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[ Hand-coloured series of images ] "Phenomena of Nature"

[ "Whimper"; Josiah Wood Whymper ]
Publication details: 
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; S. Bentley, printer, [1846 ]

Thirty plates Illustrative of Natural Phenomena, with a short description annexed to each hand-coloured plate, 4to, 35 x 28cm, hf.bound, green cloth, black cf corners and sp., worn, gt bands on spine, 30 engraved plates with fine original hand colour (some spotted, one with small closed tear not affecting text), MS. list of images on verso of front free endpaper, with attractive MS. title "Phenomena of Nature"on recto of second free endpaper, images mostly by Whymper if not all.

[ Josiah Wedgwood and Sons Ltd. ] Decorative advertising board for 'Wedgwood Aztec Lustre on the original cane body'.

Josiah Wedgwood and Sons Ltd, earthenware and porcelain manufacturers
Publication details: 
Wedgwood [ Josiah Wedgwood and Sons Ltd., Etruria Works, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ]. Undated (1920s?).

Printed in black and red on one side of a piece of 14.5 x 20.5 cm brown card. Designed in a style showing the influence of Art Deco. Within a decorative border with floral corners. Text, in capitals, reads: 'Wedgwood | Aztec Lustre | On the original cane body | Reminiscent of the brilliantly coloured | pottery made by the Aztecs, a cultured | race who inhabited Mexico and the | northern part of South America | before the Spanish Conquest in 1520.'

[Printed item.] First Regiment, L. L. V. | The Memorial of the Seventh Company to the Committee of the Bread-Street Ward Armed Association, agreed on at a Meeting of the said Company, [...].

Josiah Lowe, Chairman [Seventh Company, First Regiment, L. L. V., Bread-Street Ward Armed Association, London]
Publication details: 
'[...] held at the White-Horse Tavern, Friday-Street, on Monday, November 12, 1804. Mr. Josiah Lowe, in the Chair.' Sorrell, Printer, Bartholomew-Close, Smithfield.

2pp., 8vo. On the first leaf of a bifolium of laid paper with watermark 'WILLIAMS | 1803'. On aged and worn paper, with closed tears and chipping to extremities.

[Walter Farquhar Hook, Dean of Chichester.] Three Autograph Letters Signed (one in full and two 'W F Hook') to the wife of the Birmingham attorney Josiah Corrie.

Walter Farquhar Hook (1798-1875), Dean of Chichester, Tractarian and ecclesiastical historian [Josiah Corrie of Woodford, Moseley, Birmingham attorney]
Publication details: 
First letter from Spark Brook, 26 July 1828; second letter from St Nicholas Place, Coventry, 16 April 1829; third letter without place or date [1871?].

The three items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, the second letter having a few very short closed tears on fold lines. The first two signed 'W F Hook' and the third 'Walter Farquhar Hook'. ONE (26 July 1828): 2pp., 12mo. Apologising because 'waiting upon' the Corries will now be impossible, as 'Sir Robert and Lady Wilmot intend to come on a Visit': His Mother will not be able to see Sir Robert, so Hook will be 'compelled to stay at home to entertain him'. TWO (16 April 1829): 2pp., 4to. On gilt-edged bifolium.

[John Hassell, artist and engraver.] Autograph Note Signed ('J Hassell'), arranging to offer 'something interesting' to an unnamed employee of the London printseller 'Mr Boydell' [either John Boydell or his nephew Josiah Boydell].

John Hassell (1767-1825), watercolour painter and engraver [John Boydell (1720-1804), artist and London printseller; his nephew Josiah Boydell (1752-1817)]
Publication details: 
'Thursday Morng [no date] | 11 Clements Inn'.

1p., landscape 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-stained paper. The note reads: 'Dr Sir, | I shall do myself the pleasure of waiting upon you the beginning of the week, when I hope to have something interesting to shew you for Mr Boydell - believe me | Dr Sir | Yrs truly | J Hassell'.

[Josiah Wood Whymper, Victorian wood engraver.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J W Whymper'), congratulating the painter Sir John Gilbert on his election as an Associate Member of the Royal Academy.

