Music and Theatre

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Autograph music signed

Charles Halle.
Publication details: 

Ger.-Eng. pianist and conductor (1819-1895)(DNB). One manuscript page of music, 9"(wide) x 10" (long), no titlel, good condition (extracted from an album). The National Register of Archives records collections of autograph letters but no surviving music by Halle

Manuscript. Funeral oration unsigned.

B.J. Marsollier de Vivetieres.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

French dramatist. One page, 4to, some damage in corner with loss of serval letters and words, with corrections. Note on reverse in different hand make the ascription to Marsollier: "Oraison funebre de Monsieur Marsollier [prononcee?] le 13 Avril 1815 / autographe". Oration to a "femme jeune brillante de joye et de sante pour l'unir a l'epouse qu'elle aimait et qui la rebdue si heureuse que cing ans apres j'erouverai la douleur de lui survivre et de la conduire a la derniere demeure . . . [he wants to do justice to her character which he defines] . . .

Letters, engravings, photographs, newspaper cuttings, etc. assembled by Robert Bateman, relating to the iconography and portraiture of Shakespeare.

[WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE; Robert Bateman; Edward D. Johnson; Marion Harry Spielmann; Frank Falkner; Fred W. Goolden]
Publication details: 
1906-49; various places.

The collection as a whole, with items varying in size from 12mo to quarto, is in good condition, if a shade grubby and with some items on discoloured paper. Features: One letter (13 May 1949, one page, octavo) from E. D. Johnson to 'Mr. Webb'. One letter (21 December 1906, one page, 12mo) from Goolden to Bateman, with copious notes on second leaf of bifoliate. Two letters (9 February 1913 and 2 November 1916, both 12mo, the first of two pages and the second of one page) from M. H. Spielmann to Bateman. One letter (14 February 1913, 3 pages, 12mo) from Fred Falkner to Bateman.

Autograph letter, third person, to Mlle Marie [Julivan?].

Giuseppe Mario, Count of Candia.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Italian Opera Singer (1810-1883), "the most famous tenor of the 19th century. In French. One page, 6" x 5", remains of the album page on which it was laid down on reverse, probably trimmed leaving just the body of the letter as follows: "Monsieru Mario presentes compliment a Mlle Maria [Julivan?] et il est bien {?} de ne pouvoir accepter son invitation ne donnat pas de lecons - il prend la liberte de recommander Mr [Segira?] - avev le quel il a etudie lui meme et qui croit {?] le meilleur [maestro? ??] a Londres."

Typed letter signed "Lionel Britton" to Joan Jefferson Farjeon, scene designed daughter of J. Jefferson Farjeon, detective novelist and playwright. WITH: related correspondence.

Lionel Britton.
Publication details: 
Park House, 66 Tufnell Park Road, London, N7, 1956 - 1959

Novelist and playwright, author of the "flawed masterpiece" "Hunger and Love". Two pages, 8vo, fold marks but good condition, one ms. correction. A substantial letter dated 30 Oct. 1956, in which he reports on a letter from "Miss Black of Curtis Brown Ltd" (literary agents) in which she reports that Miss Farjeon does not want to sign a second agreement for "The Impossible Guest" (novel by Joseph Jefferson Farjeon published in 1949 which Britton presumably adapted for the stage).

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent. En francais.

Octave Feuillet
Publication details: 
[Paris, October 1860].

Dramatist and novelist. One page, 8vo, good condition. In a difficult hand, he says that he has heard from [M. Rey?] that he hasn't concluded his engagement in Brussels and has no interest in the role mapped out except in a few days. He goes on to talk of the work involved in corrections which has prevented him from sending a "manuscript exact". Note: The place and date are written in another hand on the reverse.

Four Autograph Letters Signed to J.T.J. Hewlett, author of "Peter Priggins" and other books.

Edward Stirling
Publication details: 

Edward Stirling (Boase), dramatist and theatre manager, mainly discussing the dramatisation and prospective performance of Hewlett's Peter Priggins - as a farce. Originally from a larger archive, the residue of which is described in #3157 (Hewlett's papers), this and other items appear in my ABE inventory in book id#s 3124-3156.

