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[ Lawrence of Arabia and Eric Kennington. ] Typed Letter Signed from Lionel Curtis to R. R. Francis, a circular regarding Kennington's 'ghost portrait' of Lawrence, with TLS from John Johnson to Francis, regarding the collotype print of it.

Lionel Curtis [ Lionel George Curtis ] (1872-1955), writer; John Johnson [ John de Monins Johnson ] (1882-1956), Printer to University of Oxford [ T. E. Lawrence; Lawrence of Arabia; Eric Kennington ]
Publication details: 
Curtis's letter from Hales Croft, Kidlington, Oxford. 20 November 1935. Johnson's letter on letterhead of the University Press, Oxford. 15 July 1936.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: TLS from Curtis to Francis. 1p., folio. Signed 'L. Curtis'. A circular letter, with signature, date and name of recipient added. Curtis begins the letter: 'I am writing to ask whether you would care to acquire a replica of a portrait of Lawrence which has now come to be known as "the ghost portrait." Its history is as follows: In 1923 Eric Kennington made a portrait in pastel of Lawrence, who was then a fellow in residence at All Souls.

[ Sir Lionel Cust, art historian. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Lionel Cust') to 'Lucas', regarding a trip to Ostend, problems with luggage and the Belgian railways, and a lost umbrella.

Sir Lionel Henry Cust (1859-1929), British art historian, director of the National Portrait Gallery and editor of the Burlington Magazine
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Oliphant House, The Crescent, Windsor. 26 July 1907.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition. He has been 'clinging' to Lucas's umbrella since the return from a trip to Ostend, where Cust had 'an awful quart d'heure with the luggage people, who were very unwilling to send it on, [...] but by bribery and threats of weeping and pcitures of you all shivering on deck, I <?> them to entrust the 16 or 17 packages to the guard of the train next due'. The letter continues in much the same chatty tone.

[Lionel Trilling, American literary critic.] Typed Letter Signed ('Lionel Trilling') to 'Miss Last', discussing the critical response to his novel ('The Middle of the Journey') and 'the choice' between two books on Oscar Wilde'.

Lionel Trilling (1905-1975), American literary critic
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 620 West 116 Street, New York, 27, N.Y. Undated [circa 1947?].

2pp., 12mo. 33 lines of text. The first paragraph reads: 'Dear Miss Last: | I'm afraid I can't give you first-hand help on the choice between [Frank] Harris and [Hesketh] Pearson on Wilde - ignorance, madam, sheer ignorance. But I consulted a friend who is interested in Wilde and knows the literature well and he says that you should not accept either without the other, that they each offer views that are necessary for an attempt to get the figure of Wilde in reasonable view.

[Colin R. Coote, Managing Editor, The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post.] Typed Letter Signed to H. L. Matthews, defending his 'Churchill anthology', discussing 'the old man', and recounting an anecdote about him which 'cannot be publicly quoted'.

Sir Colin Reith Coote (1893-1979), Managing Editor, The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, and Liberal politician [Herbert Lionel Matthews (1900-1977), American journalist; Winston Churchill]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, Fleet Street, London. 24 November 1954.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. 'Sombody', he explains, has passed on a cutting of Matthews's 'very kind review about my Churchill anthology' ('Sir Winston Churchill, a Self-Portrait; constructed from his own Sayings and Writings and framed with an Introduction', 1954). He refers to a luncheon to which he was invited by 'Mr.

[Collection of letters and related material] Thank you letters from 'the confraternity' of the Phillipps MSS after Phillipps Centenary Dinner, with related material (seating plan etc). AND Photostat of the Robinson Brothers' Deed of Settlement

[Thomas Phillipps; the Phillipps Manuscripts; Robinson Brothers]
Publication details: 
[4 July 1972]

Forty-Four (44) Autograph and Typed Letters Signed (and a telegram) from (partially) distinguished people who attended the Phillipps Centenary Dinner at Stationers' Hall in 1972, usually saying more than a bald thank you. They are addressed, except in one instance - Wolfenden, mentioned below) to one or both of the Robinson Brothers (Lionel and Philip) who had made the significant and bold purchase, and presumably organised the celebration.

[Sir Thomas Phillipps.] Photostat of the Deed of Settlement between Messrs Lionel and Philip Robinson, Anthony Forbes Moir and Anthony Jamieson Haggie, regarding the disposal of 'the residue' of the collection of manuscripts of Sir Thomas Phillipps.

[Sir Thomas Phillipps; William H. Robinson Ltd, London booksellers; Lionel Keir Robinson (1897-1983); Philip Ramsay Robinson; Anthony Jamieson Haggie; Anthony Forbes Moir (1903-1967); A. N. L. Munby]
Publication details: 
[London.] 12 May 1960.

