gladys Tennyson by C. T.

4to, [i] + 74 pp. Title-page and 74 numbered pages. Each page on the recto of a leaf, with the verso blank. With two full-page photographs (full-length portrait of Ivy in her wedding gown, July 1909; and picture of the couple 'From a portrait by Anthony Devas October 1950') laid down on blank leaves. Tied with green ribbon. Clear and complete. Internally in good condition, on lightly-aged paper; binding worn and creased. Inscribed 'Jill from [Mom?] With much love  Dec. 1960'. Description, for his grandchildren, of his wife's 'remarkable personality and achievement'.

Striking original large coloured Conservative Party anti-Free Trade election poster, captioned 'Watchman, What Of The Night?', showing Uncle Sam, a Chinaman and a Russian removing 'British Capital' from a factory while the watchman John Bull sleeps.

[Conservative Party; Liberal Party; Free Trade; British General Election, 1910; political caricature]
Publication details: 
[1910?] Numbered 109. 'Published by The National Union of Conservative & Constitutional Associations, St. Stephens Chambers, Westminster, S.W. & Printed by David Allen & Sons Ld. 180 Fleet St. E.C.'
Coloured Conservative Party anti-Free Trade election poster

Lithograph. Landscape, 51 x 76 cm. In fair condition and worthy of framing, although aged and with a few small holes. John Bull, in a watchman's hut with a flag on his knees, dozes before the fire of Free Trade, while Uncle Sam and a jolly Chinaman remove a stretcher bearing a heavy load of 'BRITISH CAPITAL' from the factory gates of 'BRITISH INDUSTRIES', closely followed by a Soviet with a swag bag. Presumably produced in the build-up to the British General Election of 1910.

Substantial collection of articles (mainly to the 'Glasgow Argus' and 'Wigtownshire Free Press') and other writing by William Durrant Cooper (1812-1875), antiquary, mainly political and much of it anonymous, collected by Durrant himself.

William Durrant Cooper (1812-1875), antiquary
Publication details: 
Between 1842 and 1844.

4to, 194 pp. (paginated by Cooper). In original calf half-binding, with marbled boards and endpapers. All texts clear and complete. On aged paper chipped at extremities, and coming away from binding, which has been covered in plastic. With Durrant's armorial bookplate, and signed 'Wm Durrant Cooper' on first page.

[pamphlet, one of fifteen, with manuscript list of recipients] Messrs. Moody & Sankey, and the Problem of the Times. Being an Article offered to the St. Louis Republican for Thanksgiving Day, and printed now in a few copies for private communication.

James F. Mallinckrodt ['Unity'] [Ira David Sankey, Methodist evangelical gospel singer and composer; Dwight Lyman Moody]
Publication details: 
January 1, 1876. St Louis, Missouri: No. 2816 North 12th Street.
 Messrs. Moody & Sankey, and the Problem of the Times

12mo, iv + 8 pp. Stitched. In original blue printed wraps. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with minor foxing. In original worn blue wraps, with closed tear to the spinal crease. Title leaf followed by printed limitation leaf: 'No. 4a | This Copy is Inscribed to Prof John Tyndall'. On the inside of the back wrap is a manuscript list headed 'Memo from Mailing account Book', numbered 1 ('Mr Carlyle') to 12 ('Rev H. W. Beecher'). Included are 'R W Emerson', 'H W Longfellow', and at 4, 'Prof Tyndall, Huxley, Proctor, & Mr Spencer' (the last three being 4b, 4c and 4d).

Report of Enquiry into Wages and Costs of Living of Natives at Kroonstad, Orange Free State.

South African Institute of Race Relations (Incorp.) / Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut vir Rasseverhoudings (Ingelyf) [Bantu; apartheid]
Publication details: 
Dated in type 'A. L. S. July 1st, 1940.'
Report of Enquiry into Wages and Costs of Living of Natives at Kroonstad

Folio, 13 pp. Mimeographed typed document on seven leaves stapled together at head. Some leaves separated. Text clear and complete. On aged high-acidity paper with slight chipping to extremities. Report over first seven pages, followed by two appendixes: 'Minimum Diet for Urban Bantu Family of Husband, Wife and Three Children and Cost thereof in Kroonstad' and 'Occupational and Wage Statistics'. No copy on COPAC or in the British Library.

