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[ Ferdinand Philippe, Duke of 'Orléans. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ferdinand Philippe d'Orleans') to a general, pressing the claims of the Napoleonic War veteran Colonel Joseph Simon Pozac to the Croix de Commandeur of the Legion d'Honneur.

Ferdinand Philippe, Duke of Orléans [ Ferdinand Philippe Louis Charles Éric Rosalino d'Orléans ] (1810-1842) [ Joseph Simon Pozac (1780-1854), French army officer ]
Publication details: 
No place. May 1831.

1p., 12mo. Seventeen lines of closely-written text, with postscript. Slip of paper with biographical note in contemporary hand attached. He begins by stating that he has sent the 'differents papiers' of which he spoke that morning. He next reminds the recipient of 'l'affaire du brave colonel Pozac', regarding which 'vous avez bien voulu charger d'etre mon ambassadeur auprès du maréchal'. Pozac obtained the 'sabre d'honneur comme sr.

[ Pierre-Louis Caron de Vernon, French art collector and inventor. ] Address, in French, signed 'Caron de Vernon', 'A Son Altesse Royale Monseigneur le Duc D'Orléans', presenting him with two marble statues.

Pierre-Louis Caron de Vernon, French art collector and inventor [ King Louis Philippe I of France (1773-1850), who was Duc D'Orléans between 1793 and 1830
Publication details: 
Paris. 18 November 1828.

2pp., folio. On bifolium. In a contemporary hand in margin of first page: 'Mr. Leblond' and a reference number. The document begins: 'Pre. Louis Caron de Vernon a eu l'honneur de servir sous les ordres de V: Altesse Royale en 1793 dans le 73 Bataillon de Paris, et au camp de Ste. Margueritte celui d'offrir son pain a V: Altesse, qu'Elle volut bien daigner accepter, en recommandant de lui rappeller cette circonstance dans l'occasion.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L P D'Orléans') from Prince Philippe d'Orléans, Count of Paris, arranging a meeting with 'Mr. Benzon' (the merchant banker Robert Benson).

Prince Philippe d'Orléans (1838-1894), Comte de Paris [Louis Philippe d'Orléans], grandson of the French King Louis Philippe I and Union Army officer in the American Civil War
Publication details: 
On letterhead of York House, Twickenham, Middlesex [England]. 'Friday' [no date].

3pp., 12mo. With mourning border. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper. The lower part of the second leaf has been cut away, not affecting the text. He begins by stating that he has received the recipient's 'last telegram announcing that you had postponed till to morrow your visit to London'. He has in turn telegraphed 'Mr. Benzon to propose to him to come to the Charing Cross Hotel at 11 or 12. In that case I would offer to yourself & Mr. Benson [sic] a breakfast at the Hotel'.

[Printed broadside, in French, relating to the estate of King Louis Philippe.] Faits à l'appui de la défense du droit de propriété Contre les décrets, du 22 janvier, 1852.

[André Dupin [André Marie Jean Jacques Dupin] (1783-1865); Duc de Montmorency; Comte de Montalivet; Laplagne-Barris; Scribe; Louis d'Orléans (Duc de Nemours); Prince de Joinville; Louis Philippe]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Paris, France? 1852.]

2pp., folio (approximately 41 x 21.5 cm), in double column. Fair, on aged paper, creased and with outer margin trimmed. Tipped-in onto leaf removed from album. The first column introduces the problem, and is followed by a 'Lettre de M. DUPIN ainé, au Prince Président de la République', dated 'Paris, ce 23 Janvier, 1852'. This is in turn followed by a letter 'Au Prince-Président de la République', Paris, 26 January 1852 by five 'Les executeurs testamentaires du feu Roi Louis Phillippe'. They are: Dupin, Duc de Montmorency, Comte de Montalivet, Laplagne-Barris, Scribe.

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