12pp., 4to. On Gevaert paper. In very good condition, on twelve lightly-aged leaves stapled together. Present as part of the photostat is the stamp '19 MAY 1960 | No. 14728' in the top left-hand corner of the first page, which also reproduces the four Inland Revenue tax stamps. The document is a typescript, and begins: 'THIS DEED OF SETTLEMENT is made the [twelfth] day of [May] One thousand nine hundred and sixty BETWEEN LIONEL KEIR ROBINSON of Redwalls Beech Hill Hadley Wood in the County of Herts Company Director who is hereinafter individually called "Mr.

[Brigadier Sir Edward Beddington.] Typescript of his autobiography 'My Life', dedicated and inscribed to his sons,

Brigadier Sir Edward Henry Lionel Beddington (1884-1966), CMG, DSO, MC, of Anstey Hall, Buntingford, Hertfordshire, recipient of the Military Cross in the First World War
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 1960.

Beddington's entry in Who Was Who describes his career thus: 'Served European War, 1914-19 (despatches six times, CMG, DSO, MC, Legion of Honour, Commander of Order of Aviz, Order of Sacred Treasure, Bt Major and Lt-Col); served again, 1940-45. DL and JP Hertfordshire; Chairman Herts CC, 1952-58; High Sheriff of Hertfordshire, 1948-49'. And his obituary in The Times, 26 April 1966, reads as follows: 'Brigadier Sir Edward Beddington, C.M.G., D.S.O., M.C., late 16th Lancers, died yesterday at the age of 82. | The son of H. E. Beddington, he was educated at Eton and R.M.C.

Two Autograph Letters from the historian Thomas Lionel Hodgkin, one (signed 'Thomas') to the poet Sylvia Lynd, the other (unsigned) to her daughter Sigle Lynd, both written in the most effusive terms.

Thomas Lionel Hodgkin (1910-1982), Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford, British Marxist historian of Africa [Sylvia Lynd (1888-1952), poet; Sigle ('Sheila') Lynd [later Wheeler] (1910-1976)]
Publication details: 
Both letters on letterhead of 20 Bradmore Road, Oxford. Letter to Sylvia Lynd: 16 December 1930. Letter to Sigle Lynd: 19 July 1930.

Both items in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Both letters are written in an excited, gushing style, and have the margins filled with extra text. Letter to Sylvia Lynd: 2pp., 4to. Addressed to 'Dear Mrs Lynd'.

Issues 2 and 4 of 'The Purple Renoster' (the first subtitled 'The South African Literary Quarterly' and the second 'The Johannesburg Literary Magazine').

Lionel Abrahams (1928-2004), editor, The Purple Renoster, literary quarterly, Johannesburg, South Africa; Barney Simon (1932-1995), associate editor
Publication details: 
Kensington, Johannesburg, South Africa. Issue 2: Spring 1957. Issue 4: Summer 1960.

Issue 2: 50pp., 4to. 'Mimeographed Issue' in purple and black wraps. In good condition, lightly-aged, with slight pitting to wraps and rusting to staples. Contributions by Ezekiel Mphehlele, S. Jasven, H. K. Girling, Barney Simon, Ben Jasven, Herman Charles Bosman, David Hendricks, Gerard Viljoen, Bernard Sachs, Michael Picardie, 'Libra', Riva Lador, Joshua Messan. Issue 4: 93pp., 4to, with two-page cartoon inserted between pp.49 and 50. In dark and light blue, purple and black wraps. In good condition, lightly-aged, with slight staining along spine and rusting to staples.

A large quantity of material, mainly letters, from the personal papers of Lionel Norbury and Family

[Lionel Norbury (1882-1967), OBE, FRCS, consulting surgeon, holder of the Hunterian Professorship in 1941, and Vice-President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England]
Publication details: 

A large quantity of material, mainly letters, from the personal papers of Lionel Norbury and Family, including a substantial correspondence between Norbury and his wife, Grace (nee Rogerson), who worked as a Nurse, their correspondence throwing light on medical activity during the First World War and later.

Eight Autograph Letters Signed from the Scottish anatomist Sir Arthur Keith to Grace Norbury, wife of Lionel Norbury, Professor of Surgery.

