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[George Bilainkin, English journalist.] Typescripts of three articles, two in the form of diary entries (one on an Egyptian Embassy reception and the other on an international conference on crime); the third a dialogue between monks and journalists.

George Bilainkin (1903-1981), English journalist and expert on foreign affairs [Ernest Bevin; Lev Nikolaevich Smirnov; Admiral Sir Dudley Pound; Egyptian Embassy; Laurence Cadbury; Tom Bairstow]
Publication details: 
Two dated entries: 23 July and 18 August 1960. The third entry ('Monastery') undated.

The three items derive from the Bilainkin papers. Each is separately paginated and stapled, with the text on one side only of the leaves. All three in good condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper, with rusty staples. Item One: Titled 'ADD 1960 DIARY. Saturday, July 23.' 7pp., foolscap 8vo. With carbon copy of the same.

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