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[ Algernon Percy, 4th Duke of Northumberland. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Northumberland') to Admiral William Henry Smyth, the first regarding 'Dr Braun in Rome', and the second sending condolences on the death of his daughter.

Algernon Percy (1792-1865), 4th Duke of Northumberland, Admiral in the Royal Navy and Conservative politician [ Admiral William Henry Smyth (1788-1865) ]
Publication details: 
Both letters from Alnwick Castle, Northumberland. 20 July 1856 and 14 November 1859.

ONE: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. He is enclosing a letter from 'Dr Braun in Rome', and suggests that Smyth will be able to correct the translation. 'I am sorry Dr Braun is not more successful, but he has zeal in the Cause, & will not lose an opportunity.' TWO: 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper, with remains of mount on blank page. A letter of condolence on the death of Smyth's tenth child, Caroline Mary Smyth (1834-1859).

[ Sir David William Smith, land agent of the Duke of Northumberland. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('D W Smith') to Alnwick solicitor Robert Thorp, regarding possible candidates for the post of Deputy Lieutenant.

Sir David William Smith (1764-1837) of Pickering in Upper Canada, and of Preston, County Northumberland
Publication details: 
[ Alnwick, Northumberland. ] 21 March 1831.

1p., 12mo. On bifolium. In very good condition. Having asked Thorp's son to ask him to 'turn this' in his mind, he writes again on behalf of the Duke, who would like 'the names of such gentry, as might be made Depy. Lieuts. Mr. Adamson complaining of their want at Hexcham - Avonlea - & some other places'. The only name that Smith can recollect is that of 'Mr. Mitford, of Mitford Castle, who is desirous of acting'.

[Nathaniel Tate, one of the overseers of the Parish of Alnwick, Northumberland.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Nath. Tate one of the Overseers') to the overseers of the Parish of Darlington, regarding payment to 'Ann Allison, belonging to this Parish'.

Nathaniel Tate, one of the overseers of the Parish of Alnwick, Northumberland [Ann Allison; Darlington Workhouse, County Durham]
Publication details: 
Alnwick. 10 December 1810.

1p., 8vo. On a bifolium. Addressed, with postmark, on the reverse of the second leaf: 'To the Overseers of the Parish of Darlington - | Durham'. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with two spike holes. The document reads: 'Gentn. | A Single Woman of the Name of Ann Allison, belonging to this Parish is gone to inhabit in your Parish - you will therefore have the goodness to pay her 2/6 pr. Week - from the 28th. Inst.

Autograph Letter Signed from Lieut. George Thorp to his brother Robert, written while serving on board HMS Aigle off Smyrna, describing two visits by 'Captain Pacha' [Hasan Pasha, Grand Admiral of the Ottoman Empire], his magnificent attire and gifts

Lieutenant George Thorp (1777-1797) of HMS Aigle or L'Aigle, son of Robert Thorp, Archdeacon of Northumberland [Cezayirli Gazi Hasan Pasha (1713-1790) of Algiers, Grand Admiral of the Ottoman Empire]
Publication details: 
'L'Aigle Smyrna Sept 5th [1795]'.

3pp., 4to. 59 lines of text. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with two postmarks and a manuscript note by forwarding agents the Frères Smitmer of Vienna, to 'Robert Thorp Esqr | Alnwick | Northumberland | England'. Addressing his letter to 'My Dear Brother', Thorp begins by congratulating him on his wedding: 'Sailors are bad hands at Complements [sic] but I cannot avoid expressing the satisfaction I had in hearing who my new Sister was'.

Autograph Note, in the third person, from [Algernon George Percy, 6th] Duke of Northumberland, agreeing to 'take a copy of the History of Newcastle, as requested by Mr Robinson'.

Algernon George Percy (1810-1899), 6th Duke of Northumberland, British peer and Conservative politician
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Albury Park, Guildford. 20 April 1885.

1p., 16mo. Letterhead printed in green on green paper. In fair condition, on aged and dusty paper, with traces of pervious mount along one margin. The note reads: 'The Duke of Northumberland will take a copy of the History of Newcastle, as requested by Mr Robinson in his letter of the 17th., to be sent to Alnwick Castle - | April 20. 85.' The reference is presumably to Richard Welford's 'History of Newcastle and Gateshead', published in London by Walter Scott between 1884 and 1887.

