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['Official Copy' of British Army publication.] Regulations for the Medical Services of the Army. 1938.

[British Army regulations for the Medical Services]
Publication details: 
London: Published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1943. ['Notified in Army Orders for July, 1938'.] 'Printed [...] by William Clowes & Sons, Ltd., London and Beccles.'

xiii + 457pp., 12mo. In green printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Divided into 14 sections (from 'Composition and General Organization of the Medical Services of the Army' to 'Regulations affecting the Royal Air Force'), with 56 appendices ('Sanitary Reports' to 'Contents of Case of Tracheotomy Instruments'). Scarce: no copy of this 1943 issue traced on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat (and only four of the 1938 version). From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps.

[Large printed HMSO double-sided propaganda poster.] ABCA Map Review. No. 7: The Period from February 1st to February 14th 1943. [With coloured map and numerous photographic illustrations.]

[The Army Bureau of Current Affairs; ABCA; HMSO; His Majesty's Stationery Office; the Red Army]
Publication details: 
Compiled by the Army Bureau of Current Affairs. Printed for H.M. Stationery Office by Fosh & Cross, Ltd. 1943

Printed on both sides of a piece of paper., 75 x 102cm. In very good condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. Designed to be placed on a barrack wall, but with no evidence of having been put up. A striking piece of graphic design, with a boldly-coloured map beneath a thick green curving masthead on the front, and another black and white map in the bottom left-hand corner. Headings to the text read: 'Churchill's Return', 'The Russian Tide', 'The Nazi Line', 'After Tunisia . .

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