Josiah Wood Whymper (1813-1903), Victorian wood engraver [Sir John Gilbert (1817-1897), English painter; the Royal Academy of Arts]
Publication details: 
Haslemere [Surrey]. 1 February 1872.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of mount to the corners of the blank reverse of the second leaf. The letter begins: 'Dear Gilbert | Thomas told me yesterday - at your gallery - that he had heard you had an attack of rheumatic fever'. He hopes that this is not true, as it is 'a most painful complaint', adding: 'I beg that you will give me a line as soon as you feel well, which we al must [hope] will be very soon'.

[John Hassell, artist and engraver.] Autograph Note Signed ('J Hassell'), arranging to offer 'something interesting' to an unnamed employee of the London printseller 'Mr Boydell' [either John Boydell or his nephew Josiah Boydell].

John Hassell (1767-1825), watercolour painter and engraver [John Boydell (1720-1804), artist and London printseller; his nephew Josiah Boydell (1752-1817)]
Publication details: 
'Thursday Morng [no date] | 11 Clements Inn'.

1p., landscape 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-stained paper. The note reads: 'Dr Sir, | I shall do myself the pleasure of waiting upon you the beginning of the week, when I hope to have something interesting to shew you for Mr Boydell - believe me | Dr Sir | Yrs truly | J Hassell'.

Manuscript list, by 'J. Wheeler Pottery Branch', of properties in the Staffordshire townships of Shelton, Penkhull, Wolstanton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Knutton, Keele and Madeley, describing the properties, and naming owner, lessee and occupier.

J. Wheeler, 'Pottery Branch' [1830s property listings for the Staffordshire townships of Shelton, Penkhull, Wolstanton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Knutton, Keele and Madeley] [Josiah Wedgwood; Ralph Sneyd]
Publication details: 
Undated [1830s], on paper watermarked 'G W | 1835'.

23pp., landscape folio; on twelve leaves pinned together. Fair on lightly-aged and dogeared paper. The document is clearly official, perhaps relating to the Poor Law or Reform Bill. With numerous emendations in different hands. Each page is a printed form, divided into five columns: 'Number on Plan.', 'Description of Property', 'Owner', 'Lessee' and 'Occupier'. (The plan referred to in the first column is not present.) Properties range from 'Field (Glebe Land)' to 'Railway'; and from 'House. Barns. Stables yard & Garden' to 'Canal & towing path'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. G. Holland') from the American author Josiah Gilbert Howard ('Timothy Titcomb'), editor of the Springfield Republican, to 'Mr Vose' [Henry Vose]. With a copy of M. Eaton's 1879 portrait of Holland.

Josiah Gilbert Holland ['Timothy Titcomb'] (1819-1881), American novelist, poet and editor of the Springfield Republican [Henry Vose]
Publication details: 
Republican Office, Springfield, Massachusetts; 21 April [1857].

1p., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. He asks 'what good reason was there for indefinitely postponing the Republican Convention. It seems like a queer move up this way, and my neighbor of the Hampshire Gazette is pitching in'. He regrets that Vose is 'going away' and is 'not going to see the libel case through'. From the papers of Henry Vose. The portrait of Holland (extracted from The Magazine of Poetry, 1890) is in good condition, neatly presented and lightly attached to a paper mount.

Autograph Signature of William Pitt Amherst, 1st Earl Amherst ('Amherst') on frank addressed to 'Robert Barrie Esqre. Captain of H.M.S. Pomone'.

William Pitt Amherst (1773-1857), 1st Earl Amherst, British diplomat and colonial administrator (sometime Ambassador Extraordinary to China) [Captain Sir Robert Barrie (1774-1841) of HMS Pomone]
Publication details: 
Autograph Signature of William Pitt Amherst

On rectangle of paper, 11 x 5.5 cm, cut from front frank. Aged and spotted, with closed tear at head repaired on reverse with archival tape. The whole in Amherst's hand, with his signature (as usual on frank) in bottom left-hand corner between two horizontal lines. Launched in 1805, the Pomone was a 38-gun Leda-class fifth rate Royal Navy ship, built by Josiah and Thomas Brindley at Frindsbury. She saw action during the Napoleonic Wars, primarily in the Mediterranean, and was wrecked off the Needles in 1811.

Typed Letter Signed ('W. H. Rylands') to [Josiah] Conder, concerning an engraving of the Temple in Jerusalem.