Early eighteenth-century manuscript list of 72 men and women to be given gloves and hatbands at the funeral of Benjamin Adams of Northumberland.

Benjamin Adams of Northumberland [Eighteenth-century English funerary practice; Georgian mourning; Hanoverian undertakers; death]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [Northumberland, England, 1720s?]

On both sides of a piece of 8vo paper, folded vertically to make a bifolium with 31 x 9.5 cm leaves. In fair condition, aged, worn and with a short central closed tear unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. Docketed 'Acct. of the Funeral of [blank'], and elsewhere in another hand 'Benja Adams | Benja Adams'. A total of 78 individuals are named (including six deleted) over three narrow pages, with 32 (including three deleted) on the first page, 6 on the second, and 40 (including three deleted) on the third.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H G Liddell') from Henry George Liddell, grandfather of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, to 'Dear Dundas', concerning the Abbotsford Subscription. With print of the 'Ape' cartoon of Liddell from 'Vanity Fair'.

Rev. Henry George Liddell (1787-1872), father of the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford, and grandfather of Alice Pleasance Liddell, on whom Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland was based [Sir Walter Scott]
Publication details: 
Letter: Ravensworth Castle; 2 February 1833. Print: Without date or place.

Letter: 4 pp, 12mo. Bifolium. 36 lines. Text clear and complete. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. He addresses him 'as Provisional Secretary to the Abbotsford Subscription Committee', to inform him that he has instructed his bankers in Newcastle to transmit forty pounds from his account to bankers in the Strand, 'to be added to the Abbotsford Fund - being the Amount collected in small sums between 1.£ & 1.s. by Mrs. Liddell in the town of Alnwick & vicinity'. She will forward a book of subscribers' names to the Committee.

Autograph Letter Signed from Raleigh Trevelyan ('R. Trevelyan') to Robert Thorp of Alnwick, agent to the Duke of Northumberland, with signed autograph draft of letter by Thorp, and manuscript copies of four Trevelyan letters, and of a cheque.

Raleigh Trevelyan (1781-1865) of Netherwitton Hall [Robert Thorp of Alnwick; the Duke of Northumberland; John Abernethy; Sir John Richardson]
Publication details: 
October and November 1832.

Seven items, all in very good condition on lightly-aged paper. Trevelyan's idiosyncratic and hypochondriacal character comes through strongly in this correspondence, ostensibly concerned with his application to become a magistrate, but largely devoted to the state of his health. ONE and TWO. Manuscript copies of short letters from Trevelyan to Thorp and the Duke of Northumberland. Both dated 22 October 1832, and both 4to, 1 p. Requesting 'a Dedimus, as a commencing Magistrate'. THREE. Manuscript copy of letter from Trevelyan to Thorp. 23 October 1832; Netherwitton, Morpeth. 4to, 1 p.

Two signed receipts to the Honourable Coast Committee of Northumberland: the first for printing and paper from John Catnach ('Jno. Catnach') of Alnwick, and the second on John's behalf by his wife Mary ('Mary Catnach'), for stationery.

John Catnach (1769-1813), Alnwick and Newcastle printer, his wife Mary Catnach (née Hutchinson), parents of the London broadsheet publisher James Catnach (1792-1841) [Thomas Bewick; Northumberland]
Publication details: 
John Catnach's bill/receipt, 12 April/29 June 1795. Mary Catnach's bill and receipt, 10 March 1795.

Both items in good condition on lightly-aged paper. Both 1 p, on 12mo landscape slips. John Catnach's bill and receipt: 'The Honb. Coast Comit. | April 12 1795. | To J. Catnach | Printing 200 Signal for the Coast 7s .. 0 | 5 qrs. Best Wove foolscap for Do. 1s..2d Per qr 5 .. 10 | £0 .. 12 .. 10 | Recd the above from Thos. Adams Esqr. | [signed] Jno. Catnach | June 29th. 1796.' Docketed on reverse with calculation. Mary Catnach's bill and receipt: 'The Honble Coast Committee | 1795 To J Catnach Dr. | March 10th. 3 Quarto Copy Books at 1/6 - 0 . 4 . 6 | Same time recd. Paymt of Jas.

Secretarial Letter, Signed by Cameron, to Dickson, complaining that the latter's charges for work on the Ordnance Survey are 'very high'; ALS, 'Robt. H. Forman" of the War Department to Dickson; copies of Dickson's replies to both men.

