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Autograph Letter Signed ('Whit: Bulstrode') from Whitelocke Bulstrode in London to his son Richard Bulstrode in Littleton, Middlesex,

Whitelocke Bulstrode (1652-1724), alchemist, religious writer, Whig lawyer and administrator, anti-Jacobite author under the pseudonym 'Philalethes' [his son Richard Bulstrode]
Publication details: 
'Hatton Garden Monday Night | 16 Nov 1724'. London; 16 November 1724.

1p., 4to. 22 lines of text. Bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf: 'To Richard Bulstrode Esqr at Littelton near Sunbury in Midd[lese]x'. In good condition, on aged paper. Addressed to 'My dear Son' from 'Yr most affectionate Father | Whit: Bulstrode'. Bulstrode writes that, on his 'comeing to Towne', he 'met wth a letter from one Mr James Norris, who writes himself Auditor, &, it is fro ye Chapr at Canterbury', sending for the rent 'Due last month'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F Jeffrey') from Francis Jeffrey, editor of the Edinburgh Review, to Thomas Francis Kennedy, MP for Ayr, discussing sundry matters including 'Littleton's Irish tythe scheme'.

Francis Jeffrey (1773-1850), Lord Jeffrey, Scottish judge and author, editor of the Edinburgh Review [Thomas Francis Kennedy (1788-1879) of Dunure and Dalquharran Castle, Whig MP for Ayr (1818-1834)]
Publication details: 
18 Berkeley Square, London; 21 February 1834.

7pp., 12mo. On two bifoliums. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Written in a difficult, hurried hand. Jeffrey begins his letter: 'It grieves me to annoy you, in your retreat - especially with dull Scotch matters But they tell me at the Treasury that you are still the person to settle such things as this'. The first part of the letter apparently concerns the Edinburgh solicitors Robertson and Sands, who are to lose salaries of

The Powys Family. Being a lecture given by him to the Swansea and South Wales Bookman's Association in May, 1945, with some additions.

Littleton C. Powys [John Cowper Powys; Llewelyn Powys; Theodore Powys]
Publication details: 
This reprint [of the original lecture] issued April, 1953.' Western Gazette, Yeovil.

12mo: 27 pp. Stapled. In original brown printed wraps. Good, on lightly-aged paper with rusted staples. Divided into five sections: 'Our Ancestry', 'Our Father', 'Our Mother', 'Montacute' and 'The Children'. A scarce item, the only copies on COPAC being at the British Library, Cardiff and St Andrews.

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