Music and Theatre

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Autograph note signed to unnamed correspondent,

Marie Effie Bancroft (née Wilton)
Publication details: 
no date, with letterhead 31 Cavendish Square.

Actress (1839-1921), wife of the actor-manager Sir Squire Bancroft (1841-1926). One page, 12mo. "A happy new year to you both / Marie Bancroft". Traces of previous mounting at head and foot of the page.

Typed letter signed to unnamed male correspondent,

Mary Moore
Publication details: 
13 November 189<6>, with letterhead of the Criterion Theatre, Piccadilly.

English actress-manageress (1869-1931), married successively to the actor-managers James Albery and Charles Wyndham. "I much regret that owing to the many calls upon my time at present, I am unable to give you the information you require."

Typed letter signed to the playwright Richard Pryce,

Nigel Playfair
Publication details: 
6 November 1922, on letterhead of the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith.

English actor-manager and director (1874-1934), knighted in 1928. He thanks him for his letter about the play "The Immortal Hour" (1907) by Fiona Macleod (William Sharp). "I am delighted that you liked it so much, and I think that gradually the public is beginning to find it out. / It will amuse you to hear that the night before last I saw a performance, at my little boys' school, of "The Dumb Cake"; a pirated version revised from memory.

Autograph note signed to Lady Bell,

Sir Charles Henry Hawtrey
Publication details: 
18 January 1922, with letterhead 37 Hertford Street, Mayfair.

Actor-manager (1858-1923), knighted in 1922. He thanks her for her letter. "It was very sweet of you to remember me and I appreciate it very much indeeed - With best wishes to you for the New Year / Yours / Charles H. Hawtrey".

Autograph note signed,

Marie Effie Bancroft (née Wilton)
Publication details: 

Actress (1839-1921), wife of the actor-manager Squire Bancroft. One page, 12mo. Written in a large hand, evidently in response to a request for an autograph. "Do you like Sir?" / Act 1 / Marie Bancroft / October 8th 1879". Traces of previous mounting on reverse.

Autograph note signed to Miss [?] Sterling,

Sir Charles Henry Hawtrey
Publication details: 
12 january 1899, Avenue Theatre.

Actor-manager (1858-1923), knighted in 1922. One page, 12mo. "Dear Miss Sterling / Months ago you asked me for my autograph . . / Here it is at last. / Yours very truly / Charles H. Hawtrey".

Autograph letter signed to a bishop,

Squire Bancroft
Publication details: 
4 Nov. 1901, with embossment 18 Berkeley Square.

English actor manager (1841-1926), knighted in 1926. 2 pp, 12mo. "My Lord Bishop / I am sorry I cannot be of any service in the way you wish. My income is severely strained and, with regret, I have to refuse many similar applications." Traces of mounting on reverse.

Photograph signed,

W. H. Berry
Publication details: 

Comic actor. A charming photograph, 5 inches by 3 inches, of a winking Berry in sailor suit and cap of "H.M.S. CISSY", his arms folded across his chest. Inscribed "Yours. v. truly / W. H. Berry / 1921". Mounted on pink paper docketed "Very Popular Actor". In good condition.

Autograph letter signed to Lyall Swete,

Squire Bancroft
Publication details: 
19 July 1906, on the letterhead of the Marlborough Club, Pall Mall.

English actor manager (1841-1926), knighted in 1926. 2 pp, 12mo. "Let me thank you very heartily for all the valuable work you have done for the young people in Gower Street, with a hope that it may long continue." The reference is clearly to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, in Gower Street.

Autograph letter signed and one typed letter signed, both to Sewell [Stokes],

Norman Ginsburg
Publication details: 
both 1967, both with letterhead Barum Lodge, 25 Prideaux Road, Eastbourne, Sussex.

Playwright (1902-1991). The typed letter, 8 February 1967, one page, 8vo. An interesting letter. "I am back again! I have just had a note from Murray Macdonald. He tells me he is going to direct a new play by Tam and Maggie Williams, probaly [sic] in July. The Williams' want Gladys Cooper [English actress, 1888-1971] for it but it is a small part and she has not said "Yes" or "No" yet. She spole to Murray about "The Limit" and told him she would like to do it at Guilford. So please, please convince her that the play to do is the one by ME and not by Williams!

Autograph letter signed to [?] Horton,

Sir George Alexander (George Alexander Gibb Samson)
Publication details: 
5 October [no year], on letterhead of the St James's Theatre, King street, St James's.