Literary Record and Bibliography [in manuscript] compiled by his great-nephew Edward Rimbault Dibdin

Thomas John Dibdin
Publication details: 
4to, 1931

The Dictionary of National Biography states that T. J. Dibdin (1771-1841, closely associated with Sadler's Wells, Drury Lane and the Surrey Theatre) wrote 'nearly two thousand songs and about two hundred operas and plays'. This list, which covers the whole of his life from his earliest known work in 1789 to his death in 1841, is compiled with considerable care on the rectos and some of the versos of 79 bound and numbered leaves (most being the letterhead of the North-East Coast Exhibition, of which E. Rimbault Dibdin was the Director).

Autograph Note Signed, one page, 8vo, to an unnamed correspondent

Marie Zimmerman
Publication details: 
8 July (n.y.)

Pianist and composer (1847-1925). She has sent her correspondent a card (invitation) to a concert she is organising on behalf of the Church of St Augustine. She says she has made every effort to make it a success, and has persuaded all the artistes to give their services (free).

Typed Letters Signed (two) to W.G. Raffe, author of "Dictionary of the Dance".

Publication details: 
Brussels6 and 21 Dec. 1949.

Srimathi Mirabai, Indian Classical Dancer - "India's Pavlova". One page each, large 4to, good condition, the second has a representation of an Indian dancer cut from corner (present in first), with some additions in Mirabai's hand. (6 Dec.) She gives information about her activities, the tour, her studies, her performances in India and Ceylon, enclosing a photo (not present). (21 Dec.) She gives some idea of the thinking behind the tour, testing whether Indian Classical Dancing would be successful in London and Europe. Her partner has returned to India but she has her eye on another.

Typed letter signed and one typed note signed, both to Sewell Stokes,

Karel Reisz
Publication details: 
1971 and 1972, both with letterhead 15 Chalcot Gardens, England's Lane.

Film director (1926-), husband of the actress Wendy Hiller (1912-). The note, 9 December, 1971, one page, 4to. "Here is David's response to my cry for help. Could you read it and give me a ring suggesting what should be done next. And please send David's letter back to me. The photo of the poster is, of course, yours." Signed "Karel". The letter, 10 November 1972, one page, 4to. "How nice to have your note. Yes, indeed, I am sending Mother out to work again! What's more with Tony!

autograph signed,

Alfredo Carlo Piatti
Publication details: 
October 1844, Bristol.

Violinist and composer (1822-1901). One page, 12mo, apparently a cutting from a book of autographs, reading "Alfredo Piatti / Bristol 8:bre October 1844, Bristol. 1844". Also present are the signatures of "Mary S Steele / Bristol Oct 1844" and "". According to the DNB Piatti went on a provincial tour following his English debut at Mrs Anderson's concert in London in May 1844.

typed note signed to Mr [?] Burton,

Arthur Wing Pinero
Publication details: 
19 May 1900, with letterhead 63 Hamilton Terrace.

Playwright (1855-1934), knighted in 1909. One page, 8vo. "19th May, 1900. / Dear Mr Burton, / Many thanks. / Yours very truly / Arthur W. Pinero". In bad condition, with tear through signature and paper and glue from mount stuck to reverse.

Autograph Note Signed "E. Augier" to "Monsieur Obermayer /hotel britannique /cour de commerce No.24".

Emile Augier
Publication details: 
No place or date.

French playwright. One page, 8vo, minor defects, text clear and complete, in French as follows: "M. Seuferd [?] me fait le plaisir de dejeuner avec moi; vous seriez fort aimable de venir prendre votre part de ce frugal [?meal of some sort] et cette conversation litteraire." Postscript: "La cene [souligne] se passe chez moi dans mon petit etablisement."

Manuscript (prob. autograph) document signed "Rozet" "A Messieurs Les Membres de la Commission dramatiques". En francais.

