Music and Theatre

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signatures as members of the cast of a play,

Edith Evans, Claude Rains, C. Aubrey Smith, et al.
Publication details: 

Edith Evans (1888-1976), distinguished English actress, created Dame of the British Empire in 1946; Claude Rains (1889-1967), English-born film actor, best known for his part in "Casablanca"; C. Aubrey Smith (1863-1948), England cricketer and actor, Hollywood's idea of the quintessential Englishman. Their signatures on a piece of paper, 7 by 4½ inches, mounted on a piece of pink card, along with those of six other members of the cast of the play "Daniel", performed at the St James's Theatre in London in 1921.

typed letter signed to M[ary]. Tennyson, with stamped addressed envelope addressed in autograph,

Herbert Trench
Publication details: 
27 September 1909, with the letterhead of the Haymarket Theatre ("Director Mr. HERBERT TRENCH").

One page, 4to. He thanks her for her "criticisms as to the hands and the lighting [...] Your appreciation was of the kind that I specially value. / On re-reading your One Act play, I think it needs alteration. The first ten or twelver [sic] pages are very good, but I am not at all sure that the last part will go down. Is it not a little over-sentimental?" But I will consider this further and let you have some suggestions later. I suppose you would not mind altering it to a certain extent if necessary?"

autograph note signed to "Dear Ken",

Charles Wyndham
Publication details: 
1 June [no year], on letterhead of Wyndham's Theatre, Charing Cross Road.

English actor-manager (1837-1919), knighted in 1902. 2 pp, 8vo. "I will let you know tomorrow. I have been working towards a certain goal - The T of P with the original cast. There has been a little uncertainty about an artist & I have been tempted to try other actors. I shall know by tomorrow". Smuding to recto, but signature not affected.

autograph letter signed to Sir Evelyn Wood,

Mary Moore
Publication details: 
16 January 1896, 3 Ulster Terrace, on deleted letterhead of the Criterion Theatre, Piccadilly.

English actress-manageress (1869-1931), married successively to the actor-managers James Albery and Charles Wyndham. 2 pp, 8vo. "It was most kind of you to call & enquire after my little boy! I am thankful to say he is picking up rapidly the operation having been most successful However, my troubles are not at an end as the doctor tells me to-day that my eldest boy must undergo the same operation and has fixed next Saturday morning for the ordeal." She will bring her two youngest sons to dine with him on the Sunday, "if you are quite sure they wont worry you".

autograph letter signed and fragment with signature,

Henry James Byron
Publication details: 
the letter dated 1879.

Dramatist and actor (1834-84). The letter, to [Edward] Draper, 18 April 1879, with letterhead 1 Eccleston Square, one page, 12mo. "I send a cheque for two guineas for Straus's affair. How many of our mutual friends have dropped off since we first met! I have been obliged to subscribe widely during the last 2 years - Mrs Mellon, Chatterton, J. Clarke, Mrs Manders, Buckston W. Glover, S. L. Blanchard and others, or I would send more." Fragment cut from another letter reading "Very sincerely yours/Henry J. Byron". Stuck to another piece of paper bearing traces of a mount. 2 items.

autograph note signed,

William Henry Schofield Payne
Publication details: 
no date.

Actor and pantomimist (1804-1878), "the last true mime", who played opposite the great Joseph Grimaldi. One page, 8vo. Written in a florid hand, "W H S Payne / Theater Royal Covent Garden / Le Roi De Pantomime." The "S" in the signature is in superscript. In a smaller hand at the head of the page the signature of Gustave Garcia.

one autograph note signed to [?] Croker,

Herbert Waring
Publication details: 
14 October [no year], 172 Earl's Court Road.

English actor (1857-1932). One page, 12mo, on mourning paper. "Many thanks for your kind congratulations and the enclosed "notice". With our united regards."

autograph letter signed to Mr [?] Courtney,

Edward Terry
Publication details: 
2 October 1890, on black and red ink letterhead of Terry's Theatre in the Strand.

English actor-manager (1844-1912). One page, 8vo. "I am complimented by the request - but - my time at present is so fully occupied and my powers of description are so poor that I am compelled to say 'no' and I really think your readers have reason to be grateful for the decision / Yours sincerely / E. Terry".

autograph note signed to Lady Ashbourne,

Charles Wyndham
Publication details: 
May 20 [no year], on letterhead of the Criterion Theatre, Piccadilly.

