Music and Theatre

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autograph letter signed to Mr [?] Courtney,

Edward Terry
Publication details: 
2 October 1890, on black and red ink letterhead of Terry's Theatre in the Strand.

English actor-manager (1844-1912). One page, 8vo. "I am complimented by the request - but - my time at present is so fully occupied and my powers of description are so poor that I am compelled to say 'no' and I really think your readers have reason to be grateful for the decision / Yours sincerely / E. Terry".

autograph note signed to Lady Ashbourne,

Charles Wyndham
Publication details: 
May 20 [no year], on letterhead of the Criterion Theatre, Piccadilly.

English actor-manager (1837-1919), knighted in 1902. One page, 8vo. "Dear Lady Ashbourne / Will you & Lord Ashbourne sup with me next Monday at 34 Piccadilly Circus at 11.30 and confer great pleasure on, amongst others, / Yours sincerely / Charles Wyndham"

one autograph letter signed to Miss Home,

George Alexander (George Alexander Gibb Samson)
Publication details: 
1 April 1892, on the letterhead of the St James's Theatre, King Street, St James's.

English actor-manager (1858-1918), knighted in 1911. "The actors Benevolent Trust is our institution for relief of deserving cases - if your friend will apply to me by letter & state her case freely I will lay it before the committee of which I am a member." Traces of previous mounting on reverse of blank second leaf.

typed letter signed to Mr [?] Ridley,

Cyril Maude
Publication details: 
14 July 1904, on letterhead of the Haymarket Theatre.

English actor-manager (1862-1951). One page, 12mo. "I am very sorry that I have never written before to thank you for your very kind letter about the performance. I am so glad the poor people liked it. It is a great blessing to be able to do anything for them."

one autograph note signed to unnamed male correspondent (a journalist?),

Edward Terry
Publication details: 
22 September 1887, Barnes, Surrey.

English actor-manager (1844-1912). 2 pp, 12mo. "I found your note to-day at the Garrick - If you are likely to be in Town again I will give you an Interview. but you must let me have a proof before publication. You promised this at Eastbourne and did not send it." In bad condition: torn, creased and discoloured.

autograph note signed to Miss [?] Gray,

Charles Wyndham
Publication details: 
6 November 1874, Court Theatre.

English actor-manager (1837-1919), knighted in 1902. One page, 12mo. "I have much pleasure in granting your complimentary request & hope you will be able to read my writing". Not in best of condition, with traces of mount glued to the reverse.

typed note signed to Mrs Cabowon [in fact Edith Cabourn],

Cyril Maude
Publication details: 
November 22 [no year], Haymarket Theatre.

English actor-manager (1862-1951). One page, 8vo. "Dear Madam / I regret to say that I cannot seemy [sic] way to recommending the enclosed plays to a Manager for production on my account. / I remain / Yours truly / Cyril Maude"

autograph letter signed in stamped envelope addressed in autograph to L. E. Berman,

John van Druten
Publication details: 
4 December 1934, on letterhead of Kingsgate Castle, Thanet.

Anglo-American dramatist (1901-57). One page, 8vo. "How very, very nice of you to write - and thank you so much for seeing my play twice and liking it. / It was all very disappointing and sad - and I dont think there is anything else to say. But I did appreciate your letter: thank you so much."

autograph letter signed to Mrs Revière,

Brandon Thomas
Publication details: 
28 June 1898, with letterhead 105 Cadogan Gardens.

English actor, playwright, songwriter (1856-1914). One page, 12mo. "You are sweet, as well as dear! We are working our heads off about the Liebhart Concert & hoping for the best / The two tickets will be sent in due course". With traces of paper and glue to the reverse of blank second leaf.

autograph letter signed and autograph note signed,

Henry James Montague [real name Mann]
Publication details: 
neither of them dated.

Anglo-American actor (1844-78). The letter, to W. L. Maitland, "Prince of Wales Theatre / Thursday" (no date), 2 pp, 12mo. "Every place but one or two - is taken for Saty & not even one stall is left. The only place your are at all likely to get them is at either Mitchells or in Bond Street. They told me at the Box Office just now that you cd. not get 6 stalls together until after Saty week - all the Librarians buy them up." He declines a dinner invitation due to a previous engagement.

autograph note signed to Miss [?] Warde,

Charles Wyndham
Publication details: 
19 Jan [no year], on letterhead of Wyndham's Theatre, Charing Cross Road.