English actor-manager (1858-1918), knighted in 1911. One page, 12mo. "Glad to hear from you: <?> had told me that you were soldiering. I wish you could have been here with us but yours is a glorious job. Good luck attend you & our arms". Creased, and with traces of previous mounting on blank reverse.

Autograph letter signed to Mrs [?] Hill,

Squire Bancroft
Publication details: 
7 July 1895, with letterhead 18 Berkeley Square.

English actor manager (1841-1926), knighted in 1926. 2 pp, 12mo. "I am terribly over worked just now but must snatch a moment to tell you how truly grieved I am to know of your sad accident and illness. / I fear too, it will keep you from us on the 20th which will be indeed a regret." Signed "S. B. Bancroft".

Le Miracle de Saint Antoine

Maurice Maeterlinck
Publication details: 
Paris 1920

Belgian dramatist, poet, essayist (1862-1949). "Deux Mille", blue wraps, small tear both ends of spine, hinge strain, yellowing pages but mainly g.. INSCRIBED "A Sir John Martin Harvey [English actor/manager]. L'incomparable <........................> ref. obscure to me> qui sera bientot le miraculeur [sic] St Antoine./ En toute <..?> admiration/ Maeterlinck/ 24 juin 1921" (last figure obscure). DNB says: "At the Prince of Wales's Theatre his Pelléas in Maeterlinck's Pelléas and Mélisande moved the author to declare: ‘Il a volé mon âme, ce M. Harvey.’

Autograph note signed to Miss <Edna Orflere?>,

Sir George Alexander (George Alexander Gibb Samson), Theatre Manager
Publication details: 
9 June 1906, on letterhead of the St James's Theatre, King Street, St James's.

One page, 12mo. Only partially decipherable, due to Alexander's dreadful handwriting, which is reminiscent of that of his contemporary Charles Wyndham. "I shall be pleased to see you if you [...] one night next week. / Sincerely / George Alexander".

Autograph letter signed to the actress Hilda Trevelyan (1880-1959),

Squire Bancroft
Publication details: 
31 October 1908, with letterhead of the Marlborough Club, Pall Mall.

English actor manager (1841-1926), knighted in 1926. 2 pp, 12mo. Congratulating her on her performance in J. M. Barrie's "What Every Woman Knows". "Dear Miss Trevelyan / I had the pleasure to take Lady Bancroft to-day to see your admirable performance of a very difficult part: she was as pleased as I told her she would be. / With sincere congratulations, believe me, truly yrs: / Squire Bancroft".

Autograph letter signed to Mrs Bovill,

Johnston Forbes-Robertson
Publication details: 
21 April <1897?>, with embossment 22 Bedford Square.

English actor-manager (1853-1937), knighted in 1913. One page, 12mo. "Yes, with the greatest pleasure. Baker St. 11.37. - I warn you, I am a very good player." With negligible creasing and staining.

Autograph letter signed to [?] Pemberton,

William Sydney Penley, actor
Publication details: 
28 April 1890, on letterhead of Terry's Theatre, Strand, London.

English actor-manager (1852-1912). One page, 12mo. "Dear Mr Pemberton/ / If more convenient to you Thursday at 11.30 will suit me just as well as Wednesday". Traces of previous mounting on blank reverse.

Autograph note signed to Mr <Spielmann?>,

Sir George Alexander (George Alexander Gibb Samson), Theatre Manager
Publication details: 
"Thursday" (no date), with letterhead 57 Pont Street.

English actor-manager (1858-1918), knighted in 1911. One page, 12mo. "We will call for you at about 10.30 tomorrow morning. It is very good of you."

Autograph letter signed to unnamed female correspondent,

Squire Bancroft
Publication details: 
15 December 1908, on the letterhead of the Marlborough Club, Pall Mall.

English actor manager (1841-1926), knighted in 1926. One page, 12mo. He apologises for not being able to be of service in the way she wishes. "I find it necessary to limit the "Readings" to teh aid of hospitals."

Autograph note signed to [Thomas Bass],

Johnston Forbes-Robertson
Publication details: 
30 March 1905, Theatre Royal, Manchester.

English actor-manager (1853-1937), knighted in 1913. One page, 12mo. "Dear young friend, / Thank you for your kind & interesting letter. I will try to get a souvenir for you, but I fear there are none left. With every good wish".

