Music and Theatre

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Autograph Letter Signed to J.T.J. Hewlett, author of "Peter Priggins" and other books.

Frederick Yates
Publication details: 

Frederick Yates (DNB), actor-manager, making a suggestion to make something (a play) of his "sketch" (perhaps an episode later used in Peter Priggins?). Originally from a larger archive, the residue of which is described in #3157 (Hewlett's papers), this and other items appear in my ABE inventory in book id#s 3124-3156.

Typed Letter Signed to 'Mr Davis'.

Leslie George Cole, 'The Great Levante | FAMOUS AUSTRALIAN ILLUSIONIST'
Publication details: 
1 October 1954; on letterhead.

Australian magician and escapologist (1892-1978). One page, 8vo. Very good, but with some loss to edge by removal from mount. Letterhead reads 'THIRD WORLD TOUR | The Great Levante | FAMOUS AUSTRALIAN ILLUSIONIST | WITH HIS MAGICAL EXTRAVAGANZA "HOW'S TRICKS" | This Week: [Chelsea Palace, | London.] | Next Week: [Town Hall, | Pontypridd.]' He thanks him for his letter, returns his card, and encloses a photograph as requested.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Charlotte Helen Sainton-Dolby
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

English contralto singer (1821-85). Signature on piece of paper of irregular shape (practically oval): roughly nine centimeters by four centimeters at the widest points. In poor condition: on paper discoloured by age and glue from previous mounting, and with hole and closed tear slightly affecting signature. Reads 'Your's very truly | Charlotte H Dolby', so presumably predating the singer's marriage in 1860.

Photograph with manuscript inscription (prob. not Guitry's hand) on reverse 'Pour <h?>r. Her [sic] Barman de la Passable <ebr.?>'.

Sacha Guitry
Publication details: 

French actor and dramatist (1885-1957). Dimensions roughly 7 inches by 9 inches. In good condition though somewhat grubby, with 'SACHA GUITRY in 1939' in manuscript written in white ink on Guitry's collar. A striking head and shoulders portrait, shot from below out of doors, of Guitry staring intently ahead and to the left. He wears a white panama hat with black band, a patterned tie, dark shirt and grey jacket with specks. Gum marks from previous mounting around edges of reverse.

Autograph Note Signed to [?] Locker [Arthur Locker or Frederick Locker-Lampson]

Charles Hamilton Aidé [Aide, Aïdé]
Publication details: 
Without date; on letterhead 'Aston Clinton, | Tring.'

Author and musician (1826-1906), described by Louise Jopling as 'a rich bachelor' and 'a noted figure in the seventies'. 1 page, 16mo. In good condition despite slight creasing and discoloration. Letterhead in green and black ink. Reads 'My dear Locker, | Many thanks - I will meet you at the Athenaeum at 3 o'Ck. on Tuesday - I have done, & shall do nothing till then. | Every yrs. | Hamilton Aïdé'.

Autograph letter signed to Mr [Otto] Haas, dealer in musical autographs?]

Ebenezer Prout
Publication details: 
26 February 1879, 12 Greenwood Road, Dalston.

Musical composer, organist and theorist (1835-1909). Two pages, 8vo, minor defects fold mark (notoiceable fold marks on blank last page, one or two faint spots, white paper, black ink, original, mainly very good condition. In answer to a novel enquiry. "In reply to your letter I write to say that I have today made enquiries about a silent piano, and find that no such instrument as you describe is to be produced ready-made. There is no mechanism by which a silent piano could be made to give a faint sound; and what your customer wants is, I think, impossible.

Letter Signed to 'E Moran Esqre | Globe Office'.

John Kemble Chapman
Publication details: 
Saturday M[ornin]g' (no date); no place.

English writer on the theatre. The Globe was a London newspaper, founded in 1803. 1 page, 8vo. In good condition: neatly folded and with one small hole to the first leaf of the bifoliate, affecting one letter of one word of text.

Autograph Signature of Pepper and part of Autograph Signature of Brewster.

