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[Peter Levi, poet and Jesuit priest.] Holograph collection of nine poems, titled 'The Element', with signed autograph note from Dom Moraes explaining their background.

Peter Levi [Peter Chad Tigar Levi] (1931-2000), Professor of Poetry at the University of Oxford, 1984-1989, and Jesuit priest [Dom Moraes (1938-2004), Indian poet]
Publication details: 
Dated by Levi to the period November 1957 to January 1958. Moraes' note dated 10 June 1963.

14pp., 4to. In exercise book with green printed wraps. Good, on lightly-aged and worn paper. The first page carries the title 'The Element', with the words 'Peter Levi S.J. | Nov. '57-Jan. '58' in the top right-hand corner. With occasional light corrections. The second poem ('Out of shaking') has the directions: 'No title & no commas', and the last but one ('Unfinished Elegy'), which is the longest at 4pp., is annotated: 'There ought to be three parts or possibly four.

[Peter Levi, S.J., English poet.] Unpublished holograph poem ( 'P. L.') titled 'For Henrietta and Dom. | (December, 1960.)' Addressed to the Indian poet Dom Moraes and his wife Henrietta Moraes, lover of Lucien Freud and model for Francis Bacon.

Peter Levi [Peter Chad Tigar Levi] (1931-2000), Professor of Poetry at the University of Oxford and Jesuit priest [Dom Moraes (1938-2004), Indian poet; his wife Henrietta Moraes (1931-1999)]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. December 1960.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. A fair copy of a twenty-eight line poem, arranged in seven four-line stanzas. Signed at end 'P. L. | December 1960.' The first stanza reads 'Rain-threaded gull-wheeling bell-clamorous air, | by wind shifted, by smoke lightly weighted, | in which sirens beautifully despair, | no monumnet crumbles uncelebrated,'. The poem ends with a simile of 'Adam when he woke: | stood for a moment as if he had been blind, | and bent suddenly over Eve, and spoke.' There is no indication that the poem has been published.

[Peter Levi, S.J., English poet.] Autograph Card Signed to the bookseller Eric Korn, with copies of his 'Three Poems' and the Jesuit bulletin 'To our friends', the latter with signed autograph note: 'This I did write & hideous [...] it is'.

Peter Levi [Peter Chad Tigar Levi] (1931-2000), Professor of Poetry at the University of Oxford and Jesuit priest
Publication details: 
Card postmarked from Campion Hall, Oxford, and with postmarked date 21 November 1971. Three Poems: Sycamore Press, 4 Benson Place Oxford; Spring 1970. 'To our friends': No. 33, April 1962; with note on letterhead of Heythrop College, Chipping Norton.

The three items in good condition, with light age and wear. CARD: He has been told about Korn by 'Barbara and Cyril Connolly': 'Maybe we might meet, though I shall now be leaving England for a time. Do you ever have a catalogue? If so please put me on your list. I chiefly want classics & archaeology & (old) travels in Greece & Central Asia, but sometimes modern poetry. I am always at or c/o this address. Peter Levi.' THREE POEMS: Landscape 8vo, folded twice to make three panels. Printed in blue. The first poem is titled 'Riddle' and the other two are untitled.

[Printed booklet.] [Ward.] Memorials of a Grand Parent and Parents, with Names of their Descendants, and a Double Appendix. [With manuscript 'Pedigree of Andrew Ward'.]

Henry Meigs Ward; Ferdinand DeWilton Ward; Mehetabel Eunice Clarke; Henrietta Jacqueline Clarke [Levi Ward; Mehetabel Ward; Andrew Ward]
Publication details: 
Democrat and Chronicle Print, Rochester, N.Y. [New York, United States of America] Dedication dated October 1886.

50pp., 8vo. Stapled. In original wraps with the word 'WARD.' in large letters on front, and nothing else printed on them. In good condition, on aged and spotted paper. The title, on p.1, reads 'Memorials of a Grand Parent and Parents, with Names of their Descendants, and a Double Appendix.' Printers details, p.2. Dedication, p.3, by Henry M. Ward, F. DeW. Ward, Mehetabel E. Clarke and Henrietta J. Clarke, dated October 1886: 'This Home Volume is dedicated to Our Children and Theirs, with the express requests, (1).

Autograph Letter Signed by the jurist and statistician Leone Levi, requesting 'a contribution towards the Missionary work to the Italians in London' from the London merchant William Clarke Gellibrand.

Leone Levi (1821-1888), Italian-born Jewish jurist and statistician, Professor of Commercial Law, King's College, London [William Clarke Gellibrand (1791-1884) of Albyns, Essex; Bible Society]
Publication details: 
107 Farrar's Building, Temple, London; 30 January 1869.

2pp., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Two years before Gellibrand (whose name Levi misspells 'Jellibrand') made a financial contribution 'towards the Missionary work to the Italians in London'. Levi has not troubled him since, 'but before we close the account of 1868 the treasurer tells me that we must collect some more in order not to be in debt'. He asks if Gellibrand will 'kindly renew' his gift 'to the object'. He is sorry not to have met 'your & our friends at the Bible Society', whose work he values highly, but whose committee meet 'at an inconvenient hour in the day'.

Fragment of Autograph Document entitled 'To Juista [ or Luista ]'.

Levi Bartlett
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

American physician (1763-1828), son of Josiah Bartlett, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. One page, octavo. On creased, discoloured paper. Several closed tears repaired on reverse with archival tape. Forty-four lines in a close hand, beginning 'The 2nd objection you make to my idea that "all Sin proceed from the want of wisdom" requires some explanation.' and ending 'I agree with you that the animal powers often lead people to do wrong actions'.

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