Major-General John Cameron, Director-General of the Ordnance Survey, 1875-1878 [William Dickson, Clerk of the Peace of the County of Northumberland; Alnwick]
Publication details: 
London and Alnwick. All from 1855. Cameron's letter on letterhead of the Ordnance Map Office, Southampton.
Major-General John Cameron, Director-General of the Ordnance Survey

All four items with text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The four items pinned together and placed in the stamped envelope of Cameron's letter, addressed to Dickson as 'Clerk of the Peace of the County of Northumberland | Newcastle upon Tyne'. Casting interesting light on the workings of the Ordnance Survey. Letter One: Cameron to Dickson ('for Lieut: Colonel James | Director, absent on duty'), 19 September 1855. 4to, 1 p.

Signed ('Geo Wroughton') printed circular letter, addressed to T[homas]. Adams [of Alnwick, Northumberland].

George Wroughton of Wilcott, Wiltshire [Bengal; the East India Company]
Publication details: 
25, Berners Street, London; May 12 1813'.

4to bifolium: 2 pp. Good. Soliciting Adams's 'Vote and Interest' when he is 'enabled to proceed to a ballot', having 'lately presumed to offer myself to the Proprietors of East-India Stock, as a Candidate for a Seat in their Direction, upon some future vacancy'. (Feeling 'that their suffrages will have been very generally engaged to an earlier Candidate for the next appointment which a casualty may occasion', he does not want to 'interfere with that Election'.) He was resident in Bengal for thirteen years, and the final paragraph describes his other qualifications.

Alnwick Scientific and Mechanical Institution. Fine Art Exhibition in Corn Exchange, Alnwick, November 1882, Collection of Coins, Eggs of Farne Islands, Native and Foreign Curiosities, &c., &c., collected and exhibited by Mr. J. J. Horsley, Alnwick.

J. J. Horsley of Alnwick, collector of coins and eggs of the Farne Islands [Alnwick, Northumberland; birds' eggs; ornithology; numismatics]
Publication details: 
1882. Alnwick: Printed by C. E. Moore.

12mo, 11 pp. Stitched and unbound. First and last leaves loose, otherwise in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper with grubby title. The section of 'Eggs of the Farne Islands' consists of fifteen entries on pp.8-9, from '1. Eider or St. Cuthbert's Duck (Somateria mollissima)' to '15.

Eight printed nineteenth-century items relating to salmon fishing, including offprints of newspaper articles entitled 'Stormontfield Ponds - The Exodus of 1861' and 'The Coquet as a Salmon River'.

William Dickson; Anthony Wimmer; Thomas Ashworth [nineteenth-century salmon fishing; Coquet River; Stormontfield Ponds; Alnwick Castle; Kelso; Duke of Northumberland; piscatorial; Victorian angling]
Publication details: 
All British: 1857, 1858, 1860, 1861, two from 1871, and two undated (one from the 1860s).

All items with text clear and entire. Item One: offprint, on one side of a piece of wove paper 25 x 18.5 cm. Good, on lightly-aged paper with some wear to extremities. Headed 'AQUAECULTURE, And the Artificial Propogation [sic] of the Danube Salmon in Bavaria, BY DR. WIMMER. | Re-printed from the Macclesfield Courier June 27, 1857.' The letter, dated 'Landshut, 11th June, 1857', is addressed to 'Thomas Ashworth, Esq.' and covers two columns of small print. Item Two: four-page offprint, on all sides of a grey-paper bifolium, leaf dimensions 20 x 12 cm. Very good. Headed 'ON PISICULTURE.

Handbill, produced by opponents of Catholic relief, headed 'CATHOLIC EMANCIPATION. | THE HUSBANDMAN & VIPER.'

[Catholic emancipation; Alnwick; Joseph Graham; Earl Grey, Howick Hall]
Publication details: 
Undated [c.1829?]. 'J. Graham, Printer, Alnwick.'

On one side of a piece of wove paper, 27.5 x 22 cm. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with some light off-setting of the text. An attractive piece of ephemera, with the text presented in a variety of types and point sizes. Reads 'CATHOLIC | EMANCIPATION. | [short thin-thick rule] | THE | HUSBANDMAN & VIPER. | [short thin-thick rule] A HUSBANDMAN found a Viper al- | most frozen to death; he took pity on | the poor Reptile, and placed it in his | bosom, where it soon recovered; and | its first act was to sting [last word in italics] its Deliverer. | The APPLICATION I leave to | Sir C- H-.