John Henry Pepper and Sir David Brewster
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Pepper (1821-1800) was an illusionist and educationist, famous for 'Pepper's Ghost', his 'spectral optical illusion' exhibited in 1862, illustrating Charles Dickens's 'Haunted Man'. Brewster (1781-1868) was a natural philosopher and academic administrator. On a clean, lightly-creased piece of paper, dimensions approximately 3 1/2 inches by 1 1/4 inches. Traces of previous mounting on reverse. Reads 'John H Pepper | Hony Director | <...>d Brewster F R. S | &'. Pepper was the Honorary Director of the Royal Polytechnic in Regent's Street.

Autograph Letter Signed to Egerton Grey.

Teresa del Riego
Publication details: 
12 January 1937; on letterhead '18, HOLLYCROFT AVENUE, N.W.3. | TEL: HAMPSTEAD 0055.'

British composer (1876-1968) of light classical music and singer. 16mo. 2 pages. In good condition, with one neat vertical crease and one dog-eared corner. She thanks him for the 'charming lyrics'. 'I don't think I had better embark on any more at present, as I find it increasingly difficult to get things published, & my Store of MSS. is very large!' The two letters of his that she has are signed 'Grey' and she will be interested to see his 'real signature'. She wonders whether he has a spare copy of 'A recall'.

Autograph Signature

Tom Mix
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but docketed '1925'.

Movie cowboy (1880-1940) whose real name was Thomas Hezekiah Mix. Dimensions approximately 2 inches by 3 inches, with the signature 'Tom Mix,' in blue ink and approximately 1 1/2 inches long. In good condition although the 'om' of 'Tom' slightly smudged, and with a small brown stain above the tip of the 'T'. Mounted on an irregularly-shaped piece of blue card, docketed '93 | Famous Cinema Star | noted particularly for His wonderful riding and His famous horse Tony'.

Autograph Note Signed to A. Durham.

Martin Archer Shee.
Publication details: 
Cavendish Squate, no date.

Irish artist and writer (DNB). One page, 8vo, good condition. He cannot accept an invitation because the event clkashes with a meeeting of the Dilettante Society to which he is committed.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Maitland'.

Erminia Rudersforff
Publication details: 
Monday morning'; on letterhead '15, Marlborough Road, | St. John's Wood, | N.W.'

Anglo-German soprano vocalist, mother of Richard Mansfield. 2 pages, 16mo. Grubby and creased, but in good condition overall. Written in purple ink in a small tight hand. She wonders whether the Maitlands have 'set me down by this time as the most illmannered and ungratefull of all beings', or if they know what she has been doing since they sent her 'the information about Liverpool'. After the evening they spent together she 'had the children home, your kind information came and I discussed the matter with Harry'.

Autograph Note Signed to [Walter Sydney] Sichel.

Arthur Cecil Blunt, actor
Publication details: 
4 December 1888; on card with letterhead of the Beefsteak Club, King William Street, Strand, W.C.

English actor (1843-96) under the name 'Arthur Cecil'. 1 page, dimensions 3 1/2 inches by 4 1/2 inches. In good condition though dusty. He thanks him for his kind note, and says that if he 'may keep my little contribution in reserve for a bit' he 'will certainly bear it in mind & shall hope to turn you out something before very long'. Signed 'Arthur C Blunt'.

Autograph Note Signed to J. Winston.

Daniel Terry
Publication details: 
12 August 1825; 13 Alfred Place.

English actor and playwright (1780?-1829). 1 page, 16mo, on bifoliate with address ('J. Winston Esqr | 3 Church Street | Cov Garden') on reverse of second leaf. Paper discoloured, otherwise in good condition. 'Dear Winston | Will you be kind enough to give the bearer an order for Two to the H Mkt [Haymarket] for the Evening. I am Dr Sir | Yrs very truly | Danl Terry'. Wrapped in 4to piece of paper on which are transcribed in a neat contemporary hand two quotations regarding Terry from the European Magazine.