Rozet [Philibert?]
Publication details: 
Paris le 8 novembre 1847.

"Ancien auteur dramatique". One page, c.7 x 12", good condition. He requests charity from them again, being ill and unable to work, about to lose his "domicile", debts, etc. In the substantial margin [?] Taylor (poss. I-J-S- Taylor, patron of literature[?]) has supported Rozet's application (3 December 1847) in a note to the Commission.

Autograph Note Signed to

John Oxenford.
Publication details: 
16 St John St, Bedford Row, Monday, no date.

Dramatic author, critic, and translator (see DNB). On epage, 8vo, vestiges of the laying down process, mainly good condition. "My "Virginie" [underlined] is from the Virginie [underlined] of M. Latour de St Ybais - and is the peice in which Rachel played during her first engagement at the St James' - Are you sure there is a Virginie by Ronsard. - He wrote a lucrece [underlined]."

Autograph Letter Signed to Henry Robertson, Secretary, Covent Garden Theatre, together with draft of Robertson's reply.

Publication details: 
T[heatre]. R[oyal]. D[rury] Lane | August 4th 1835'. With red wax Theatre Royal seal.

Theatrical manager (1796?-1860) and poet, manager of Drury Lane and Covent Garden theatres, 1833-48. One page, quarto. Good, but somewhat grubby on lightly-creased, discoloured paper. Reads 'My dear Sir | I do not remember at this moment any point, beyond those we discussed yesterday, that requires adjustment, except the return of £63-4-8 overpaid on the rent account up to July 5th. and the four weeks salaries to your watchmen & firemen from that day up to last Saturday, amounting to £27 - | The balance of the "Warwick Box" is still unpaid.' Signed 'A Bunn'.

Autograph Note Signed to J.G. Wilson, Managing Director of Bumpus's, publishers and booksellers

C.E. Lawrence.
Publication details: 
The Quarterly Review, 50 Albemarle Street, London, W1, 1 November 1932.

Novelist and dramatist. One page, 8vo, good condition. "I was away yesterday - unwell, & today your Bombshell frightens me. Do spare me if possible [all from "Do" underlined] (& certainly if J.M. v. [John Murray V] is there, for he's the one to speak . ..); but Ican't refuse your request if you really want me. There is nothing new to say on the subject of Scott & Q.R."

Autograph Note Signed to L.C.J. Freeman- Matthews.

Brander Mathews.
Publication details: 
Narragansett Pier [printed], Rhode Island, U.S.A.[ms], 18 July 1909.

American literary and dramatic critic. On page, 8vo, good condition, mounted with the envelope and a small printed biography on a piece of card. He says: Always give a good deed the credit of a good motive; - and always give an evil deed the benefit of the doubt."

Autograph Note Signed to "Miss[?] Graham".

Cosmo Hamilton.
Publication details: 
"The World," Limited, 1 York Street, Covent Garden, W.C., 10 March 1905.

Author and dramatist. One page, 8vo, good condition, some corrections in Hamilton's hand. "This story is so good & rings so true a note that the title jars a little. May I ask you to be so kind as to give it another one & to call your characters by more ordinary names?"

Autograph Note Signed "TH Lister" to an unnamed correspondent.

Thomas Henry Lister.
Publication details: 
Kent House, no date.

Novelist and dramatist (see DNB). One page, c.3 x 4", trimmed and laid down on stiffer paper, good condition. Text: I shall be passing your door today between 3 & 4 & propose calling to speak with you if you are likely to be at home then". He suggets he send a reply with the bearer.

Autograph Letter, third person, to "Mr Casey"

Charles Kean,
Publication details: 
Dublin, 30 Dec. 1862

Actor and theatre manager (DNB). One page, some damage marginally affecting the text. He thanks him for his gift of the poem "The Charge of the Light Brigade".

Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Monckton.

Henry Kemble
Publication details: 
Sunday 11th June 1887'; on Garrick Club letterhead.