English actor-manager (1837-1919), knighted in 1902. One page, 8vo. "Dear Lady Ashbourne / Will you & Lord Ashbourne sup with me next Monday at 34 Piccadilly Circus at 11.30 and confer great pleasure on, amongst others, / Yours sincerely / Charles Wyndham"

ANS, 1p, 16mo, to Mrs Faber

Edmund Yates (DNB), Victorian journalist and friend of Charles Dickens
Publication details: 

Gives briefest details of next step of a tour of Scotland. His address will be "Marine Hotel, North Berwick". Written in purple ink. Docketed at foot in another hand. Gummed slips from album attached to corners of reverse.

TLS, 1p, 8vo, to H. Saxe Wyndham

Gerald Du Maurier (DNB), actor-manager
Publication details: 
10 June 1933, on letterhead "OFFICES. | FLAT 3, 22, ORANGE STREET, W.C.2."

He apologises for not answering sooner. His secretary was away for Whitsun "and I have been very busy rehearsing every day for the Theatrical Garden Party." He thinks Wyndham's scheme a good one, but has no interest in it himself, having too many responsibilities at present. He is sure Sir John Martin Harvey will suggest who to ask to become trustees. Grubby paper, with inkstains in margins affecting a couple of words of text.

TLS, 1p, 8vo, to Miss Webster Brough

Sir Landon Ronald
Publication details: 

On letterhead of the Guildhall School of Music. Did not reply sooner as he left London "immediately after my concert with the B.B.C." Is so "very much touched by your charming letter" that he is "venturing to send you an autographed Photogravure of myself". Creased and with some loss to two corners. Glue and paper adhering to reverse.

ALS, 2pp, 8vo, to J. P. Cooke

John Palgrave Simpson (DNB), dramatist and novelist
Publication details: 

He has heard that "a prospectus of the Company now being formed for the establishment of an English Opera Theatre in London has been sent to you at Thurloe Square", but he sends another with a few words. "I think that we have undertaken a good work: and I feel confident that, were the Company established, we should prosper." Needs to fill list of shareholders by 13 inst. Asks his correspondent to take a few shares "for the love of an art, which, if not your own, is akin to it".

2 ANS to unnamed correspondents and one autograph address, "H. Cholmondeley <Parnell?> Esq. | The Admiralty"

Charles Hamilton Aidé [Charles Hamilton Aide] (DNB), author and musician
Publication details: 
10 June 1889, Queen Anne's Mansion, and 1 July [no year], 68 Jermyn Street

The 1889 note: "Let me know whether you care to publish poetry - I can send you 3 stanzas". The other note: "I regret much that I am already engaged to dinner on Tuesday. If it were probable that yr party sat late into the night I would gladly join you in the coffee state of yr festivities". Two items,

Epilogue to the Comedy of the Fashionable Friends Performed at Strawberry Hill 1801

William Lamb
Publication details: 
n.d. (Watermark, 1804)

`(later Lord Melbourne, Prime Minister, 1779-1848), 4pp., 4to, (2pp., of text, 44 lines), not bound,2 stab marks, printed by J. Barfield, Wardour St, Soho, nr fine. It opens, "Ah e'er I sail for Naples to attend/ The last sad moments of my dearest friend . . .. This was the Epilogue to the ill-fated Drury Lane.production of May 1802. It was also published within a discussioln of the play in "Extracts of the Journals and Correspondence of Miss Berry from the Year 1783 to 1852 (3 vols, 1865), II.194-199, and is also printed in the 1802 edition of Miss Mary Berry's Works.

Autograph "G. Smart"on envelope front, to William Maclose, 61 York Terrace, Regents Park.

George Smart.
Publication details: 

Smart, Sir George Thomas 1776-1867, musician and orchestral conductor. Envelope fornt with address as above, c.4 x 2.5", signed by Smart, text clear despite some soiling.

Autograph Letter Signed from “W.G. Weiss”, wife or other relative, to “G. Wood”,

W.H. Weiss.
Publication details: 

(W.H. Weiss, vocalist and composer (1820-1867)). 2pp., 4to, torn, partly repaired crudely, discussing Willoughby Weiss’s current tour with “Miss Kemble”, the possibilities for a concert on the Isle of Man, his recent hectic tour (listing the many places he hasperformed at recently).

Autograph Note Signed to “Miss Lanyon”, daughter of Charles Lanyon, engineer.

J.L. Toole,
Publication details: 

Actor (1830-1906). One page, 8vo, .good. With enclosure. He encloses his autograph (present - a tag from “Paul Pry” signed by Toole) and says he will be in Belfast in October.2 items,

Autograph Notes Signed to “Fred” (Peake) and to an unknown correspondent.

Edmund Yates.
Publication details: 
19 Dec. 1876 and 14 Feb. 1885[?].

Novelist, dramatist and journalist (1831-1894). One page each, 8vo, good. In the first, he is sorry that “Fred” has been bothered in a particular“matter”. In the second, he says simply “Here is the Valentine you askfor”.

