Sheena Lilian Grant Tennant (1883-1974, later Kendall), daughter of James Tennant (1852-1933) of Fairlieburne, Fairlie, Ayrshire, Scotland, industrialist and cousin of Margot Asquith [W. B. Yeats]
Publication details:
All published by The Frederick Harris Company, London (either at 85 or 89 Newman Street, Oxford Street; or 40 Berners Street).
Collection of six items of printed sheet music of piano pieces. In good overall condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. All published by The Frederick Harris Company, London (Item One at 89 Newman Street, Oxford Street; Items Two to Four at 89 Newman Street; and Items Five and Six at 40 Berners Street). All items excessively scarce, with COPAC only recording one copy (at the British Library) of Items One, Two, Three and Five; two copies (British Library and Trinity College Dublin) of Item Four; and no copies of Item Six. ONE: 'Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal. Song .