Six documents including Signed Articles of Agreement for Johnson ('of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew') to perform Government 'service as Gardener in India'; with two testimonials and letters from Mary, Countess of Minto, and Cecil Allanson.

John Thomas Johnson, Assistant Curator of the Botanical Gardens, Calcutta, India [Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Mary, Countess of Minto]
Publication details: 

The collection in good condition, with all but one of the six items carrying ring-binder punch holes. Item One, Articles of Agreement: Foolscap bifolium, 3 pp. Dated 16 September 1904. Printed seventeen-point agreement in the form of a manuscript facsimile. Signed by Johnson, Sir John Edge and Sir Stewart Colvin Bayley, and witnessed by 'W. Watson | R[oyal]. G[ardens] Kew' and 'Frank R. Marten | India Office'. Items Two and Three both with mourning border on letterhead of Minto House, Hawick. Item Two, Mary Countess of Minto ('M Minto') to Johnson. 4to: 1 p. 14 September 1914.

Two printed nineteenth-century offprints relating to salmon fishing: 'Aquaeculture, and the artificial propogation of the Danube Salmon in Bavaria, by Dr. Wimmer' and 'The Coquet as a Salmon River'.

Anthony Wimmer; William Dickson [nineteenth-century salmon fishing; angling; field sports; the Coquet River]
Publication details: 
Both British, 1857 and 1871.

Both items with text clear and entire. Item One: offprint, on one side of a piece of wove paper 25 x 18.5 cm. Good, on lightly-aged paper with some wear to extremities. Headed 'AQUAECULTURE, And the Artificial Propogation [sic] of the Danube Salmon in Bavaria, BY DR. WIMMER. | Re-printed from the Macclesfield Courier June 27, 1857.' The letter, dated 'Landshut, 11th June, 1857', is addressed to 'Thomas Ashworth, Esq.' and covers two columns of small print. Item Two: offprint, on one side of a piece of watermarked wove paper 33.5 x 20.5 cm.

Autograph Letter Signed (Sr. D. W. Smith') to Messrs Thorp & Dickson, Alnwick.

Sir David William Smith (1764-1837), property manager for the Duke of Northumberland [Farne Islands, Northumberland]
Publication details: 
21 July 1834; Alnwick.

4to bifolium: 2 pp. Good, with slight loss to second leaf from breaking of red wax seal, traces of which still adhere. Twenty lines of text. Docketed in pencil and ink on second leaf. Asks them to furnish him with 'all the particulars relative to the Farne Islands [...] who the Lessee? - their estimated quantiy or extent? - Rent? length of lease? - [...] whether Birds, feathers, down, Eggs, Rabbits - Kelp, or Seaware, fish &c? all which I should hope you would be able to obtain from some of your Bamburgh friends? - or from Blackett, at N. Sunderland? - how they are protected?

Autograph Letter Signed ('Tho. Roffen.') to Thomas Adams of Alnwick, Northumberland; with the Bishop of Rochester's episcopal seal, in red wax.

Thomas Dampier (c.1749-1812), Bishop of Ely and book collector [Bishop of Rochester from 1802 to 1808]
Publication details: 
Harley Street, Septr. 14. 1802.'

4to: 1 p. Very good on the first leaf of a bifolium. A third quarto leaf carries the address, in Dampier's hand, with his franking signature 'free | T. Rochester.' Also the oval seal, c.3 cm high, a clear impression in red wax. 24 lines of text. Interesting letter. Dampier begins by thanking Adams for 'your Congratulations to me on my Promotion to the See of Rochester.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir James Graham of the Secretary of State's Office.

Sir Hugh Percy, 3rd Duke of Northumberland
Publication details: 
6 June 1842; Northumberland House.

English aristocrat (1785-1847). The recipient, Sr James Graham (1792-1861) was Home Secretary under Sir Robert Peel. One page, 4to. In good condition, but with traces of brown-paper mount adhering to reverse and causing ruckling, and some creasing to one edge. He forwards a 'Dutiful and Loyal Address from The Inhabitants of the Town of Alnwick and its Vicinity on the late Providential escape of the Queen', and asks that it be presented to her at 'an early opportunity'. Signed 'Northumberland'. There were two assassination attempts on Queen Victoria in 1842.

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