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[ Lawrence of Arabia and Eric Kennington. ] Typed Letter Signed from Lionel Curtis to R. R. Francis, a circular regarding Kennington's 'ghost portrait' of Lawrence, with TLS from John Johnson to Francis, regarding the collotype print of it.

Lionel Curtis [ Lionel George Curtis ] (1872-1955), writer; John Johnson [ John de Monins Johnson ] (1882-1956), Printer to University of Oxford [ T. E. Lawrence; Lawrence of Arabia; Eric Kennington ]
Publication details: 
Curtis's letter from Hales Croft, Kidlington, Oxford. 20 November 1935. Johnson's letter on letterhead of the University Press, Oxford. 15 July 1936.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: TLS from Curtis to Francis. 1p., folio. Signed 'L. Curtis'. A circular letter, with signature, date and name of recipient added. Curtis begins the letter: 'I am writing to ask whether you would care to acquire a replica of a portrait of Lawrence which has now come to be known as "the ghost portrait." Its history is as follows: In 1923 Eric Kennington made a portrait in pastel of Lawrence, who was then a fellow in residence at All Souls.

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