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Four items, including blueprint and papers, regarding the 'Campbell Capacitance Bridge' of Albert Campbell of the British National Physical Laboratory, Teddington. With Autograph Postcard Signed ('A.C.') from Campbell to Prof. R. H. Jones.

Albert Campbell (1862-1954), Irish physicist, one of the circle of Sir Richard Glazebrook at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington [Cambridge Instrument Company]
Publication details: 
Dating from 1926 and 1927. Blueprint and description on paper of the Cambridge Instrument Company, Limited, London and Cambridge.
Albert Campbell (1862-1954), Irish physicist

All items with texts clear and complete. The collection fair, on aged paper. ITEM ONE: Postcard, 6 April 1927; Culmora, Girton Rd, Cambs. Nine lines. The equation is not exact, but is probably 'a close enough approximation'. He has 'mislaid the working out, but probably made a slip in it.' ITEM TWO: Mimeographed typescript (4to, 3 pp), headed 'Campbell Capacitance Bridge'. On three letterheads of the Cambridge Instrument Company. Begins 'This Capacitance Bridge has been designed by Mr.

Projet d'application de la lumiere electriqu[e] a l'eclairage des villes

[ELECTRICAL ILLUMINATION VIA BALLOONS] Charles Dubos, French inventor or scientist
Publication details: 
No date (mid-to late Nineteenth-Century).

Four pages, folio, chipped with small loss of text. IN FRENCH. He begins: "Les nombreuses experiences que j'ai fait sur la lumiere electriquee l'appareil que j'ai confectionne me mettant en meme de pouvoir l'appliquer a l'eclairage des villes avec avantage et economie sur tout autre systeme". He discusses the expense of gas and gives a precis of his plan ("L'agende"), giving letters which correspond to a "dessin" which is not present, and listing his points with a little detail: un ballon de gaz; filet ensoie; cordes en soie; Lampe electrique . .

Twelve Typed Letters Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Percy Dunsheath
Publication details: 
Between 28 October 1925 and 30 June 1926; all on letterhead 'W. T. HENLEY'S TELEGRAPH WORKS COMPANY, LIMITED. | RESEARCH DEPARTMENT. | Gravesend, | Kent.'

English electrical engineer and research scientist and writer (1886-1979), Member of the Senate, University of London. All items one page, quarto. All but one very good; one item discoloured and creased at head, and with several closed tears. All signed 'P Dunsheath' and most docketed or bearing the Society's stamp. The letters concern a lecture at the Society Dunsheath agreed to give following a conversation with Sir George Sutton entitled 'Science in the Cable Industry'. Dunsheath suggests that L. B.

Typed Note Signed to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

William Henry Patchell
Publication details: 
12 August 1922; on letterhead '64, Victoria Street, | Westminster, | London, S.W.1.'

British engineer (1862-1932), President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and for thirteen years 'Engineer-in-Chief, Charing Cross, West End, and City Electric Supply Corporation, Ltd'. One page, quarto. Very good. Thanks Menzies for a copy of the Society's journal, 'including Dr. Crowley's Paper with my contribution'. Signed 'W. H. Patchell'.

Electric Transmission of Power

Alexander Siemens.
Publication details: 
London and Newcastle, 1895

(Pamphlet - Offprint. A Paper read before the North of England Institute of Mining and mechanical Engineers. General Meeting at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, December 8th, 1894 (Excerpt from the Transactions of the Federated Institution of Mining Engineers, London and Newcastle, 1895). 26pp., tall 8vo, 2 plates, one folding, paper wraps, sunned, stained, and chipped, fold mark, wear and tear, contents good, pencil lines by some passages, a few pencilled noets on cover. Owneship signature of Henry J. Young, INSCRIBED "With the Author's Compliments".

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