Autograph letter signed to unnamed female correspondent,

William Sydney Penley, actor
Publication details: 
27 November 1894, on letterhead of the Globe Theatre.

English actor-manager (1852-1912). One page, 12mo. "Dear Madam / I sent your donation to Mrs. Wenman, with your letter She should have acknowledged it, Apologising for delay Thanking you for your kindness". Traces of previous mounting on reverse.

Autograph note signed,

Sir George Alexander (George Alexander Gibb Samson), Theatre Manager
Publication details: 
undated, on letterhead of the St James's Theatre, King Street, St James's.

English actor-manager (1858-1918), knighted in 1911. One page, 12mo, evidently in response to a request for an autograph. "With pleasure / Yours truly / George Alexander". Negligible traces of previous mounting on reverse of blank second leaf.

Autograph note signed to an unnamed male correspondent,

Squire Bancroft
Publication details: 
28 April 1896, with embossment 18 Berkeley Square.

English actor manager (1841-1926), knighted in 1926. One page, 12mo. "We have been obliged to refuse such a great number of very similar requests that I am sure you will understand how impossible it is to make exceptions." Signed "S. B. Bancroft". Small pieces of glued paper from previous mounting on blank reverse.

Autograph note signed to Frank [?],

Johnston Forbes-Robertson
Publication details: 
undated, with letterhead 22 Bedford Square.

English actor-manager (1853-1937), knighted in 1913. One page, 12mo. "Dear Frank, / I am too busy to see you just now, but write me what the business is. - / Yours sincerely / J. Forbes-Robertson." Not in the best of condition: creased, torn and with evidence of previous mounting on blank reverse.

Autograph note signed,

Sir George Alexander (George Alexander Gibb Samson), Theatre Manager
Publication details: 
without date, on letterhead of the St James's Theatre, King Street, St James's.

English actor-manager (1858-1918), knighted in 1911. One page, 12mo. Evidently in response to a request for an autograph. "The Planet / Admirable of you / our friend / George Alexander". Traces of previous mounting on the reverse.

Autograph letter signed to unknown (part of name torn off)

Thomas Welsh
Publication details: 

English actor, vocalist and composer (1781-1848). On epage, 4to, creased and chipped with loss only of part of correspondent's name (which ends "...uin"). A significant letter about the Argyll Rooms, the major musical venue of its time. Letter as follows: "If the Licence formerly held by Col. Greville can thus [?] the interest of his family be obtained for the purpose of acting French plays at the Argyle Rooms.

Autograph note signed to Miss Wheldon,

Marius Goring
Publication details: 
24 November 1925, 55 Fitzroy Row, Regent's Park.

English actor, manager, director (1912-1998). One page, 4to. "Thank you very much for your letter. I enclose three post-cards, hoping that they will be of some use." Miss Wheldon was organising a charity fete. In bad condition: creased and torn, with holes for a ring-binder and annotated with a large ink cross.

Autograph note signed,

Squire Bancroft
Publication details: 
2 October 1879, with embossment of the Garrick Club.

English actor-manager (1841-1926), knighted in 1897. " "I don't pretend to be a particularly good sort of fellow: nor a particularly bad sort of fellow" / Caste. act I. / Jo. / S. B. Bancroft" Bancroft gave one of his finest performances as Captain Hawtree in Caste (1867). Negligible traces of previous mounting on reverse of blank second leaf.

Autograph note signed to Mr [?] Stewart,

Johnston Forbes-Robertson
Publication details: 
no date, with embossment 22 Bedford Square.

English actor-manager (1853-1937), knighted in 1913. One page, 12mo. "My dear Mr Stewart / I am so sorry, but I am engaged next Sunday. I wish it were otherwise. With very kind regards / Believe me to be / Sincerely / J. Forbes-Robertson." Traces of glue and mount on blank reverse.

Autograph letter signed to Sybil Rosenfeld,

William Archer
Publication details: 
4 January 1924, with embossment 27 Fitzroy Square.

Scotch critic and playwright (1856-1924), the Mr Gunn of G. B. Shaw's "Fanny's First Play". One page, 12mo, on the inside of a self-sealing stamped printed envelope addressed in autograph. "Dear Miss Rosenfeld / As I have had no answer to a letter I wrote to Mr Allardyce Nicoll [theatre historian, 1894-1976] some days ago, I imagine he may be out of town. I therefore write to say that I accepted his invitation to address the Mermaid Society on Thursday January 24th."

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