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[ Christmas Humphreys, English judge and Buddhist ] Typed Letter Signed ('T C Humphreys') to Mahatma Gandhi's friend the lawyer H. S. L. Polack, regarding his disrespect shown to the Buddha rupa.

Christmas Humphreys [ Travers Christmas Humphreys ] (1900-1983), QC, English judge and prominent Buddhist [ H. S. L. Polak (1882-1959), lawyer friend and political associate of Mahatma Gandhi ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 58 Marlborough Place, St John's Wood [London]. 17 December 1948.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He thanks him for his 'note about Buddha rupas': 'We had all this nearly 20 years ago when Woolworths in London produced an ink stand of a Buddha rupa, or something like it, with a hole in the head for the pen. We wrote and protested, and they promptly withdrew it. But of course, no protest would have any effect in the U.S.A.' He and his colleagues are making the principles of Buddhism better known, as 'the only way to produce respect for a Buddhist symbol', but are restricted by their 'terribly limited funds'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the playwright Ben Travers to 'Miss Saunders', reporting that he is 'in the thick of this "Week in the Country" business', but that he will contribute to the 'Grand Magazine', despite being 'a rotten short story writer'.

Ben Travers (1886-1980), English playwright, best-known for his farces at the Aldwych Theatre in London in the 1920s and 1930s
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Queen's Hotel, Southsea. 29 June 1927.

1p., 12mo. On aged and ruckled paper, with pinholes to one corner. He is 'in the thick of this "Week in the Country" business'. 'When I come to town I'll come & see you about your proposition of the series for the Grand Magazine, but I'm a rotten short story writer, you know.'

Whaling at Encounter Bay. Prepared by Keith Travers Borrow [for the Hisorical Memorial Committee of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia (S.A. Branch) and with their permission published by the Pioneers' Association of S.A.].

Keith Travers Borrow [Encounter Bay; the Historical Memorials Committee of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia; the Pioneers' Association of South Australia]
Publication details: 
[1946.] Published by the Pioneers' Association of S.A. Steamship Buildings, Currie Street, Adelaide. [O.J.D. Printery, 174 Angus Street.]

12mo, 16 pp. Stapled pamphlet. Not paginated. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Includes a three-quarter page 'Chart of the Anchorages in Encounter Bay by Wm. Light, Surveyor General'. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at Oxford (where dated to 1846).

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