English comedian (1848-1907), grandson of the actor Charles Kemble. Two pages, 12mo. On grubby, spotted and stained paper. 'I was so sorry to have been prevented coming to you on Sunday last, and also that my absence from town has precluded the possibility of my leaving Cards. I hope I may be more fortunate another time.'

Autograph Letter Signed to Alaric A. Watts, author and editor.

Thomas Noon Talfourd
Publication details: 
Serjeants Inn, 9 [Jan.?] 1845.

Barrister and author, friend of Dickens. Two pages, 8vo, minor defects, text clear and complete. He expresses appreciation of an article by Watts and the sending of a copy of it to him. He had seen the notice in the "[Morning Herald?] and appreciates it the more now he knows the author. In the final paragraph his near illegible hand beats me on key words but it's something to do with Spottiswoode the printer. A note is added in a differenmt hand about Talfourd's writings.Note: perhaps concerning Talfourd's "Vacation Rambles" published that year.

Autograph Note Signed to "[Victorelli?]"

Dolph Levino.
Publication details: 
163 Stamford St, no date.

American born illustrator and writer of burlesques. One page, 8vo, soiled, chipped and creased but text legible and complete. He is upset at his correspondent's circumstances but has to meet "an enormous doctor's bill and am really unable to do what I would be proud to do." He asks him to "share with me what klitle we can spare and we will see what the morrow will bring forth." He anticipates a meeting and hopes for better luck for his correspondent.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'T. Clark Junr. Esq.'

James Sheridan Knowles
Publication details: 
Sheffield, 20th. May, | 1843.'

English dramatist (1784-1862). One page, octavo. Ruckled, and with several closed tears. Reply to request for autograph. Reads 'Dear Sir, | Here it is. | Yours truly, | James Sheridan Knowles.'

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondents.

Léon Goossens
Publication details: 
BBC. | Evesham. | Ware. | 18/3/42'.

English oboist (1897-1988). One page, octavo. Good, on thick laid paper. Pin marks in one corner and neat red stamp '20 MAR 1942'. He 'would like to see the proofs of the Mozart Quartet to check up the crescendo's and diminuendos just in case they are not correct.' He agrees with the 'scheme of marking only the parts'. 'With regard to Boughton's times I have them safe, I hope to play them in the near future but am rather at the mercy of the BBC.'

Autograph Letter Signed to T[homas]. F[rederick]. Dillon Croker.

Eliza Johnstone
Publication details: 
Tooles Theatre | Strand'. No date, but in envelope postmarked 15 July 1876.

British actress (born c. 1836). In the 1881 census Johnstone features as a visitor in the house of the actor-manager John Laurence Toole (1830-1906). Three pages, 12mo. Good, though grubby and with a few stains. In envelope with penny red stamp and black wax seal, addressed to Croker at 9 Pelham Place, Brompton. 'I return your book my father having complied with your request | I can not tell you the great pleasure I received in looking over your lovely collection. It is so good it makes one almost envious.' Signed 'Eliza Johnstone'.

Three Autograph Letters Signed to 'Dear Mat'.

Edward Dubois [Du Bois]
Publication details: 
Two without date or place; the third dated 'Gower Place | Euston Sq[uar]e | Wedn[esda]y.'

English wit and man of letters (1774-1850). All three letters in octavo and skilfully mounted onto quarto paper. Two letters of three pages and one of two pages. All three in very good condition. Playful, witty communications to an intimate friend, characteristic of a droll, caustic wit, 'capital at the dinner table', who 'loved a joke, even in court' (Dictionary of National Biography). LETTER ONE (2 pages): Declines an invitation.

Autograph Letter Signed to J.T.J. Hewlett, author of "Peter Priggins" and other books.

Frederick Yates
Publication details: 

Frederick Yates (DNB), actor-manager, making a suggestion to make something (a play) of his "sketch" (perhaps an episode later used in Peter Priggins?). Originally from a larger archive, the residue of which is described in #3157 (Hewlett's papers), this and other items appear in my ABE inventory in book id#s 3124-3156.

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