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[ Lawrence of Arabia and Eric Kennington. ] Typed Letter Signed from Lionel Curtis to R. R. Francis, a circular regarding Kennington's 'ghost portrait' of Lawrence, with TLS from John Johnson to Francis, regarding the collotype print of it.

Lionel Curtis [ Lionel George Curtis ] (1872-1955), writer; John Johnson [ John de Monins Johnson ] (1882-1956), Printer to University of Oxford [ T. E. Lawrence; Lawrence of Arabia; Eric Kennington ]
Publication details: 
Curtis's letter from Hales Croft, Kidlington, Oxford. 20 November 1935. Johnson's letter on letterhead of the University Press, Oxford. 15 July 1936.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: TLS from Curtis to Francis. 1p., folio. Signed 'L. Curtis'. A circular letter, with signature, date and name of recipient added. Curtis begins the letter: 'I am writing to ask whether you would care to acquire a replica of a portrait of Lawrence which has now come to be known as "the ghost portrait." Its history is as follows: In 1923 Eric Kennington made a portrait in pastel of Lawrence, who was then a fellow in residence at All Souls.

[Offprint.] Further Notes on "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves".

Duncan B. MacDonald [Duncan Black MacDonald (1863-1943), American orientalist] [The Royal Asiatic Society, London]
Publication details: 
From the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, January, 1913. [Stephen Austin and Sons, Ltd., Printers, Hertford.]

13pp., 8vo, paginated 41-53. Stapled, in brown printed wraps. On aged and worn paper, with rusted staples. Largely unopened. A learned exposition, with quotations in the original, beginning: 'It is now possible for me to supplement my Arabic text of Ali Baba by printing in full the only other original version so far known. I shall add some further information which I have gathered on the identity of the scribe of the Bodleian MS. and various notes on the text of that version.' No copy in the British Library, and a total of six copies on OCLC WorldCat and COPAC.

[Offprint of treatise by Junayd of Baghdad.] The Book of the Cure of Souls.

A. J. Arberry [Arthur John Arberry (1905-1969), British orientalist; The Royal Asiatic Society, London; Junayd of Baghdad]
Publication details: 
From the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, April, 1937.

13pp., 8vo, paginated 219-231. Stapled, in yellow printed wraps. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with rusted staples. Publishing 'the text and translation of what is one of the most interesting of the little treatises preserved in the Istanbul manuscript, both because of its contents, and also for the reason that it is the only work of Junayd for which we have a second authority'. No copies of this offprint traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC.

[Thomas William Wrighte to Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos. Wm. Wrighte') to Brydges, discussing Terrick Hamilton's 'Antar', Arabia, and the difficulties of his own son, Henry Wrighte.

Rev. Thomas William Wrighte (c.1760-1854), Rector of Wychling, Vicar of Boughton under Blean, Kent, Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge [Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges; Terrick Hamilton]
Publication details: 
Boughton [Boughton under Blean, Kent]. 29 December 1818.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight damage to a corner of the second leaf. Pencil note in another hand at foot of last page. Hamilton (1781-1876), Oriental Secretary to the British Embassy at Constantinople, published 'Antar: A Bedoueen Romance' with the London publisher John Murray in 1819. The present letter therefore relates to a pre-publicity copy of the book, which Wrighte has read with 'great pleasure'. Readers are, he considers, 'much obliged to Mr. Terrick Hamilton for presenting it to the Public in such an elegant English dress'.

[Printed periodical of the British Army in Persia.] Percoms Times. 1919.

[British Army in Persia and Mesopotamia, 1919; Percoms; F. N. Stead; Charles Geoffrey Lloyd ('Babu Piche Lal')]
Publication details: 
Basrah [Mesopotamia, now Iraq]: Printed by the Superintendent, Governement Press. 1919.

14pp., folio. Stapled. In brown wraps with attractive cover illustration of a blockage on a mountain pass by 'D. C. '. In fair condition, aged and worn, with slight rust to staples and closed tears to back cover and last leaf. Editorial reads: 'Even had the guns been still roaring on all fronts, I do not think that any apology is needed for the predominantly light, and sometimes flippant, tone of this little number. It is not the habit of the man on the spot to take life too seriously - on its literary side at least.?>

[Harry Pirie-Gordon; Lawrence of Arabia] Autograph Letter Signed "HPG" AND Autog. Postcard Signed "Harry Pirie-Gordon" to Court [Stanley Court]. WITH: photographic copy of letter to Pirie-Gordon from a "stanley Court" [?], newspaper pages & cuttings

Harry Pirie-Gordon [Pirie-Gordon, C. H. C. (Charles Harry Clinton) 1883-1969], foreign correspondent (The Times), soldier, secret agent, author, sometime friend of Baron Corvo (Frederick Rolfe)
Publication details: 
Letter (headed notepaper) and Postcard (Depicting Lawrence of Arabia) undated [1968? the year before his death]

All items in good condition. ONE. ALS, 2pp. 8vo. He is responding to receipt of articles about Lawrence of Arabia (present - see below) with memories of encounters with Lawrence.

