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[Printed pamphlet.] Killing no Murder, Briefly Discours'd, In Three Questions, fit for Publick View, To Deter and Prevent Tyrants from Usurping Supreme Power. [...]. Now Reprinted, and Address'd to the French King.

'Writ by Col. Titus, under the Name of William Allen, and Dedicated to Oliver Cromwel.' [ Louis XIV of France, 'the Sun King' ]
Publication details: 
London: Printed, and Sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster, 1708.

Full title: 'Killing no Murder, Briefly Discours'd, In Three Questions, fit for Publick View, To Deter and Prevent Tyrants from Usurping Supreme Power. Writ by Col. Titus, under the Name of William Allen, and Dedicated to Oliver Cromwel. Now Reprinted, and Address'd to the French King.' 28pp., small 4to. Disbound. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with slight damage to last few leaves, affecting text. The original version was published in 1657, and advocated the assassination of Oliver Cromwell. Six copies on COPAC. Now scarce.

[Printed Popish Plot pamphlet.] The Papists bloody Oath of Secrecy, and Letany of Intercession for the carrying on of this present Plot. With the Manner of taking the Oath, upon their entring into any Grand Conspiracy against the Protestants. [...]

Robert Bolron [Sir Thomas Gascoigne of Barmbow-Hall; William Rushton; the murder of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey [Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey], 1678; the Popish Plot, 1678-1681]
Publication details: 
LONDON, Printed for Randal Taylor, near Stationers-Hall, 1680.

ESTC R19392. Wing B3502. 23pp., 2o. Disbound. Paginated: [1-2] 3-12 9-12 17-19 [20] 21-23. The title-page, printed in red and black, reads: 'THE | PAPISTS | Bloody OATH of Secrecy, | AND | Letany OF Intercession | For the Carrying on of | This Present Plot. | WITH THE | Manner of Taking the Oath, upon their Entring | into any Grand Conspiracy against the Protestants. | As it was Taken in the Chappel belonging to Barm- | bow-Hall, the Residence of Sir Thomas Gascoigne, from William | Rushton, a Popish Priest, by Me Robert Bolron.

[Pamphlet] The Debates in the House of Commons Assembled at Oxford The Twenty-first of March, 1680

[Popish Plot]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for R. Baldwin, 1681.

20 pp. fol., disbound, pages partly detached, foxing and staining especially outer leaves.

Typed Letter Signed to Sir Henry Truman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

George Titus Barham
Publication details: 
20 December 1916; on letterhead of the Express Dairy Co. Limited.

Founder of Express Dairies (1860-1937), and antiquarian with a private museum in Sudbury. One page, quarto. Very good on slightly discoloured paper. He thanks him for sending Professor Petrie's letter. 'It is a subject which we have had before us for some time past, and are still keeping well in view as we are specially anxious to do something more on the lines the Professor pints [sic - and how appropriate!] out.' He has dropped Petrie a line. Signed 'G. Titus Barham'.

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