Autograph Note Signed to an unknown correspondent.

Publication details: 
No date.

French composer. 2pp., 8vo, , referring to a list he has added to the letter of 8 pieces he would like to publish if his correspondent can cooperate. He has the proofs of To the Hills “a votre disposition”, and describes in a postscript a “fantaisie” he has justfinished.


Christine Nilsson
Publication details: 

Swedish singer. She has signed the front of a small envelope as follows: "Christine Nilsson-Rouzaud / 1875"., slight marking and fold marks but signature clear.

Autograph Note Signed to unknown correspondent (name partly clipped off)

Publication details: 
Junior Carlton Club, no date.

He has "stopped all orders at T.R.H. [Haymarket?]" and cannot, therefore, ask other managers for favours.

Letter Signed to "Mr [Saher?], Theatre Royal, Dublin.

W.H. Murray.
Publication details: 
Theatre Royal Edinburgh, 16 May 1850.

Actor then Theatre Manager (see DNB). "unexpected circumstances" oblige him to postopone the opening of the Adelphi Season until June next. The cast will not assemble until the 12th June. It appears to be in a secretarial hand signed by Murray.

Signature, with small amount of text.

Elizabeth Rainforth.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Singer (DNB). Bold, underlined Signature, c.3.5 x 1.5". Other side the following few words, "towns, will tempt me [to] make a trial, so I do [not?] think I shall visit".

Autograph Letter Signed to Ifan Kyrle Fletcher.

Serge Leslie.
Publication details: 
Los Angeles, March 1858.

Ballet. Fletcher was a bookseller specialising in Performing Arts and founder of the Society for Theatre Research. One page, 4to, chipped, four small tears, fold mark, punch-holes, small hole in centre, but complete and legible. He thanks Fletcher for submitting a print to "us" (Leslie and Niles?) but they decline regretfully, requesting others from the Romantic Period as they occur. "The 'Pas de Quatre' is most beautiful and now graces our walls." He requests an English translation of "Stepanow alphabet les Mouvements du Corps Humain".

Autograph Letters Signed (x 2) to Mrs [Henry?] Brewster.

Anna Bishop.
Publication details: 
Pavilion Hotel, no date, and Madras, [18] March 1868.

Ann[a] Bishop, singer (1814-1884)(DNB). (No date) Three pages, 8vo, fair but legible, edge rough where extracted from an album.. She is sorry not to have been able to see her. She is travelling to Australia on that day and willbe in England in four months. She apologises for the writing, giving the reason. (1868) Four pages, 8vo, good condition but edge rough where extrcated from an album. She would be pleased to meet Mrs Brewster in England and gives her brother's address ("Mr Riviere". She would be happy to give her singing lessons. Two items,

Autograph note signed to Miss [?] Sterling,

Sir Charles Henry Hawtrey
Publication details: 
12 january 1899, Avenue Theatre.

Actor-manager (1858-1923), knighted in 1922. One page, 12mo. "Dear Miss Sterling / Months ago you asked me for my autograph . . / Here it is at last. / Yours very truly / Charles H. Hawtrey".

Photograph signed,

W. H. Berry
Publication details: 

Comic actor. A charming photograph, 5 inches by 3 inches, of a winking Berry in sailor suit and cap of "H.M.S. CISSY", his arms folded across his chest. Inscribed "Yours. v. truly / W. H. Berry / 1921". Mounted on pink paper docketed "Very Popular Actor". In good condition.

Autograph letter signed to a bishop,

Squire Bancroft
Publication details: 
4 Nov. 1901, with embossment 18 Berkeley Square.

English actor manager (1841-1926), knighted in 1926. 2 pp, 12mo. "My Lord Bishop / I am sorry I cannot be of any service in the way you wish. My income is severely strained and, with regret, I have to refuse many similar applications." Traces of mounting on reverse.

Autograph letter signed and one typed letter signed, both to Sewell [Stokes],

Norman Ginsburg
Publication details: 
both 1967, both with letterhead Barum Lodge, 25 Prideaux Road, Eastbourne, Sussex.

Playwright (1902-1991). The typed letter, 8 February 1967, one page, 8vo. An interesting letter. "I am back again! I have just had a note from Murray Macdonald. He tells me he is going to direct a new play by Tam and Maggie Williams, probaly [sic] in July. The Williams' want Gladys Cooper [English actress, 1888-1971] for it but it is a small part and she has not said "Yes" or "No" yet. She spole to Murray about "The Limit" and told him she would like to do it at Guilford. So please, please convince her that the play to do is the one by ME and not by Williams!

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