2 Autograph Letters Signed and 1 Typed Letter Signed to Mrs Roscoe.

Mabel Constanduros
Publication details: 
18 April 1944 and 17 April 1945, both handwritten on letterhead 9 Wetherby Gardens, London, S.W.5; typewritten letter of 11 November 1947, on letterhead 10 Egerton Gardens, S.W.3.

Humourist, actress and radio comedienne, originator of the Buggins Family. All three letters are 8vo, and in good condition, but all have damage to one corner caused by rusting paperclip. In the first letter she thanks her correspondent for 'the little books [...] I am a great lover of poetry, and like learning verse by heart. I used to do it in the early days of war to keep myself from worrying too much'. She has visited Stationers' Hall. Letter 2 is a note declining an invitation to a party.

Signed printed 'Memorandum of Agreement', with typewritten additions, between the author Bill Adler and Anthony Blond Limited for 'a work provisionally entitled "LOVE LETTERS TO THE BEATLES" '.

Publication details: 
25 August 1964; London.

4 pages on 4to bifoliate. Several printed clauses deleted, and with the terms inserted in typescript. Two signatures: one is Adler's and the other, illegible, is probably Blond's. A typewritten additional clause appoints Scott Meredith Inc. of New York as his literary agents. According to the British Library catalogue 'Love Letters to the Beatles. Selected by B. Adler. Illustrated by Osborn.' was published by Blond in 1964.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Sewell'.

Ronald Harwood
Publication details: 
21 June 1974; on letterhead of the Midland Hotel, Peter Street, Manchester.

English playwright (born 1934). 1 page, 8vo. In good condition. He thanks his correspondent for 'your sweet first night telegram which was so much appreciated and so very welcome. | We have had our problems and crises but all seems now to be under control (touching wood, or any other object that protects the rash!) Please come and see it in London.' Signed 'R Harwood'.

Typed Letter Signed to the Rev. Dr. R. D. Daunton-Fear.

Douglas Fairbanks, Junior
Publication details: 

American film actor. 1 page, 8vo. In good condition with some minor creasing. He was interested in his correspondent's comments, in a letter of 14 August, regarding the parish church of St George's at Gravesend. 'I, like so many others, am familiar with the church and its association with Pocahontas.

Approximately fifty Autograph and Typed Letters Signed to Laurence Rivers, Inc., along with cuttings, etc., concerning Segall's play 'Lost Horizons'.

Harry Segall on Broadway
Publication details: 
Most from New York on various dates in 1934.

Lost Horizons by Harry Segall (1897-1975) opened at the St James Theatre on Broadway on 15 October 1934. An impressive testament to the efficient marketing of mainstream entertainment in early-twentieth-century America. Laurence Rivers, Inc., of 19 West 44th Street, New York City, were clearly the play's publicists, and the majority of these letters are from the representatives of various religious organisations in New York, thanking William Fields of the company for the gift of free tickets.

Autograph Letter Signed to [?] Jerrold.

Henry Arthur Jones
Publication details: 
25 August 1900; Wivelsfield, Kew Road, Richmond.

English playwright (1851-1929; DNB). 1 page, 12mo. In good condition, with negligible spotting. He will be ready the following Saturday and, as far as he knows, the one after as well. Apologises for not being able to 'get to your place, as I had hoped. But for the past for fortnight I have been on some work at the "Mail" office which meant my going earlier than usual.' Sends best wishes for 'a good time', and his regards to Mrs Jerrold. Signed 'Hry Arthur Jones'.

Autograph Letter with illegible signature, to 'Frederick'

Publication details: 
25 September 1903; on letterhead, 'Hydrographic Department, Admiralty, London, S.W.', with oval Admiralty blind stamp of anchor at head.

1 page, 16mo. Creased and discoloured, with holes and loss caused by pin, and with strip at foot loose and neatly reattached with archival tape. Stamped in blue 'HYDROGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT | 28 SEP. 1903'. Reads 'Dear Frederick | I see by the paper on Labuan sent over here that you have had a chart showing where Tanjong Batu &c is situated - Can you let me have this | Yours sincerely | '. Docketed in red at foot 'Chart Herewith Decr. 26/9'. Docketed on rerverse in blue pencil.