English actor-manager (1837-1919), knighted in 1902. One page, 8vo. "Dear Miss Warde / Herewith with very many thanks & kind regards - / Yrs truly / Chas Wyndham".

autograph letter signed and autograph note signed,

J. Robertson Hare
Publication details: 
both 1947.

English comedian and farceur (1891-1979). The letter, to Miss Cabourn, 5 July 1947, on letterhead of the Queens Hotel, Birmingham, one page, 12mo. He has read her play "Monsell", which he did not return sooner because his routine was upset by touring. "Although interesting I do not think this is a good vehicle for me". The note, to an unnamed male correspondent, 29 March 1947, 27 St Mary Abbots Court, Kensington, 1 page, 12mo.

typed note signed to W. P. Drury,

Cyril Maude
Publication details: 
17 December 1908, on letterhead of The Playhouse, Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross.

English actor-manager (1862-1951). One page, 4to. "My dear Drury, / Will you sup with me to meet some members of the company next Wednes day night at 11-45. [in MS] at the Service Club" With postscript in MS, "And to wish you bon voyage you know". Not in best of condition, with creasing and slight staining to MS portion.

autograph poem signed,

Brandon Thomas
Publication details: 
29 April 1895, on letterhead of the Hôtel Burlington, Boscombe, Bournemouth.

English actor, playwright, songwriter (1856-1914). One page, 8vo. "Sir Maple is a handy man / And comfort round him spreads, / He furnishes on every plan / And also makes the beds." In bad condition, torn and holed by removal from mount, traces of which are glued to the reverse.

autograph fragment signed to "- Bellamy, Esqr.",

Julia Glover
Publication details: 

English actress (1779-1850). Fragment of letter, 1 page, 8vo, signed "Julia Glover" and docketted "Mrs Glover of Drury Lane Theatre". Stuck to a torn piece of paper carrying the following biographical sketch: "Mrs Glover.

One typed note signed to L. E. Berman,

Hugh Beaumont
Publication details: 
20 September 1943, on letterhead of H. M. Tennent Ltd.

Theatre producer (1908-1973). One page, 8vo. "Thank you very much for letting me have the script of "THE CONCERT" which I shall certainly take great care of and return to you." Not in good condition: creased, grubby and foxed.

autograph note signed to Mrs [?] Brooks,

Charles Wyndham
Publication details: 
no date, on letterhead of the Hyde Park Hotel, Knightsbridge.

English actor-manager (1837-1919), knighted in 1902. One page, 12mo. "I am glad to hear you are getting better. There has been a bond of sympathy between us. I myself have been off colour all the week & locked up in my room yesterday and to-day."

Autograph note signed

H.R. Bishop
Publication details: 
25 Oct. (no year).

Composer (1786-1855). One page, 8vo, laid down.He acknowledges a dinner engagement and says that his correspondent will receive Drury Lane tickets.

autograph letter signed to Mr [?] Hawkins,

Henry Kemble
Publication details: 
31 October 1879, with embossment of the Garrick Club.

Actor (1848-1907). One page, 12mo. He thanks him for sending the photograph. "I dont like it one little bit, and I cant say I think it even like me, so I will go again to Messrs Lock & Whitfield. With regard to what you say about contributing some little article to "The Theatre", I should be very glad to do so had I the time, but just at present I am very busy rehearsing two plays, one a new one: perhaps on some future occasion you will let me do something for you."

autograph note signed to the playwright and novelist Herman [Charles] Merivale (1839-1906),

Henry Kemble
Publication details: 
23 July 1886, on letterhead with mourning border of the Garrick Club.

Actor (1848-1907). One page, 12mo. He thanks him for sending a book. "I shall hope to read much of it on Sunday next". Two strips of paper glued to the reverse.

one autograph letter signed to [?] Palgrave,

Charles Sugden
Publication details: 
"Sunday" (no date), 3 Pall Mall Place, on deleted letterhead 50 Pall Mall.

Actor (1850-1921). A storm in a teacup. "I am sorry to say I must decide against you in reference to the cups & saucers, the history of them was this, Jack asked me as I had nothing to do to go & buy him some coffee cups &c / I went, bought the ones you refer to & begged Jack to accept them as a present, I am sorry that you should lose them, but am glad that you both wished to possess them".

autograph note signed to the wife of Henry Fielding Dickens [1849-?], son of the novelist Charles Dickens.

Charles Wyndham
Publication details: 
2 January 1901, on letterhead of Wyndham's Theatre, Charing Cross Road.

