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Autograph Note Signed ('John Hullah') to 'My dear Strettell'.

John Pyke Hullah (1812-1884), English composer, firnd of Dickens, and collaborator.
Publication details: 
18 July 1856; on letterhead, embossed with crest, of St Martin's Hall.

One page, 12mo. On creased, brittle, aged paper. Repaired with archival tape on reverse, which carries traces of previous mounting. He is sending some lines of introduction 'to my cameo friend who lives in Grafton St Bond St. - No. [i.e. number] unknown, but it is the second or third house on the right going from Bond St.' Hullah's 'Music Hall' - St Martin's Hall in Long Acre - opened in 1850. It burnt to the ground ten years later.

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