Coimisiún na Gaeltachta [Commission of Inquiry into the Preservation of the Gaeltacht]. Report.

Commission of Inquiry into the Preservation of the Gaeltacht [General Richard James Mulcahy, Chairman]
Publication details: 
Dublin: Published by the Stationery Office. [Coimisiún na Gaeltachta, 1926.]

Folio, iv + 133 pp. One fold-out map, roughly 86 x 61 cm, titled 'Map No. 3. [the other two maps being issued separately] Coimisiún na Gaeltachta. Map of Ireland showing the Irish speaking districts [in pink] and the partly Irish speaking districts [in yellow] as defined by the Commission.' Stapled. In original cream printed wraps. Clear and complete. A fair copy, slightly dogeared but tight, on aged paper, in worn and spotted wraps and with rusted staples. A document of the highest importance in the history of the Irish language.

Printed Edinburgh Assize paper, a summons to be served to those accused of 'Mobbing and Rioting', 'Obstructing a Presbytery' and 'Assualt', in which Neave sets out the case against them. With 'List of Witnesses' and 'List of Assize. Edinburgh'.

Charles Neaves, A.D. [The Black Isle Riot, 1843; Royal Burgh of Cromarty, Scotland; Scottish law; Edinburgh assizes]
Publication details: 
[Edinburgh: 1843.]

Ten quarto pages (paginated 1 to 10) on three loose bifoliums. Stabbed as issued. Text clear and complete. On aged paper with chipping and short closed tears to edges.

Under Southern Skies. A series of articles conveying the impressions of the writer during the course of a visit to Australia and New Zealand as a member of the Imperial Press Conference, 1925.

J. W. Dafoe [John Wesley Dafoe], Editor-in-Chief, Manitoba Free Press [Australia; New Zealand]
Publication details: 
Winnipeg, Canada: The Free Press. ['Reprinted in order as they appeared from day to day on the editorial page of the Manitoba Free Press, November, 1925'.]

8vo: [iv] + 43 pp. Stapled pamphlet. Inscribed at head of title 'With regards | J W Dafoe'. Text clear and complete. On grubby, aged paper, with wear to outer leaves. An introduction explains that of the seventeen articles, 'the first seven [...] are merely comments on certain aspects of the New Zealand scene as they appeared to a passer-by', while 'the ten articles devoted to Australia deal with the same subject from various angles. They constitute an attempt at a study of Australia's political developments in the social and economic field.' No copy in the British Library or on COPAC.

[The Writings of Leo Tolstoy. Edited by V. Tchertkoff. No. 2.] The Spirit of Christ's Teaching.

Leo Tolstoy [V. Tchertkoff (Vladimir Grigorevich Chertkov), 1854-1936]
Publication details: 
Purleigh, Essex: Free Speech Publishing House. 1899.

12mo: [iv] + 35 pp. In original green cloth printed wraps. Text clear and complete. On aged high-acidity paper, and with four staple holes throughout. Creasing to front wrap and slight loss at head of title (not affecting text). In the 'Editor's Preface' (p.iii, dated 'V. TCHERTKOFF.

The True Principal of Population; Trade, Profits, Wages, Employment, and the Land Laws.

T. R.' [population; land reform; Sir Robert Arthur Arnold; Manchester radical politics; economics]
Publication details: 
Undated [between 1880 and 1885]. Manchester: Abel Heywood and Son, 56 & 58, Oldham Street.

12mo, 15 pp. Stitched as issued. Text clear and complete on aged, worn and foxed paper. Can be dated from references in text, and from quotation on title from 'Arthur Arnold, M.P.' (Arnold's career in the House of Commons ending in 1885). Carries a few contemporary marks in light pencil, and a column in shorthand on the blank reverse of the last leaf. Excessively scarce: no copy in the British Library, on COPAC or on WorldCat.

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