English actor-manager (1837-1919), knighted in 1902. 2 pp, 8vo. "Dear Mrs Dickens / When I spoke the other night of an autograph I meant that of your husband: I did not dream of such an acceptable present as you have forwarded me / I think I shall alter your plan. I will still send the book for the autograph of the eminent Q. C. & shall that of his celebrated father / With a thousand thanks / Yours truly / Charles Wyndham". In reasonable condition, with a few creases and small tears.

autograph note signed to unnamed correspondent,

Charles Wyndham
Publication details: 
no date, on letterhead of the Criterion Theatre, Piccadilly.

English actor-manager (1837-1919), knighted in 1902. One page, 8vo. "One never makes a mistake in telling the truth / Charles Wyndham / The Liar." Perhaps a reference to Wyndham's outstanding performance in Jones's "The Liars" (1897).

one autograph card signed to Mrs [?] Horsley,

Charles Wyndham
Publication details: 
"Sunday" [no date], with letterhead of the Criterion Theatre, Piccadilly.

English actor-manager (1837-1919), knighted in 1902. 2 pp, 12mo. "Dear Mrs Horsley / The state of the weather to-day precludes me from even trying to see you & to-night / I shall be happy to come tomorrow with Miss Moore [his wife the actress Mary Moore,1869-1931]".

autograph fragment signed to unnamed correspondent,

Marion Terry
Publication details: 
no date or place.

English actress (1852-1930), sister of Ellen Terry and member of celebrated theatrical dynasty. Fragment of letter, one page, 16mo, of irregular shape. "[...] but I did & do wish you every success dear child & thank you so much for your sweet thoughts of me = / Yours with love / Marion Terry". Remains of mount to the blank reverse.

autograph note signed to Trench Kirkpatrick,

David James
Publication details: 

English actor (1839-93). One page, 8vo, mounted on piece of paper with cutting from envelope addressed in autograph to "Trench Kirkpatrick Esq / Donacomper / Celbridge Court Kildare / Ireland". "Aint it ot it is awful ot." / Our Boys" / Faithfully yours / David James / Vaudeville Theatre / October 17th 79 / To Trench Kirkpatrick". James made his fortune in 1875 in H. J. Byron's "Our Boys".

autograph note signed to the actor and dramatist Charles Farley (1771-1859),

Thomas Philipps
Publication details: 
"Wednesday" (no date), 63 Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury.

Vocalist and composer (1774-1841). Piece of 4to paper with stationer's embossment folded over and attached with sealing wax. Addressed on one side to "Charles Farley Esq / Theatre Royal / Covt. Garden". "Dear Farley / If you can with perfect convenience give me an order for this on tomorrow night you will oblige an old friend / T Philipps / My lecturers privilege is at your service for any friend during my course at any of the institutions". Slight loss (without loss to text) caused by opening of letter.

photograph, autograph letter signed, autograph note signed, and 2 fragments signed,

Edward Askew Sothern
Publication details: 
all undated.

English actor (1826-81). A tiny studio photograph (an inch by three-quarters of an inch) of Sothern in the role with which he is forever associated, that of Lord Dundreary in Tom Taylor's 'Our American Cousin' (1858). Head and shoulders, looking slightly to the left, sporting a monocle and a raffish look, a centre-parting, moustache, and the sideburns which gave a new word to the English language, "dundrearies". Mounted and glued to a torn sheet of paper also bearing two signatures cut away from letters, the first "E. A. Sothern" and the second "Ted".

one autograph letter signed to [?] Murray,

Charles Wyndham
Publication details: 
5 October 1892, Balmoral Hotel, Edinburgh, on deleted letterhead of the Criterion Theatre, Piccadilly.

English actor-manager (1837-1919), knighted in 1902. 2 pp, 8vo. An interesting letter relating to the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith. "I suppose your plans are definitely arranged with regard to the much lamented & 'Lyric' If not, or you think we could turn it into a Theatre - size - a little larger than the Criterion, I would be ready either to take a lease of it or even put money into it - and I fancy it would pay the starters.

one autograph note signed to Mrs [Elizabeth] Merivale (née Pitman), wife of the playwright Herman Charles Merivale (1839-1906),

[Walter] Brandon Thomas
Publication details: 
30 August 1893, with letterhead 42 Cadogan Terrace.

English actor, playwright, songwriter (1856-1914). One page, 12mo. "Dear Mrs. Merivale, / I enclose two stalls & hope you will enjoy a good laugh that is all I can you. / So glad to see you & Mr. Merivale looking so well today". Attached by blank verso to blank second leaf, which bears traces of previous mounting.

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