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[Printed item.] Proceedings at Suffield, September 16, 1858, on the occasion of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Decease of the Rev. Benjamin Ruggles, First Pastor of the First Congregational Church.

[Rev. Benjamin Ruggles, First Pastor of the First Congregational Church, Suffield; Henry A. Sykes; Daniel W. Norton; Byron Loomis; Rev. Joel Mann; Rev. A. C. Washburn; Springfield, Massachusetts]
Publication details: 
Springfield, Mass. Samuel Bowles and Company, Printers. 1859.

118pp., 8vo. Two engravings, both with tissue guards: frontispiece of the 'First Church erected in Suffield. About 1680.'; and 'The Ruggles Monument'. In cream printed wraps. Errata slip at rear. The item begins: 'A Hundred and fifty years had nearly expired since the decease of the first Pastor of the First Congregational Church, and no monument or stone had been set to indicate to the passer-by his last resting-place. The idea was conceived of erecting a suitable monument to his memory; and on the 24th of May, 1858, the Church appointed Dea. Henry A. Sykes, Daniel W.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. T. Headley') from Joel Tyler Headley, Secretary of State of New York, [to his father], expressing his desire to return to the Auburn Theological Seminary in New York following a bout of ill health.

Joel Tyler Headley (1813-1897), Secretary of State of New York, clergyman, author and newspaper editor [Auburn Theological Seminary, New York]
Publication details: 
Spencer; 8 August 1837.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged lined paper. Headley's father - a Presbyterian clergyman - is not named, but the letter is addressed to 'Rev and dear Sir', with the valediction reading 'Respectfully & affectionately', and the context makes it quite clear that he is the recipient.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Pennsylvania politician Joel Barlow Sutherland to the soldier and playwright James Nelson Barker.

Joel Barlow Sutherland (1792-1861), Jacksonian member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania [James Nelson Barker (1784-1858), soldier, playwright and politician]
Publication details: 
16 April 1833; Philadelphia.
Pennsylvania politician Joel Barlow Sutherland

4to, 2 pp. Fourteen lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper neatly repaired with archival tape. Addressed to Barker as 'Collector &c'. Recommending the appointment of 'Colonel Freeman' as 'an Inspector of the Customs for the City of Philadelphia'. Freeman is 'a very active Democrat' and 'a very estimable man'. Should Barker appoint him, he will be 'gratifying the Democrats of the City of Philadelphia & will also oblige - | Yours truly | [signed] J B Sutherland'. In 1844 Sutherland himself received a similar letter from Edgar Allan Poe, recommending Robert Travers.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. T. Headley') to George R. Graham, editor of Graham's Magazine.

Joel Tyler Headley (1813-1897), American clergyman and author, Secretary of State of New York [George R. Graham (1813-1894), Philadelphia publisher]
Publication details: 
New York April' [no date].

4to, 1 p. Bifolium. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf. Good, on aged paper. In a hurried hand, with numerous corrections. Relating to the publication of 'articles of poetry from a lady'.

Discourse, On the Objects and Importance of the National Institution for the Promotion of Science, Established at Washington, 1840, Delivered at the First Anniversary.

Joel R. Poinsett, Secretary of War and Senior Director of the National Institution for the Promotion of Science [Smithsonian Institution]
Publication details: 
Washington: P. Force, Printer. 1841.

8vo: 52 pp. Stitched pamphlet in marbled paper wraps. On aged, damp-stained paper, with foxing to last leaf. The Institution was later renamed the National Institute and eventually became a part of the Smithsonian Institute.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Walford' [Weston Styleman Walford, 1802-1879?]

J. C. Jesse [Weston Styleman Walford; Joel Rowsell; Victorian book trade]
Publication details: 
21 August [no year, c.1875?]; 16 Belgrave Place, Brighton.

12mo: 2 pp. Good, on lightly browned paper. Writes 'in good haste to save the post', asking for advice. 'Mr. J. Rowsell of the West Strand, Bookseller, has been here all the morning, at the request of Mr. Smith of North St.' Rowsell has 'gone through the books carefully', and offers £140 for them, not including Lady Juliana Berner's manuscript and Lord Wellesley's book. 'He says, I should not get so much if Sotheby & Wilkinson sold them.' Jesse has never heard of Rowsell, 'and his coming was quite a surprise'.

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