Printed paper headed 'Preliminary Examination in Arabic. Cavalry, Artillery, Camel Corps, Infantry, and Sudan Civil Administration.' Answered and marked in pencil.

Sudan Civil Administration [Anglo-Egyptian Sudanese Protectorate; Ottoman Empire]
Publication details: 
'1st February, 1904.'

2pp., foolscap 8vo. On wove paper with the star and crescent watermark of the 'GOUVERNEMENT EGYPTIEN'. Aged and creased, but in fair overall condition. Questions in English and Arabic script, requiring translation between the two languages. Answers in pencil, and marking along both margins in red and blue. Scarce: no copy on COPAC.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H B Swete') by the English biblical scholar Henry Barclay Swete, giving detailed advice 'to an intending fellow traveller in the Holy Land', with a description of his 'own route'.

Publication details: 
On letterhead of Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge. 2 February 1873.

4pp., 12mo. On two bifoliums. Good, on lightly-aged paper. To an unknown recipient. The letter begins: 'Dear Sir | I shall be glad to be of any service to an intending fellow traveller in the Holy Land.' In eight numbered paragraphs, discussing: dragomans ('I was fortunate enough to secure a trustworthy native servant at Jaffa, who had all the knowledge & experience of a dragoman, without the insolence & extravagance which is common to the class. His name was Abdullah of Bethlehem. [...] He charged me on an average £1.

Typed Letter Signed ('R E Wilkinson') from Richard Edward Wilkinson, British Consul at Izmir, Turkey, to Sir Harry Luke, regarding a tour by Freya Stark of south-western Anatolia.

Richard Edward Wilkinson (1901-1972), British Consul at Izmir, Turkey [Sir Harry Luke (1884-1969), colonial governor; Freya Stark [Dame Freya Madeline Stark] (1893?-1993), traveller and writer]
Publication details: 
British Consulate-General, Izmir, Turkey, on Government letterhead. 10 October 1952.

2pp, 4to. Very good on lightly-aged paper. Docketed by Luke at head of first page. Having received Luke's letter of 5 October, Wilkinson reports that 'Mrs. [Freya] Stark is at present on a tour of south-western Anatolia, visiting places like Halicarnassus, Cnidus, Loryma, Telmissus, Xanthus and so forth.

Print of pencil drawing of Sharif Muhammad Amin, son of H.H. Amir 'Ali Haidar Pasha (1866-1935), Grand Sharif and Amir of Mecca.

W. B. Jemmett (d.1925), British miniature-painter and dandy [Sharif Muhammad Amin; H.H. Amir 'Ali Haidar Pasha, Grand Sharif and Amir of Mecca; Biarritz; Saudi Arabia; Arabic; Arabian; Arab]
Publication details: 

On a piece of grey paper roughly 25 x 22 cm, with card backing. The backing is rough-edged, the picture having been removed from its mount, but the edges of the print itself are undamaged. A little grubby, and with minor spotting and staining. Depicts the moustachioed sitter's head in profile, looking to his right, wearing a white guthra with decorative igaal. The image includes a reproduction of Jemmett's signature in the bottom right-hand corner, with the sitter's signature, in Arabic script, reproduced in the bottom left-hand corner.

Autograph Note Signed to the autograph hunter Rev. E. J. F. Davies.

Ralph David Blumenfeld (1864-1948), newspaper editor
Publication details: 
15 December 1930; on letterhead of the Daily Express.

One page, 12mo. Very good, with light paperclip spotting. 'Certainly. I am glad to comply with your request.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('(Miss) "Clive Arden" | (L. Clive Nutt).') to the editor of the Daily Graphic.

Clive Arden (pseud. of Lily Clive Nutt), English novelist
Publication details: 
19 April 1924; Hampton House, Hampton-in-Arden, Warwickshire.

4to: 2 pp. 26 lines. On lightly discoloured and spotted paper. She will be happy 'to send you word occasionally of any work or other matter concerning myself which might interest your readers'. Her 'new book', 'Enticement', 'has just been published by Leonard Parsons. At present I have not commenced another.' She has just returned from North Africa, 'where I motored over 3,000 miles in Algeria & Tunisia. On the strength of this I do not contemplate writing a "Sheik" story! We met no sheiks.

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