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Autograph Signature of Edward Drummond, private secretary to Sir Robert Peel, whose murder by Daniel McNaughtan gave rise to the 'McNaughten Rules' on criminal responsibility.

Edward Drummond (1792-1843), private secretary to Sir Robert Peel, whose murder by Daniel McNaughtan McNaughten] (1815?-1865) gave rise to the 'McNaughten Rules' of criminal responsibility
Publication details: 
With postmark of 31 October 1831.

On rectangular panel cut from the front of an envelope, with address and frank by Drummond, and crown postmark in red ink ('PAID | 31 OC 31 | 1842') . The address, in Drummond's autograph, reads: 'Private | The Earl of Clanwilliam | Gill Hall | Dromore | Ireland | [signed in bottom left] Edwd Drummond'. In good condition, lightly-aged, and laid down on piece of paper cut from album, carrying contemporary manuscript caption: 'E. Drummond Esq | Priv. Sec. to Sir Robt Peel. | Assassinated in the street'.

[Mimeographed pamphlet alleging that Aristotle Onassis was behind the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.] A Skeleton Key to the Gemstone File. Credit will go where credit is due after the mess has been cleaned up.

[Stephanie Caruana?; Bruce Roberts; The Jesse James Press; assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1963; Aristotle Onassis; conspiracy theories]
Publication details: 
'Printed by the Jesse James Press - London & New York. December 1976.'

16pp., foolscap 8vo. Stapled into white printed covers, with 'ransom note' design on front and facsimile on back of letter from the Warren Commission members to the President of the United States, 24 September 1964. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. The document ends, under the publication details on the last page: 'Meanwhile back at the peanut farm: A PRESIDENT FOR AMERICA | The difference between Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter is one of style and personality. Theirs [sic] policies are remarkably similar. | The Economist Oct.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir James Graham of the Secretary of State's Office.

Sir Hugh Percy, 3rd Duke of Northumberland
Publication details: 
6 June 1842; Northumberland House.

English aristocrat (1785-1847). The recipient, Sr James Graham (1792-1861) was Home Secretary under Sir Robert Peel. One page, 4to. In good condition, but with traces of brown-paper mount adhering to reverse and causing ruckling, and some creasing to one edge. He forwards a 'Dutiful and Loyal Address from The Inhabitants of the Town of Alnwick and its Vicinity on the late Providential escape of the Queen', and asks that it be presented to her at 'an early opportunity'. Signed 'Northumberland'. There were two assassination attempts on Queen Victoria in 1842.

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