W. H. Rylands [William Harry Rylands] (1847-1922), F.S.A., antiquary and freemason [Josiah Conder (1852-1920), architect and artist]
Publication details: 

4to, 2 pp. Thirty-six lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Rylands thanks Conder for the trouble he has taken 'about this plate of the Temple'. Discusses an edition of Josephus, and a possible painting by Parmentier of 'the building of the Temple and not the Temple built'. Discusses the origin of the plate Conder has sketched, with architectural references. 'Schott's engraving was often copied, [...] Fergusson, with all his study, did not come to anything better'. Rylands was initiated in the Lodge of Faith and Unanimity No.

Receipt, signed 'B Nichols, 25 Parliament Street', for a guinea subscription to Forby's 'Vocabulary'. Countersigned by Fletcher.

John Bowyer Nichols and Son, Printers and Booksellers; John Kitson; Simon Wilkin, Norwich bookseller; Josiah Fletcher, Norwich bookbinder [The Gentleman's Magazine]
Publication details: 
11 December 1829. On printed company letterhead.

On one side of a piece of wove paper roughly 10.5 x 17.5 cm. Good. Printed in top left-hand corner: 'To J. B. Nichols and Son. Printers and Booksellers. 25, Parliament Street, Westminster. ***Office, 10, King Street, Westminster.' Asks that the 'Subscription to Forby's Vocabulary 1 1 0' be paid to him or to 'Mr Wilkin, Bookseller, herewith'. Countsigned crosswise 'Received for S. Wilkin | [signed] Josiah Fletcher | Jan 25/30'. Docketed on reverse. BBTI has Wilkin as a bookseller in Norwich from before 1821 to 1830; and Fletcher as a binder and printer there from around 1820 to 1835.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Forshall') to Bishop Coleridge.

Josiah Forshall (1795-1863), Keeper of Manuscripts and Secretary of the British Museum [William Hart Coleridge (1789-1849), bishop of Barbados and the Leeward Islands]
Publication details: 
B[ritish]. M[useum]. Oct: 2. 1848.'

12mo: 2 pp. 11 lines of text. The Bishop's note has reached him 'just as I am about to set out for Cambridge to spend the week there'. When he returns he will 'search for any papers we may have relative to Dr. Walker'. He will let him 'know the result of my enquiries'.

Three different bookplates.

Josiah Clement Wedgwood (1872-1943), 1st Baron Wedgwood, British Liberal and Labour politician
Publication details: 
[1890s to 1930s.]

Arranging the three in what appears to be chronological order, the first (good, roughly four inches by two and three-quarters wide) has 'Josiah C. Wedgwood' in copperplate beneath a straightforward Victorian armorial design, with shield, coronet and motto 'OBSTANTIA DISCINDO'. The second (three and a half inches by three wide) dates from after Wedgwood's election as a Member of Parliament in 1906, having 'EX-LIBRIS JOSIAH C. WEDGWOOD, M.P.' on a scroll beneath a more modern armorial design, with helmet and leaves. It has slight damage to the bottom right-hand corner.

Fragment of Autograph Document entitled 'To Juista [ or Luista ]'.

Levi Bartlett
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

American physician (1763-1828), son of Josiah Bartlett, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. One page, octavo. On creased, discoloured paper. Several closed tears repaired on reverse with archival tape. Forty-four lines in a close hand, beginning 'The 2nd objection you make to my idea that "all Sin proceed from the want of wisdom" requires some explanation.' and ending 'I agree with you that the animal powers often lead people to do wrong actions'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed and four Typed Letters Signed, two to W. Perry, three to the Secretary and one to the Vice President of the Royal Society of Arts.

Honourable Josiah Wedgwood
Publication details: 
First three (all typed): 14 November, 16 and 18 December 1935, all on Wedgwood letterhead; fourth and fifth (both autograph), 13 and 18 February 1936, on letterhead 'STOKE GRANGE.STONE.STAFFS'; the sixth (typed), 1 May 1836, on Wedgwood letterhead.

Managing Director of the famous pottery business ('saviour of the firm') and the fifth in the family to bear the name (1899-1968), Member of Parliament. All six items in good condition, though grubby, and with the first three bearing pin holes in one corner (not affecting text), the hole in the first letter being decidedly marked. All but one item docketed and stamped. Letters one, two, three and six are one page, quarto; letter four, two pages, 12mo; letter five, one page, 12mo; letter six, one page, quarto. All but the third item, which is signed 'Wedgwood', are signed 'Josiah Wedgwood'.

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