Autograph Signature.

Charles Albert Fecther
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

English actor and dramatist (1824-79; DNB). On slip of paper, 1½ inches by 4 inches, probably cut from letter. Discoloration to two corners caused by mounting. Paper creased and with almost imperceptible closed tear. Florid and attractive signature. Neatly docketed in pencil on reverse.

Autograph Card Signed to unnamed correspondent.

Victor Silvester
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

English ballroom dancing champion and bandleader (1900-78). Dimensions: 2½ inches by 4 inches. In good condition, with traces of mount adhering to otherwise-blank reverse. Reads 'With best wishes | from | Victor Silvester'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter to Thomas Dibdin.

Robert William Elliston
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Actor and lessee of the Surrey Theatre (1774-1831; DNB). The recipient is the songwriter and dramatist Thomas John Dibdin (1771-1841; DNB). 2¼ inches by 4¼. Creased, grubby and with a closed tear not affecting signature. Reads 'meeting. - | Yrs | Dr Sir | very truly | R W Elliston | To | Thos Dibdin | &c &c &c'.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Thomas Herbert Reynoldson
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

English dramatist (fl. 1882; see Boase's 'Modern English Biography'). 1 page, on slip of paper 1½ inches by 4. Grubby and creased, and attached to another piece of paper, docketed in pencil. 'Dr Sir / I amin very good hopes of getting played very shortly - I think at Covent Garden. | Yrs siny | T H Reynoldson | Being sorely off for cash I shall feel very much indebted for the 13/- this morning. -'

Autograph Signature on fragment addressed to Frederick Ouvry.

Charles Albert Fechter
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Anglo-French actor best remembered for having presented Charles Dickens with the Swiss chalet he erected in the garden at Gadshill and in which he wrote Great Expectations. The recipient was a lawyer and antiquary. The signature is on a slip approximately two inches by four and a half, presumably part of a letter or envelope, and laid down on a piece of card. Miniscule loss to part of slip, but text unaffected. Inscribed 'Fred. Ouvry Esq. | Ch. Fechter', with the signature underlined and overlined by Fechter.

Four Autograph Letters Signed to Edward Draper.

William Ball
Publication details: 
21 March 1848; 5 January 1856; 22 January 1856; 6 August 1862; the first three letters from 5 Upper York Street, Bryanstone Square; the last from 5 St James's Terrace, Clarendon Road, Notting-Hill, W.

According to Frederic Boase's Modern English Biography William Ball (1785-1869) was the composer of 'hundreds of comic and sentimental songs', the most famous of which, 'Jack's lament for the loss of his tail', being 'one of the most popular songs of the day ever written'. All four letters 16mo, that of 22 January 1856 of 8 pages and the others of 4 pages. All are somewhat grubby with minor spotting but the overall condition is good. An extremely informative and intimate correspondence in a very close hand.

Autograph letter signed to J.H. Burn, Bookseller, King Street, Covent Garden, London.

Daniel Terry.
Publication details: 
T[heatre] R[oyal], Cheltenham, 3 June 1827.

One page, 4to, fold marks, text clear and complete.

typed letter signed to theatrical bookseller I. F. Fletcher

Sir Donald Sinden
Publication details: 
1p, 8vo, on letterhead 60 Temple Fortune Lane, London, N.W.11

English thespian. Thanks Fletcher for his catalogue of autograph letters of nineteenth-century actors. 'I doubt if I will be able to get in before Christmas but hope to see you and them as soon as possible.' Signed 'Donald Sinden'. Creased and with some unobtrusive calculations on the reverse.

autograph note signed

Henry Arthur Jones
Publication details: 
1p, 8vo, 4 February 1928, on letterhead 19 Kidderpore Avenue, Hampstead, N.W.3

English playwright. 'Faithfully yours | Henry Arthur Jones | Feby 4/28'. Pasted to a piece of docketed card. Damp stained.

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