Sir Arthur Keith (1866-1955), Scottish anatomist and anthropologist [Lionel Norbury (1882-1967)]
Publication details: 
Between 1948 and 1954. Six on his letterhead at Homefield, Downe, Farnborough, Kent; two on letterheads of Buckston Browne Research Farm.
Sir Arthur Keith (1866-1955), Scottish anatomist and anthropologist

A total of twelve 12mo pages and two 4to pages. All texts clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The first letter addressed to 'Mrs Norbury', and the others to 'Grace'. After a first letter of 1948, in which he complains that he is 'becoming more & more a home dweller', the correspondence continues in 1951, with Keith thanking Mrs Norbury for a gift of sugar ('Its arrival made my housekeeper Miss Holman quite elated'), and sending Lionel Norbury encouragement on his Hunterian Oration ('My heart goes out to the Orator & to his Better Half').

Autograph Letter Signed ('W L George') from the novelist Walter Lionel George to the writer Ralph Straus, regarding payment and literary work.

W. L. George [Walter Lionel George] (1882-1926), English novelist brought up in Paris [Ralph Straus (1882-1950), English novelist and biographer]
Publication details: 
23 January 1919; on letterhead of the Savile Club, Piccadilly.
Autograph Letter Signed ('W L George') ,  novelist

12mo, 1 p. Twelve lines of text. Clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged and creased paper. 'No cheque from the Bystander, [...] my new novel will be out in two months or so. I intend to shock you with that.' Perhaps referring to George's 'Blind Alley', or 'Eddies of the Day', both published in 1919.

Two Autograph Letter Signed ('Charles B. Tayler') to 'J L Williams Esqr' [the wood engraver Joseph Lionel Williams, c.1815-1877].

Charles Benjamin Tayler (1797-1875), curate of Otley Rectory, Ipswich, Suffolk, and author of a number of religious works
Publication details: 
21 May 1852 & 23 June 1852; Otley Rectory, Ipswich.

Both 12mo: 4 pp. Item 1 (21 May) Text clear and entire. On aged paper with small unobtrusive spike holes through both leaves. Slightly manic letter, casting light on the relationship between author, printer and engraver in the Victorian period. Tayler lists four 'plates for a chapter on the Essex Martyrs' which Leonard Seeley of Thames Ditton, who is printing and publishing Tayler's book 'Memorials of the English Martyrs' (Seeleys, 1853), has not yet received from Williams. Suggests other engravings for the 'last chapter'. 'It has occurred to me that the plate in Foxe 7th.

Signed Autograph Inscription to Edward Bawden.

Lionel Ellis (b. 1903), English wood engraver, artist and book illustrator [Edward Bawden]
Publication details: 
Siena; May 1926.

On a piece of paper, roughly 14 x 12 cm. Creased, and with a few pin holes (not affecting text). Edges untidily cut. Possibly the ffep of a presented book. Text in purple ink, with good firm signature (roughly 4.5 cm long). Reads 'To my very dear Friend | E. Bawden | [signed] Lionel Ellis | Siena May 1926'. The '6' in the date slightly cropped.

Autograph Letter Signed and Typed Letter Signed to Wilson Clayton.

Arthur Lionel Smith (1850-1924), historian and Master of Balliol College, Oxford
Publication details: 
Letter One (manuscript), 12 August 1919; Bamburgh, Northumberland [on Balliol letterhead]; Letter Two (typed), 10 January 1920, on Balliol Letterhead.

LETTER ONE (manuscript): Two pages, 12mo. Good on aged paper with a little light foxing. Is 'glad of the opportunity' to tell Clayton 'how highly appreciated on the Committee was the assistance you gave it, your assiduity & attention, your fairness, & your practical wisdom. Besides your kindliness & unvarying good temper were an invaluable element. For myself personally I feel I have made a new friend; wh. in old age is not so easy, & therefore is all the more agreeable.' Signed 'Arthur L Smith'. LETTER TWO (typed): three pages, octavo. Good, though slightly dogeared.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter to the Lord Chamberlain, Viscount Sydney.

Lionel Nathan de Rothschild (1808-79)
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

One page, 12mo. Good, on aged paper, with a little light spotting. Folded four times and docketed in blue pencil. The body of the letter is in another hand, and reads '<...> those who have applied to me be my Excuse for troubling you. | I am, | my dear Lord | Yours very truly'. Signed 'Lionel de Rothschild', and addressed, in another hand, to 'The Viscount Sydney | " " | Lord Chamberlain'.

Autograph Signature.

Lionel Arthur Tollemache
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

English aristocrat (1838-1919), author of 'Safe studies', 'Nuts and chestnuts', etc. etc. Paper dimensions roughly four inches by two inches. Very good. From autograph album. Mounted on larger piece of cream paper. Written in lilac pencil. Reads 'Lionel A Tollemache'. Docketed at foot in pencil.

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